A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1971 (DOST Vol. IV).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Morwyngift, -gyft, Moruyng-gift, Mor(r)owing-. gift, n. [f. ME. morwen, OE. morȝen (see Morn(e. n.) + Gift: cf. early ME. morȝen-ȝiue (13th c.), OE. morȝen-ȝifu (ME. also morȝeve, morw(e)-ȝyve, morrowȝyfe, etc.); cf. also Morowing n.] A settlement or endowment of money or property given by the husband to the wife on the morning after the marriage: see Morning-gift n.(a) 14.. Acts I. 25/2.
The ayre sall hafe the tothir halfe of the hevyd hous … and this I say gif the wyffe hafe nane othir morwyngyft, and gif scho hafe othir morwyngyft scho sall ioys it and the ayre the hevyd hous Ib. II. 240/1.
Our souerane lord … confirmit the donation and gift of our souerane lady the qwenis drowry & morwyngift 1542 Liber Offic. S. Andree 143.
Et valorem earundem dicte quondam Marjorie per prefatum Dauid ad fores ecclesie in lie moruyng gift promissarum(b) 1592 Acts III. 565/1.
The morowing gift gevin be his hienes to his darrest spous 1593 Ib. IV. 24/2.
Immediatlie efter the mariage contractit and solempnizatt betuix the King and Quenis maiesties … his hieness … gaif, grantit and confirmit to hir in form of morrowing gift all and haill the lordschip of Dumfermling [etc.] Ib. 27/1.
Scho sall nocht deteriorat hir said morrowing gift or other hir lyfrent landis and leving be hir deid and occasioun
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"Morwyngift n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 22 Dec 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/morwyngift>