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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Lukismes, -mas, Loukismes, Luxmes, n. Also: luks-, loukes-, lowk(y)s-, loucksmes, -mas(se, luikismes. The festival of St. Luke, 18th Oct. (Also Lukemes, Luke-, Lukis-day.)Chiefly or only used in south-western and southern Scotland, where it was a customary date for the payment of debts and other dues. Also attrib. with -dett.In Rutherglen, the date of one of the annual fairs: see also Lukis-day.(a) 1439 Ayr B. Ct. 4 May.
Thai crawit best that the day of the payment suld be at Luxmes
1470 Prestwick B. Rec. 15.
[Swine] to be in bande fra beltane till Luxmes
1476 Ib. 18.
[Beasts to be kept out of the corn] fra the anunciacioun of our lady or fra the borow landis be sawyn quhill Luxmes or quhil the corne be innyt
1590 Lanark B. Rec. 97.(b) 1485 Lennox Mun. 126.
Payand … thre scor of … merkis … betuix Lukismes and Mertymes
1552 Boyd Fam. P. No. 39 (16 March).
Payand … thre bollis beir … to the place ȝerlie at Lukismes
1576 Glasgow B. Rec. (M.C.) 61.
[Coal used in the council-house] about Lukismes
1590 Glasgow B. Rec. I. 153. 1596 Glasg. Presb. in Misc. Maitl. C. I. 83.
For performing of mariage … abetuix and Lukismas nixt tocum
1597 Edinb. Test. XXXI. 119.
[Payable] at Lukismes nixt
1645 Edinb. Antiq. Mag. (1848) 122.
1661 Acts VII. 239/2.
In regaird the said burgh [sc. Rutherglen] hath bot tuo faires in the yeer viz. Trinity tuisday & Luksmes
1688 Cunningham Diary 23.
300 pound to be payed at Luksmass next
(c) 1532 Glasg. Prot. IV. 51.
vj merk to be paeit … betuix and Lowkysmes nixt to cum
1536–7 Ib. 103. 1576 Glasgow B. Rec. (M.C.) 61.
1619 Rutherglen B. Ct. I. 29 Oct.
The trone sett to David Riddell for xxiiij lb. being at Loukismes last
1627 Glasgow Weavers 54.
To weif the samin against Loucksmes nixt
1671 Corshill Baron Ct. 95. 1681 Glasgow B. Rec. III. 307.
Tallou or candle … bowght since … Lowksmes last
1691 Ib. IV. 34.attrib. 1583 Hunter Fam. P. (S.R.S.) 31.
Be Charles Boyd … of the Loukismes dett viij lib. money
(d) 1582 Ayrsh. & Gall. Coll. VI. 217.
At Luikismes nixt

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"Lukismes n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 27 Jul 2024 <>



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