A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. IX).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Smaik, Smak(e, n.1 Also: smaike, smaick, smayk, smeik, smyk. Pl. also smaix. [Perhaps f. Norw. dial. smeik a fawner, toady, MDu., MLG smeiker a flatterer. Cf. Icel. smeykinn, smeykligr insinuating, cringing. Also in the later dial.] A low, mean, or contemptible fellow; a rogue, ruffian. Also attrib.(a) c1450-2 Howlat 825 (A).
The barde smaddit lyke a smaik smorit in a smedy 1535 Stewart 51134.
Out of Ingland rycht mony smaik and schrewis Into Scotland King Edward send 1540 Lynd. Sat. 1868 (Ch.).
Me thocht them ay thrie verie smaiks [sc. Flattery, Deceit and Falsehood] 1546 St. P. Henry VIII V 571.
Quhen I wret to ȝour lordschip … I knew nocht that smaikis falset 1554 Dundee B. Ct. II fol. 308 (14 June).
Villiem Scrymgeour grantit in jugisment that he callit Rob Jak smaik at his awyn bwyth dur 1561 St. A. Kirk S. 86.
That fals, dissaitfull, gredy, and dissimblit smayk a1568 Pedder C. 55.
Syne lokkis thame [sc. cakes] vp, and takis a faik, … And eitis thame in the buith that smaik a1578 Pitsc. I 283/4.
Bastard smaike thou lies 1588 Burntisland B. Ct. 31 May.
Thai had miscallit him with theiff knaiff and smaik a1651 Calderwood VI 49.
Smaikepl. 1540 Lynd. Sat. 1320.
I think for me thay hursoun smaikis Thay serve richt weill to get thair paikis 1558-66 Knox I 73.
Thay smaikis do sett their haill intent, To reid this English New Testament 1576 Bk. Univ. Kirk I 377.
Some forge causes of adultery … in hope of a new marriage, which daily they attain unto be some hyreling smaikes [sc. ministers], who are but suspended therefor for a while a1578 Pitsc. II 9/23.
Fallowis and lownis and onhonest smaikis that knew nocht quhat thay did 1585–6 Melvill in Misc. Wodrow Soc. 438.
The king … triumphing over the ministers and calling them lownes, smaicks, seditious knaves, and so furth — 15.. Christis Kirk 192 (B).
Qod he quhair ar ȝone hangit smaix [M. smaikis; rh. aix, glaikis, paikis] Rycht now wald slane my bruder(b) c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 113.
Quhen the smy one me smyrkis with his smake [M. smaik] smolet 1513 Doug. viii Prol. 133 (Sm.).
Quod I, Smak, lat me sleip; Sym Skynnar thé hing 1565 Prestwick B. Rec. 69.
Callen hym ane common theyf and ane theyf smak(c) 1563–4 Inverness Rec. I 110.
Fye on your false feinȝeit smekis that ye ar(d) 1578–9 Glasgow B. Rec. (MC) 109.
For iniuring of the officiars … in calling of thame lowsy smyksattrib. 1525 Aberd. B. Rec. MS XV p. 613 (Jam.).
Smaik carll, I sell lay vpoun thi lyppis 1541 Elgin Rec. I 61.
Mergarat Sadlar wrangit calland Androu Gibsone, officiar, smake carell
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"Smaik n.1". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 7 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/smaik_n_1>