A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1983 (DOST Vol. V).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Perling, Peirling, Pearl-, Pairling, n. Also: perll-, peirll-, pairle- and -in(e, -ein(e. [In the mod. dial. as pearlin etc.; f. or f. as Perle n.2 Only Sc.Cf. also Purlin.]
a. = Perle n.2 (twisted gold or silver wire used as ornamental edging). b. A kind of lace of thread or silk, used for trimming garments, cloths or the like. = e.m.E. (1611) and mod. Eng. purl, mod. Eng. pearl (1824). c. An edging of pearling or purl.(1) 1593 Edinb. Test. XXV. 192 b.
xvij dosone of perling at viij s. the dossone 1597 Bk. Rates 8 b (see Perle n.2).
Perling 1603 Montgomery Mem. 251 (see Comin(g) cloth n.).
Perllin 1605 Edinb. Test. XL. 314 b.
lx elnes quhyt perling at iij li. the scoir 1611 McKay Kilmarnock 308.
Heid scheittis … schewit with quhyet vork and perling 1612 Bk. Rates (Halyb.) 323.
Perling called sewing perling of the narrow … middle … braid sort 1632 14th Rep. Hist. MSS. App. 235.
Ane approne … with sylver ribbin and sylver perline schowit with sylver 1634 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. II. 423.
Sevin paire of sheetis with perling 1644 Spalding II. 312.
On everie elne of importit perlling of threid or of silk 1646 Sc. Hist. Rev. XXX. 150.
Grene silk to sew upon them perling quhilk cam aff some of his mothers auld clothis 1647 Ib. 151.
18 elne of silk perling for hir goune(b) 1566 Treas. Acc. XI. 493.
xlix elnis of fyne peirling the elne xij d. Ib. XII. 12.
lxj elnis of quhit peirling 1599 Ib. MS. 27.
Threttene eln of dantylling peirlling of gold to put about the said caming claith 1602 Ib. 205.
Heich peirling to his mutchis … small peirling 1606 Tailor's Acc. Bk. A. 48.
v quarteris of peirlein of gold to ȝow at xls. the el 1639 Acts V. (1870) 597/2.
Anent the article against the patent graunted to James Bannatyne for the peirling(c) 1611 Edinb. Test. XLVI. 252.
Thrie vnce … of silk pearling at iiij merk the vnce 1621 Acts IV. 625/2.
That no persoun of whatsoeuir degrie sal have pearling or ribbening vpoun thair ruffes sarkis neipkines and sokkis except the persouns before priuiledged. And the pearling and ribbening … to be of those made within the kingdome of Scotland 1633 Cochran-Patrick Coinage II. 91.
These merchandis who trades in Ingland … bringes home sometymes … gold and siluer pearling and embroyderies whilk [etc.] 1636 Aberd. B. Rec. III. 98.
That the same [sc. schools] be for learning of bairnes to sew and wywe pearling allanerlie 1639 Acts V. (1870) 599/2.
The article against Mr. Mellwillis patent of pearling ?a1640 Copie of a Baron's Court (1821) 34.
Pearline 1641 Acts V. (1870) 347/2.
Aganes the … patent granted to James Bannatyne in Leith anent the pearling Ib. 348/1. 1644 Edinb. Test. LXI. 2 b.
Ane riche chalmer gowne of greine sateine lyned with pane & gold & silver pearleine 1647 Acts VI. i. 727/2.
For all sortis of … ribbens pearling leace and posmantis of silk silver gold worsett or threid … imported for sale 1664 Misc. Maitl. C. II. 519.
For 12 ellis of pearline for my ladie at 20 s. the ell(d) 1634 Tailor's Acc. Bk. B. 32.
Ane cloik … of Lowndane claith wroicht with pairleing 1641 Edinb. Test. LIX. 286.
Certane gold and silver pairling and freinȝeis vpricht and counterfott(2) 1586 Edinb. Test. XVI. 126 b.
Ane dossoun of quhyte perlingis price xij s. 1637 Ib. LVIII. 216 b.
I leave to … my dochter the rest of my pairlingis togidder with the pellett of pairlingis 1649 Ib. LXIV. 256 b.
Ane orienge taffetie pitticoat with ane silver pearling
d. Attrib. and comb.(1) 1589 Edinb. Test. XXI. 89.
Tua vnce … of fyne perling threid price of the vnce x s. 1615 Thanes of Cawdor 238.
2 pair of perlin gartinis 1622 Edinb. Test. LI. 220 b.
Thrie pairling bobbines Ib.
Thrie pairling codis pryce of all thrie pundes Ib.
xlix pund wecht … of quheyt pairling threid 1625 Ib. LIII. 17 b.
Ten paiper of pairling preinis 1628 Ib. LIV. 356.
xxxviij dossone of perling preines at iij lib. the dossone 1631 Ib. LV. 35.
Sex pairling codes at xij s. the peice(2) 1638 Moses Bundle No. 25, 1033 in Bk. Old Edinb. C. XXXI. 176.
Prenteisses … to the said Marioune Campbell to hir airt and calling of peirling weiving
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"Perling n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 18 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/perling>