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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1983 (DOST Vol. V).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Petito(u)r, a. (n.) Also: -oure, -ur(e, -er; petitiour; petatour. [F. pétitoire n. (14th c. in Wartburg), attrib. in action pétitoire (1549), L. petītōrius petitory. Cf. Petitorya., also 17th c. Eng. petitor rendering the Latin (1613), candidate (1655).] a. = Petitory a. b. noun A petitioner. = Petent n.a. 1453 Stirlings of Keir 226.
Fra al rycht titil and clame of rycht bath petitour and possessour
1465 Buccleuch Mun. II. 67.
1509 Montgomery Mem. 72.
The said Erle of Glencarn … sall renunce … all richt and titill of richt, petitiour or possessour, that he … haid tharto
1528 Inchcolm Chart. 63. 1534 Ecclesia Antiqua 305.
And … ourgave all his rycht claim petitour and possessioun … of the tenement of land [etc.]
1541 Frasers of Philorth II. 242.
1554 Acts II. 601/2.
1558 Glasgow Prot. II. 55.
James Maxwell … ovirgaif all reycht … propertie and possessioune als weile petitour as possessour … in and to ane pece lande
1560 Douglas Corr. 366. 1564 Liber Scon 208.
1567–8 Reg. Privy S. VI. 35/2.
1589 Burntisland B. Ct. 4 July. 1607 Orkney & Shetl. Rec. I. 233. 1614 Ayr Chart. 148.
I … frelie assigne … all richt titill … and possessioun alsweill petitour as possessour
1621 Acts IV. 690/1.
1670 Douglas of Morton 249.b. 1596 Cal. Sc. P. XII. 422.
[That no man may presume to be] petiter [in that cause]

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"Petitor adj.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 27 Jul 2024 <>



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