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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Succar, Suckar, Sugar, n. Also: succer, -o(u)r, -ur(e, sucur, sucre, (sucrer), sucker, suker, -ir, sukker, -oure, soker, suckour, suckert, sukkert, sugare, -er, -our, suggar, -er, -ir, -our, (suchir), sou-, sowgar, souggour, sewgor, seug(g)ar, schugger, shugar, -ir, shugger, shougar, shewgar, sheugar, zuccour, zucker, zokkar, -our, zoukeour, zeoukeor. [ME and e.m.E. sucar (1289-90), zuker (c1299), sucre (a1310), zukur (c1330), seukere, suger(e (both Chaucer), sugur (c1400), suggir (c1440-1), sewger (1491), suggar (1562), sugar (1592), shugar (1682), OF sucre (late 13th c. in Larousse), med. L. suc(u)rum, suc(a)ra, sugra, MDu. suker, sucker, MLG sucker.]

1. Sugar, generally.For further examples see Candeit adj., Lafe n.1 2 and Lofe n. b; also Acts XII Index, s.v. Sugar. 1328 Exch. R. I 96.
[Decem libras zucare
1328 Exch. R. I 97.
Sexaginta sex libras … de zucara
1364 Exch. R. II 182.
Per empcionem quadringentarum triginto quatuor librarum, cum quartario, zucure, xlij li. xviij d.
1525 Household Bks. Jas. V 67, 68.
ij vncie zuccour … viij libre zuccure
1526 Household Bks. Jas. V 79.]
(a) 1496 Halyb. 15.
25 cassis sucur
1496 Treas. Acc. I 284.
For viij pund and x vnce of succour to the king
1498 Halyb. 206.
Item bocht … a kyst off sucur cost 3½ gis. the li.
1506 Treas. Acc. III 209.
Item, for ij pund succour [to] the potingair of Sanctandrois to mak conserva of borage
1549 Compl. 145/25.
Spicis, eirbis, drogis, gummis, & succur for to mak exquisit electuars to prouoke the pepil til ane disordinat appetit
1590–1 Exch. R. XXII 156.
To … Fleming, baikar of succour, for certane succour confectis and sweit meit furneist to bancatis maid to his majestie
1597 Household Bks. Jas. VI and Anne 28 Feb.
For succor to his majesties wyneseck
1600 Crim. Trials II 285.
Ve sowld hew prepared ane fyne hattit kit, vith succar, comfeitis and vyn
1627 Glasgow Chart. II 582.
1629 Boyd Last B. (1629) 958 (Jam. s.v. Succre.).
Poyson, confected with sucre, is moste piercing and deadlie
1661 Old Ross-shire I 151.
Sucrer and dubaces
(b) 1511–12 Treas. Acc. IV 334.
1560 Admir. Ct. Bk. (St. S) 183.
For his pairt of the price of sex puncheonis of suker sauld … out of the haill geir
1593 Elgin Rec. II 34.
David Gawdie, merchant, confessit that he sauld xvi d. of sukir upoun Sondaye last
(c) 1598 Stirling Ant. III 310.
(d) 1560 Admir. Ct. Bk. (St. S.) 182.
The schip callit the Lioun … apprehendit and tuke ane litill Portingall schip laidnit with sucker and ule de olyve
1560 Admir. Ct. Bk. (St. S.) 183.
Ane barrell of sucker price xviij lib.
c1580-90 Rules of Health 6.
Ȝour la: may vse of a roistit apill or peir eftir denner or supper with suckir or with pulder digestiue
1592 Aberd. B. Rec. II 79.
1603 Philotus 155.
For fume cast sucker in at fouth
1647 Dumfries Treas. Acc. MS 14.
(e) 1568 Edinb. Test. I 212b.
xviij pund wecht of sukkert
(f) 1513 Doug. xii Prol. 145 (Sm.).
Seroppis, sewane, sugour, and synamome
1597 Household Bks. Jas. VI and Anne 1 March.
Sax vnce sugar
1597 Household Bks. Jas. VI and Anne 9 March.
1598 Household Bks. Jas. VI and Anne 20 June.
1621–2 Misc. Spald. C. V 97.
Wyne, suger, and tubacco
1661 Acts VII 254/1.
Sugar of all sorts ilk sextie pund weight
1665 Misc. Maitl. C. II 527.
For seck possit sugare and milk
1681 Glasgow Chart. II 215 (see Succarwork n.). 1715 Stirling B. Rec. II 353.
On King George his coronation day, for … brandy, sugar, limons, glases
(g) 1598 Household Bks. Jas. VI and Anne 29 July.
1624 M. Works Acc. (ed.) II 160.
Ane pund of sowgar that wes givein to him for his great fanting
1650 Dumfries Treas. Acc. MS 24.
Ane pynt of wyne seck 4 vnce of sugger
1673 Edinb. Test. LXXIV 272a.
Some sougar valoued to … xij lib.
(h) 1661–2 Irvine Mun. II 264.
A pynt wyn, sewgor and breid with Major General Mongomrij
(i) 1671 Edinb. Test. LXXIV 150a.
In his chope of seuggar tobacco and peaper to the valow of xl lib.
(j) 1631 Buccleuch Household Bk. 25 Sept.
1631 Buccleuch Household Bk. 22 Nov.
1680 Glasgow Chart. II 208.
1686 Red Bk. Menteith I 415.
1687 Bk. Old Edinb. C. XXVII 137.
c1699 Innes Sketches 548.
(k) 1565 Treas. Acc. XI 351.
ij elnis of reid armosing taffeteis to be pokis for pulder of zuccour
1582 Edinb. Test. X 288b.
Half ane barrell of zokkar price x s.
1598 Household Bks. Jas. VI and Anne 4 July.

b. With various qualifiers.For casnat (cassonit) succar (= unrefined cane-sugar), see Casnat n., Cassonit n.For further examples of Canarie succar, see Canarie n. a1500 Henr. Fab. 608.
The wickit mynd and adullatioun, Of sucker sweit [Bann. swete socour] haifand similitude
1539 Treas. Acc. VII 184.
Item, for ane boist of annet cumfeit witht fyne succure and with rois watter
1553–4 Dundee B. Ct. II 282b (26 Jan.).
Sextene pondis of canarie succur for sex s. the pwnd
1561 Admir. Ct. Bk. (St. S.) 200.
Twa Portugall schippis, ane laidnit with gray suker … and ane uthir with quhit suker
a1568 Wedderburn in Bann. MS 239b/12.
Wemen to men as lyk the succour sueit
1576 Crim. Trials I ii 54.
And sum quhyte sucker cassin amang it
1578 Edinb. Test. VI 111.
Thrie pund of quhyt sukker price of the pund xj s. … ane pund of ȝallow sukker price … ix s.
1582 Misc. Spald. C. V 53.
Four boistis of confectiounis succur
1614–15 Ayr Common Good Acc.
Twa buist of confeittis and ane quarter of quhyte suggir
1633 Edinb. Test. LVI 143a.
Quheit sugour
1678 Stirling Common Good 120b.
Tuo pound … of whyte shougar

c. pl. Kinds of sugar; also, cargoes or consignments of sugar. ?1559 Old Dundee II 168.
Ane bark laden with suckaris and oils
1562–3 Treas. Acc. XI 253.
That nane of thame tak upoune hand to carie be sey or land ony … hydis, succouris, or uthiris spices
1586–7 Dundee Treas. Acc.
2 boistis of sukers 16 s.
1610–11 Misc. Spald. C. V 85.
Mr. Robert Bruce [propynit] with succouris, sueitt meats, and spycerie
1620 Aberd. B. Rec. II 369.
Everie ane … had succoris and desert
1624 Aberd. Journal N. & Q. II 63. 1626 Aberd. B. Rec. III 9.
That naine presume to have at any such tyme [sc. baptisms] any kynd of suggoures, droiges or confectiounes brocht from forane cuntreis
1661 Acts VII 89/1.
All suggars brought from the plantations in Scots bottomes all vnfynned sugar brought from any place [etc.] … shall be frie of any excise
1685 Edinb. B. Rec. XI 148.
The shuggers candies and strong watters and other products of the said sugarie manufactories

2. transf. As a term of endearment. a1568 Bann. MS 104a/53.
Wylcum … My sucker sweit as ony vnȝeoun
1603 Philotus 255.
Sweit sucker, neck me not with nay, Bot be content to tak him
1603 Philotus 1264.
Welcum my darling and my deir, My sucker and my sweit

3. attrib. and comb. Sugar-baker, a confectioner or sugar-refiner; sugar-bisket, a kind of rich biscuit or cake; sugar-breid, -cake, cf. prec.; shewgar-castor, a cruet for sprinkling sugar; sugar-forme, ? a mould or baking-tray (cf. Furme n.); suger-pea, a type of pea whose pod lacks the inner film normal in other species; sugar-plum, a sweet, in the shape of a plum, made of boiled sugar; succur-wirtell, ?For further examples see Alacreische n., Almond n., Lacrissye n., Lafe n.1 2 (2) and Pennet(t. 1582 Edinb. Test. XI 355b.
Sex dosane buistis of scrotcheartis confeittis and sukker almondis
1596 Edinb. Test. XXIX 162b.
Fyve buistis of sucker almontis at vij s. iij d. the buist
1596–7 Misc. Spald. C. V 122.
For ane dussoun buistis scorchettis, … and succer almonds
1635 Edinb. Test. LVII 180.
Arnalt and Hans Pelt sugar baikeris at Ansterdame
1677 Lauder Notices Affairs I 166.
The sugar-baking at Leith is declared a manufactor already
1673 Funeral Acc. II 1/1.
For suker birskit
1677 Edinb. B. Rec. X 292.
The insufficiencie of confeits whyt sweities sugar biskitt and tablets of sugar
1681 Stirling Common Good 154b.
7 pund sugar 5 vnce cannell 3 dosen of egs & tuo quare of peaper to bake the sugar bisket
1682 Stirling Common Good 171b.
To the suggar bisket & baken bread 11 pound of suggar at 10 s. the pound
1689 Lorimer St. Cuthbert's facing 112.
For ane pound sougar bisket
1610 Hist. Kinloss A. xii.
Ane gilt suger box
1632 Inv. Newark 6a.
Ane sugar boxe of ald work
1650 Edinb. Test. LXV 10.
Ane sugar box with ane dussane spoones
1685 Soc. Ant. LVIII 353.
A large sugger box of silver
1694 Inchmahome Pr. 160.
Ane large shugar box, and tuo lesser anes, of silver
1615 Haddington Mem. II 288.
Ane succour buist with ane spune
1647 Edinb. Test. LXIII 30.
Fyve pund wecht of sugar breid
1647 Edinb. Test. LXIII 215.
Ane pund of sugar bread pryce xxiiij s.
1675 Stirling Common Good 93b.
10 lib. of suggar bread at 13 s. 4 d. per pund
1665 Stirling Common Good 36b.
Spent at burgessing of Argyll … To Alexander Turnbull baxter for seugar cacke
1663–6 Household Bks. Archb. Sharp MS 9b.
For breakfast and sugar caikes [£1 6 s.]
1679 J. A. Fairley Lauriston Castle (1925) 96.
For a shewgar castor
1591 Exch. R. XXII 156.
To … Fleming baikar of succour, for certane succour confectis and sweit meit furneist to bancatis maid to his majestie
1680 Blackness Customs 2b.
Fyve hundretht sugar formes [£2]
1549 Treas. Acc. IX 345.
For losing, cairting and careing of ane suckar kist furtht of Leytht to Edinburght
1560 Admir. Ct. Bk. (St. S.) 183.
The said Williame … sauld auchtene suker kistis in Ingland for xxxvj lib.
1589 Cal. Sc. P. X 261.
Speciallie that the Flemishe sugerman may be commaunded to have in redines all suche confections & sweet meatis as before
1592 Edinb. B. Rec. V 64.
Anent hir graceis requeist maid in favouris of the sugerman for resaving him burges and gild
1598 Edinb. B. Rec. V 364.
For carrying the sukker manis glas veschell and his uther wairis to the banquet hous and hame again
1675 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. IV 347.
John Hendricksone, sugarman in Glasgow
1696 Acts X 67/1.
That this company shall be called and distinguished by the name of The New Sugar Manufactory at Glasgow
1701 Fugitive Poetry II xlv 5/131.
The sugar plumb being thus imposed Makes all reject things as proposed
1703 Foulis Acc. Bk. 317.
To pay for a pund suger peas 8 sh.
1607 Edinb. Test. XLIII 20.
Sex pund wecht of zoukeour pulder price of all v li.
1622 Brechin Test. IV 62b.
Four vnce zeoukeor pouder pryce iij lib. vj s.
1685 Soc. Ant. LVIII 353.
A sugger pouder box of silver
1631 Buccleuch Household Bk. 22 Nov.
A pound of resings of sumie, a pynt of seck, succur wirtellis
1631 Buccleuch Household Bk. 22 Nov.
For succur wirtillis to super
1631 Buccleuch Household Bk. 22 Nov.
For succor wirtell

b. Suchir plumbi, ? sugar or acetate of lead.Cf. OED Sugar n. 3. 1502 Exch. R. XII 84.
Et de xxiiij s. custume unius le suchir plumbi custumati per dictum tempus

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"Succar n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 22 Dec 2024 <>



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