A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1971 (DOST Vol. IV).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Muld(e, Muild, n.2 Also: muled, mwild, muyld, moold. [Corresp. to ME. mold(e Mold n.2 The change of vowel is difficult to account for: ? cf. late ME. (1428) and e.m.E. moold(e.]
1. A mould or matrix for casting or founding.(a) 1496 Treas. Acc. I. 295.
For muldis to cast the plumbis in, viij s. 1496 Ib. 320.
Giffin to a man to tak mesour of muldis of diuers gunnys to send in Frans to mak pellokis of irne, xvj d. 1504–5 Ib. II. 474.
For ane bassin of tyn to wesch the Kingis feit in … for making of the muld to the samyn 1508 Ib. IV. 110. 1538 Ib.VII 28.
Gevin for ane bow for pellokis the gidder wytht jm stanis and ane muld to the Kingisgrace 1540 Ib. 360.
For expens debursit be him upoun clay, flokis, wyre, hair … and uthir necessaris upoun the making of ane new muld for ane double cullvering 1542 Ib. VIII. 126.
Upoune the drying and setting of the mulde and spindill, clengeing of the sink and rynnyng of the mettell 1558 Ib. X. 437. 1565 Ib. XI. 352.
To David Rowane, maister meltar, for his laubouris in making of the muld of ane brasin firlote 1593 Cart. S. Nich. Aberd. II. 395.
Causit Andro Myll vrytht mak ane new muld with messoris and strakis therto … to cast the kirk leid [etc.](b) 1539 Treas. Acc. VII. 223.
Gevin to foure menne wirkand in the gun hous apoun the gun muldis … and … upoun the muyldis of thair chalmeris Ib. 228.
Muyldis of pilleis 1574 Edinb. Test. III. 209.
Fiftie spynnillis of clay & tymmer that muildis is maid on 1606 Aberd. Council Lett. IV. 294.
Item tua muilds for macking off cartheges 1608 Edinb. B. Rec. VI. 41.
For making the muild of the badges 1616 M. Works Acc. (ed.) II. 19.
For ane grit ferr jeist to … the plumber to be leggis to his muild
b. With qualifying words,as, catrich (= cartridge), furneis Furnas n., gun (see also Gun n. 2), plate, pot.1540–1 Treas. Acc. VII. 491.
Twa patronis to mak the gun muledis on, price thairof viij li. 1541–2 Ib. VIII. 124.
Gun mulde 1641 Edinb. Test. LIX. 270.
Irone work as pottis and furneis muildis of tyld 1674 Edinb. B. Rec. X. 171.
Catrich muilds spounge naills
2. A pattern used by builders as a guide in shaping mouldings etc., a templet.Also mason-muld, and attrib. with cupill Cuppill n.1529 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I. 4.
For … ane halfest land burd sawing for mwildis to the maister masoun for founding of durris and eismentis 1530 Ib. 37.
For tikkattis for mason muldis ii d. 1617 Ib. II. 79.
For making muldis to the plaisterers 1618 Ib. 95.
For ten dayes wark in making of a sled, hors stallis … maissones muildisattrib. 1532 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I. 98.
For ane lyne to the wrychtis for musering of the mulde cupill
3. Form, pattern, make; also fig., kind, sort.1627 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 269.
Quhilk sax demeculverins … ar of the last newe muld of Ingland 1657 Nicoll Diary 206.
Tending to bring in pepill of his awin cunȝie and muild to be magistratis
4. Comb. in moold-maker.1638 Edinb. Marriages 101.
James Buncle, moold-maker