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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
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Superstitio(u)n, n. Also: superstitione, -oune, supersticion, suppestitioun, supperticioun. [Late ME and e.m.E. supersticion (1402), supersticyon (a1529), superstition (1547), MF superstition (1375 in Larousse), L. superstitiōn-.]

1. False, pagan, idolatrous or heretical religious belief or practice, esp. such belief, etc. having no basis in scripture (or before the Reformation other acceptable writings) but arising from custom, fear, etc. b. An instance of this.Frequently used, chiefly, after 1560, of the tenets or rituals of the pre-Reformation church.(1) 1528 Lynd. Dreme 463.
The auld poetis, be superstitioun, Held Jupiter the father principall Off all thare goddes
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 2249.
Behauld quhow Jhone Boccatious Hes wryttin workis wounderous Off Gentilis superstitioun … Off fals goddis [etc.]
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 2479.
The deuyllis … For tyll agment thare superstitioun, In those ydolis thay maid thare entres, And in thame spak … Than men beleuit of thame … Askand thame help [etc.]
1561 St. A. Kirk S. 81.
I … hes abusit my self, be saying of mes and usand supersticion and idolatrie
1562-3 Winȝet I 119/4.
We speikand of traditionis meanis nocht to compell ony man to resaue ony thing contrare the scriptuiris … fer less … superstitioun, or ony abuissis onyways croppin in religioun
1562-3 Winȝet II 22/9.
Quhen for the heuinlie doctrine manlie superstitioun is introducit, quhen the weill foundit antiquitie for a cursit noueltie is ouerquhelmit [etc.]
1559 Knox VI 26.
Diverse channons of Sanct Andrewes … have declared themselves manifest enemies to the Pope, to the masse, and to all superstitioun
a1568 Scott i 71.
The Paip … to gif for synnis full remissioun [etc.] … To sett asyde sic sortis of superstitioun God gife thé grace aganis this gude new ȝeir
a1570-86 Maitl. F. 49/17.
My hairt dois luif the trew religioun … Bot Atheisme and superstitioun Hes … me now environit about
1571 Ferg. Serm. iii Malachi Sig. C iib.
Bot how sone that euer superstitioun enterit in and the disciplin decayit, the Kirk rentis also began to be mispendit
1574 Mill Mediæv. Plays 162.
[The master of the] sang schole [to give no … privelege to scholars] in the dayes dedicated to superstition in Papistrie
1596 Bk. Univ. Kirk III 874.
Superstitioun … in keiping of festuall dayis, and boonefyres
1606 Birnie Kirk-b. xii heading.
How kirkburiall superstition crop in
1608 Aberd. Journal N. & Q. III 227.
[They were summoned before the kirk session on the charge of setting] a fyre on the calsey … on Midsymmer Evin … fostering thairby superstitioun
1656 Moray Synod 121.
That presbyteries be cairfull to remove superstitione … in kirking of women after child-birth
(b) a1578 Pitsc. II 161/30.
Quene Eliezabetht of Ingland beand persuadit … to cast doune all the idollis and all maner of wther suppestitioun that Quene Marie had errectit in hir tyme
(2) a1500 Henr. Orph. 589.
This perfyte wisdome … drawis vpwart our affectioun Fra wichcraft spaying and sorsery And superstitioun of astrolegy
1557 Facs. Nat. MSS III xl.
And also dois forsaik and renunce the congregatioune of Sathan with all the superstitioune, abhominatioune and idolatrie therof
b. 1513 Doug. vi Prol. 22.
Lyke dremys or dotage in the monys cruke, Vayn superstitionys aganyst our richt beleve
1513 Doug. viii iv 3.
Na superstitioun vayn, Nor mysknawlage of goddis ancyane, Thys hie fest … Hes institut to ws … Bot … We … Hantis this seruys apon sik maner As proper det and observans ilk ȝer
1513 Doug. xii xiii 63.
The onplesand well Of Stix … Quhais only dreidfull superstitioun [L. una superstitio] heir The goddis kepis that nane dar it forswer
1531 Bell. Boece I 38.
Quhen Maynus had governit his pepill in gud justice and institute thaim with thir and othir superstitionis plesand to the religioun of thay dayis
1531 Bell. Boece I 38.
The pepill maid thair adoratioun to the new mone. Quhilk superstitioun was lang usit amang oure anciant faderis
1531 Bell. Boece I 52.
Utheris war sa indurat in thair awn errouris, that thay couth nocht omit thair auld superstitionis; and belevit … that the son, mone [etc.] … war verray goddis
1559 St. A. Kirk S. 7.
Laboring to destroy and put downe all idolatrie, abhominationes, [and] superstitiones … and maynteyn and set up the trew religioun of Christe
1560 Bk. Disc. 239.
Foure tymes in the yeare we think sufficient to the administratioun of the Lordis Tabill, which we desire to be distincted, that the superstitioun of tymes may be avoided so far as may be
14.. Acts (1597) Table s.v. Halie-daies.
Halie and festuall dayes, in honour of saintes and patrones, the superstition and wanton abusing thereof is discharged
1598 James VI Basil. Doron 94/6.
I can not see quhat greatter superstition can be in making playes … in Mey … then in eating fishe in Lentrone
1606 Birnie Kirk-b. xi.
In bowing their knee no where else but on their forbeers bellies: which ceremony how sib it is to the old superstition, I wold they could count
1609 Mill Mediæv. Plays 164.
[William Stewart, fiddler, warned to refrain from] his wounted superstitioun, in playing & singing the Sondayes of Maij, in the morning
a1650 Row 14.
Articles … aganis Papists, countenancers of any idolatrie or superstition, especiallie the Masse
1656 Moray Synod 120.
Refer by the presbyterie of Elgin to the synod anent advice how the superstitione of the well at Speyside may be restrained
1660 Canisbay Kirk S. in Old-lore Misc. V 130.
[She] confessed her … superstition in kneiling on her mother's grave
(b) 1629 Orkney & Zetl. Sheriff Ct. 231b.
The abominable supperticioun and vseing of the witchcraftis vnderwrittin

2. Irrational or groundless belief, more generally.1551 Hamilton Cat. 51.
Certane travelars will nocht begin thair jornay on the Satterday, quhilk is plane superstition, because that God almychty made the Satterday as well as he made all other dayis of the wouke



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