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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Sut(e, Suit(e, v. Also: swte, sutt(e, suitt, suyte, swit(e, swyt, soute, sot, seut(t, sewt, soit, soyt, schuit, shut. P.t. also suteit. P.p. also sutteit, schuted. [Late ME and e.m.E. suyt (c1450), sewt (1526), soute (1536), sute (1559-60); Sut(e n.1]

1. a. intr. To perform the feudal obligation of attendance at (to) a superior's court. b. tr. In fig. context: To attend, have recourse to (a court).a. 1450 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III 135.
The quhilk [tenants] sal mak service to the lordis miln and smithy … and sal ever soyt to the lordis courtis
b. 1625 Fugitive Poetry II v 5/77.
Three best belov'd with loves entire I knoe, … they dye, away they go; As harbingers to heaven: They sute as freends The court hierchall

2. tr. To cite (a person) to appear in a court action.1642 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. III 40.
Lyk as the pro[curatou]ris for bothe the saids pairties wes suitit thairto apud acta as in the said comissioun … at mair lengthe is conteinit

3. intr. To plead, petition (for a material or non-material thing, or on behalf of a person). Variously const.(1) 1584-9 Maxwall Commonpl. Bk. 5a.
Na mair I swite Bot spair na mair In cair I rwite Na mair I swite
1597 Edinb. Test. XXXI 2b.
He knawis perfytlie that thair is certane puir freindis misterfull will suit efter his deceis
c1600 Montg. Suppl. xxvi 1.
First serve, syne sute, quhiles seme to lichlie luif, Gif thow intend to win thy ladyis grace
(2) 1503 Peebles B. Rec. I 199.
Thair salbe xxiiij of the best nychtburis of the towne chosing and sowrne to soit one acctions belangand the vtilite and commoun profit to the towne and als to soit and rasaif the cont of thair comoun guddis and to fut the samyne
(3) 1574–5 Haddington Treas. Acc. 25.
The prowest … at the Regentis grace sewttand at his grace
(4) 1547 Cal. Sc. P. I 52.
[This I did because Barnbougal told me your taker] suttit [for you]
1565 Bk. Univ. Kirk I 58.
Every superintendent to sute for comissions to judges within their jurisdictiouns
c1590 Fowler I 153/7.
I suit for grace, and will na wyes relent
c1590 J. Stewart 12/8. 1599 Maxwell Mem. II 41.
A gentleman of guid place in Wales … hath suted for my acquentance
1600 Crim. Trials II 122.
The parentis of the said James haifing lamentablie suted att our handis for justice
1622 Thanes of Cawdor 257.
The Laird of Killravok will schuit for a tak of the teindis of your landis
1630-1651 Gordon Geneal. Hist. 299.
The third and cheiffest reasone which moved the Earle of Catteynes to sute for this imployment so earnestlie wes [etc.]
1630-1651 Gordon Geneal. Hist. 414.
The marquis took it unkyndlie at the Earle of Murray his hands, that he did, without his knowledge, sute for the livetennandrie in the north
c1630 Scot Narr. 67.
As these who suited for him did alledge
1654 Lamont Diary 72.
Any person that was to sutte for any sowme
1666 Laing MSS 350.
I hier Sir Alexander Gibson is to sut for it
(5) 1520–1 Dundee B. Ct. I 18b (25 Feb.).
The said Peteris wif sall sot that he sall inter to his werk
(6) 1536 St. P. Henry VIII V 61.
I will never soute for no way of the King of Scottes, but by the Kinges Highnes meanes here
(7) 1566 Cal. Sc. P. II 325.
[I am so] sutit to for to entirprise the reuenge [that I must either take it in hand, or leave the country]
1558-66 Knox II 85.
In thir our anguischeis, O Lord, we suitit unto thee
1586 Cal. Sc. P. VIII 592.
I for myself sell suit to the fardest partt of the warlde bot I sell heve ane lyne

b. Const. to do, have (etc.) (something).(1) 1570 Leslie 149.
The King … suteit to haif in mariage Lady Magdalene
1586 St. A. Kirk S. 577.
The woman he presentle suitis to be mariit with
1586 Waus Corr. 360.
There is dyueris quha hes bene and is daylie suitane to have ado thairwith [sc. lands]
a1597-1617 Hist. Jas. VI (1825) 31.
The queyne, … daylie suittit to have the benefite of hir pasport to be accompleist
c1610 Melville Mem. 319.
For sutting continowally to be declaired second persone of England
(2) 1575 Misc. Maitl. C. I 121.
He … had humblie suittit at the said kirk to haue bene admittit to the said celebratioun
(3) 1590-1 R. Bruce Serm. 370.
There is no workman but he craveth and suiteth his work to be allowed of

4. tr. a. To request, solicit, seek to obtain (a material or non-material thing, outcome or benefit). Also impers., to be suittit. b. To sue for in a court of law. Also, to sute furth. Variously const.Freq., in legal contexts, to sute declaratour, justice, purgatioun, relief, etc. (see these words).a. (1) 1558 Perth Convener Ct. Bk. 32.
Quhay [sc. the merchants] culd nevir be satifeitt withe brederlie luff bot evir sutand prehemynance without ony titill
1560 Cal. Sc. P. I 530.
And thai oblist nevir to sute the mariage quhill our soveranis self wes of the age to grant thairto
1568 Hosack Mary Q. of Scots I 526.
To counterfute hir self to be seik to the end the king suld not sute the ludging
1568 Q. Mary in Ellis Orig. Lett. 1 Ser. II 253.
Y vreit to the quin my gud sister, and pres ȝou to du the lyk, … and sut hesti ansur
1573–4 Reg. Privy C. II 348.
The necessitie of the tyme constranit him … to sute be all meanis the help of freindis
1581 Conv. Burghs I 128.
[To] delyver to everye burgh sutand the extract or copy of the said buke, ane buke of the same self volume, contenyng the haill lawis and constitutionis of burrowis
c1590 J. Stewart 24/334.
I vill not tarie sutting hir consent, Nor langer frustrat sall I not remaine
1595 Melville Chart. 142.
I haif dissirit this berar to sut your adwis
1598 James VI Basil. Doron 40/3.
See ȝe sute na unlaufull things as reuenge, lust, or siclike
1602 Edinb. Surgeons 34.
Providit to him to sute admission to be ane shirurgiane heirefter quhan he is able to give tryall of his qualificatioun
1611 Reg. Privy C. IX 169.
He who sall humblie sute our pardoun sall before the obtening thairof entir in actioun and blood aganis the rest of that race
1622 Crim. Trials III 595.
[The place of Justice Clerk] quhilk aucht nocht to be giwen to thois that sutt it, bot to thois that ar vorthie of it
1631 Reg. Great S. 601/1.
That the said deykin … sute and obtene ane ratificatioun be his majestie
1640 Peebles Gleanings 215.
Ordanes the baillies to go throw the toun and sute payment of these that ressavit the pickis and muskettis
1652 Peebles B. Rec. II 6.
They shall … have libertie … to sute repititione from the heritoris of the said paroch
(b) 1561 Cal. Sc. P. I 589.
[I trust my mistress may be induced] to suyte it in soche sort as you will devise
1599 Ellon Presb. 24.
Befoir he receave the benefite of marrage qlk he was suitand
1620 Perth Kirk S. MS 27 Nov.
Monye haueing deferrit to suite that benefeite [sc. baptism] at ordinare tymeis of preching dayis haue cwm at extraordinare tymeis wpone occasioun of the waiknes of thair childrein to craiff it
(c) 1593 Cochran-Patrick Coinage I 262.
He onlie sewteing his maiesties weill togither with the common weill
(d) 1503 Peebles B. Rec. I 199 (see 3 (2) above).p.t. 1592–3 Warrender P. (SHS) II 202.
He suted not the Erle of Anguis letter him self
1601 Trial David Roy 6.
Becaus he disparit to obteine hir favour be direct menis, he suttit the samyn indirectlie
p.p. 1560 Cal. Sc. P. I 464.
That continuance of the amity sould be sutit, wheroff God hes offered ane good occasion to endure for ever
1586 Perth B. Ct. 16 Sept.
Patrik Inglis … producit his comptis of tua ȝeris thesaurie sutit allowit & subscriuit be the auditouris
(2) ? 1555 Corr. M. Lorraine 402.
His requist is to me to swyt at your grace hand ane writyng of discharge
1594 Kennedy Aberd. Ann. I 131.
Gentlemen quha war cum in the cuntrie … from other Christiane princes to sute maist humblie at his Majestie … sum ease of our distressed estaittis
(3) 1591 Edinb. Test. XXII 299b.
He … ordanes … his barnes nocht to troubill nor molest thair moder sa lang as scho lewis nor craif nor sute na kynd of guidis or geir fra hir
(4) 1559 Knox VI 80.
One thing must I suite of you, to witt … that … you woolde procure a licence for my mother … to visitt me
1560 Acts II 534/2.
That nane of oure … subiectis … sute or desire … title or rycht be the said bischope of Rome
1570 Cal. Sc. P. III 417.
1583 Perth B. Ct. 28 June.
And of all vtheris dettis … sowmes of money [etc.] … quhilkis the said Allester mycht ask suit and acclame of me
1586 Conv. Burghs I 207.
The commissioneris … sall … sute of his Maiestie … ane new tak of the saidis customes
1589 St. A. B. Ct. 15 April.
And thairfore dischargis the said Michaell off all maner off thingis that he mey sute craiff or acclaime off him
1628 Insh Colonial Schemes 219.
The Englische men are suiten of his Majestie a patent to plant & possesse [etc.]
(5) 1653 Binning Wks. 347.
Jesus Christ standing before the bar of heaven … suiting forth an exemption and discharge for them from their sins
b. (1) 1554 Dundee B. Ct. II 343a (19 Oct.).
Rob Webster hes brocht Andro Fleschour soverte that gyf ony man soytis or persewis ane buklar sueird quhilk Charle Myln hes deliuerit in jugisment to the said Rob Webstar that he is caucioun
1573 Inverness Rec. I 231.
The saidis landis ar now in the handis of prowest and bailles of the burcht of Innernis in fault of me nocht soitting my tytle thairto
1574 Reg. Privy C. II 413.
Without prejudice to ony of the saidis personis stentit … , to complene thairupoun and sute remeid as accordis
1628 Peebles Gleanings 106.
Unles the perseueris wald produce ane infeftment of the landis and utheris foresaidis prior to the said umquhill Alexander Lauder his infeftment above written, they can never be hard to sute declarator aganes the defender
1684 Galloway P. 15 May.
The saids lands sall be redimable … be peyment of the said principall soume … without prejudice to the said Sir Andrew to swte executione at the said terme
(b) 1568 Buch. Indict. 45.
Gif he that is suspectit to be ane tratour … will swit his awne purgatioun
1583 Reg. Privy C. III 568.
Quhilkis pretendit richtis thai ar suittand, at the leist intendis to suitt
1600 Crim. Trials II 244.
Our leigis & subiectis [etc.] … hawing enteres to suit justice, befoir our schereff of Perthe
1611 Red Bk. Grandtully I 111.
To swit, ask, acquyre, … ony tak [etc.]
1612 Orkney & Shetl. Ct. Bk. 29.
He decernit … but prejudice … to the said defendar to suit releif and payment of the foirnamed sowmes aganes the said Frow Elsay
1622-6 Bisset I 224/20.
The pairties persewaris or defenderis on na wayse suittis the copies therof [sc. of decreets, sentences, etc.] quhill lang eftir the geving of the samin
1622-6 Bisset I 261/22.
Quhen any person … suittis suspensioun upoun sic lettiris
(c) 1503 Peebles B. Rec. I 199.
xxiiij of the best nychtburis of the towne … to soit and rasaif the cont of thair comoun guddis
(d) 1629 Bk. Carlaverock II 116.
For the tocher I think he haith order to seutt the sam
p.p. 1562 Montgomery Mem. 184.
The said Jane hes suttit the declaratour of the said actione
1573–4 Reg. Privy C. II 330.
The coistis … and interes sustenit … aucht to be sutit and persewit alsua befoir the saidis judgeis
1579 Reg. Privy C. III 162.
He having sutit and cravit the deliverie of the saidis evidentis now pertening to him fra the said Johnne Cunninghame
1579–80 Reg. Privy S. VII 374/2.
The abbaceis of Abirbrothok and Paislay suittit be the said George
(2) 1681 Adv. Min. Bk. 54.
That the thesaurer be ordained to suite execution against them for payment of the money dew
1681 Stair Inst. iv l § 4.
The debtor knowing that the complainer will suit execution against him … for satisfying of his said obligation

c. To search for, seek to find (something) by enquiry or investigation. Also impers.1684 Haigs of Bemersyde 469.
Cockpen … being … out of Tiviotdale way, I think were very convenient for my Lord Jedburgh, since he suits some house in Lothian to be free of … his Tiviotdale creditors
impers. 1580 Reg. Soltre 235.
That the haill rentell of the place be gevin in … that it may be suittit quhat appertenis to euerie man

d. To seek to raise or discuss (an issue); to seek to initiate (a legal action).1612 Conv. Burghs II 374.
Anent the mater of the agent in Ingland … inrespect thair is nane present that swits the sam, thairfore thai continew the same to the nixt meitting
1572 Inverness Rec. I 213.
The said actioun and cause … is spirituall cause and … aucht nocht to be callit soittit nor persewit be the prowest [etc.]

e. To seek or try to do (something).1572 Haddington B. Rec. (Robb) 28 March.
Gif thai sute not to wyn the said coill with all diligens

5. To entreat, petition, make overtures to (a person) (for or to do something). Also in fig. context.(1) 1570 Warrender P. (SHS) I 79.
I se bayth the partyes myndit to suyte the queen your maistres, albeit to contrary endes
1638 Hamilton P. (Camden Soc.) 2.
The repoort of the Court, that I was soore against my will injoyned to undertack this journey, and for some beeing schuted by me
1653 Binning Wks. 272.
Wisdom … begs but an equal hearing … Let her have but a patient hearing and a silent impartial judgment … and she will carry it off from all that suit you. It is lamentable that the voice of God should be out-cried by men's continual uninterrupted flood of business
(2) 1566–7 Reg. Privy C. I 503.
The Quenis Majestie, being ernistlie suitit be the Quene of Inglandis ambassatouris … for payment
c1610 Melville Mem. 359.
The King of Scotland was sutten hir Maieste for ane alliance
1627 Aberd. Council Lett. I 259.
If he hes anything restand to him be our merchands Lat him sute and charge thame for the same
1650 Arbroath B. Rec. 6.
Ordains the thesaurer … to sute the imbarkers for payment of the victuall
1640 Black Bk. Taymouth 86.
[He] did goe with the Earle of Argyll to forraine natiouns being bot a chyld and King James … moved Sir Duncane Campbell … to bring the chyld from the Earle of Argyll, and the said Sir Duncane did seut the said Sir Robert … for the chyld to [gap], and the said Sir Robert brought him home
(3) 1568 Hosack Mary Q. of Scots I 525.
The king hir husband suiting to be admittit to bed with hir was reiected
1599 Bruces of Airth App. xcix.
And he hes often tymes sutit the magistrates of Edinburgh to provyde ane sufficient roume
1633 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 89.
I … shall … suit my Lord to help you to bear your burden
1650 Rooseboom Sc. Staple App. 149, clxxx.
Whenas the Scots army could not have bene otherwise sutted to march into England

b. To seek the services of (a person); specif., to approach a minister with the offer of a vacant charge. Also intr., to make petition (for).(1) 1590–1 Crim. Trials I ii 232.
Quhene sche wes switit to ony seik persoune
1626 Garden Worthies 9.
Charlemane … non he fand [pr. befand] to forder France so fitt Wherfore to sute & seik the same he send
(2) 1592 Logie Par. Hist. 31.
The saids parochunars … hade ane gude lyking of Mr. Johnne Millar to be thair pastor and war willing to sute him at the presbyterie
1600-1610 Melvill 135.
I was ernestlie suted be the town of Stirling to be thair pastor
1642 Baillie II 16.
When the Towne of Glasgow did sute me to their ministrie, I did testifie [etc.]
1642 Baillie II 18.
It is like a wonder in myne eyes that after such a dash as the towne gott when they suted yow last … that yet there should any assay have been made for yow
1649 Lamont Diary 11.
Mr. Dauid Forret and Mr. James Sharpe werre sutted be the toune of Edenbroughe, bot werre refused
intr. 1642 Baillie II 18.
Since that victorie yow had at Aberdeen, I know the common voyce among your people … have been that though now they were secure as concerning the toune, yet if the Colledge suted, they had no fend
a1651 Calderwood IV 2.
The King rebooked … the Proveist … for sending anie frome the counsell of the toun to sute for Johne Durie

c. To woo, pay court to (a woman); to make sexual advances to. Also, to sute in marriage. Also fig. and intr.(1) 1587 Warrender P. (SHS) II 36.
Thai reveallit ther erand quhich wes for marriage. Sir Peter wes sent … to salute the king and see the princesse, quhom thai wer now cummit directly to suit
c1590 J. Stewart 60/105.
Desist, sayis he, sute not my ladie brycht
1633 Johnston Diary I 178.
They wer verry proud and had refuised good matches … they lippened to be suited be barons of good qualitie
1652 Dumfries Kirk S. 24 June.
The said Albert had defyled her in the mosse … & … never at any tyme heirtofore he had suted her in any lustfull way
a1658 Durham Clavis Cantici 56.
Although the man first suit the wife
1621 Irving Dumbartonsh. II App. 340.
Being suittit in mariage by ane honest man amongste us
1657 Balfour Ann. I 45.
Richard Ducke of Cornuall … after he had saluted the King [sc. of Scotland] went to wissit … the Ladey Margarett his sister (quhom he sutted in marriage)
(2) fig. 1632 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 78.
The outward pomp of this busy wooer, a beguiling world, is now coming in to suit your soul too late
intr. 1634 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 100.
Christ, who is now suiting for marriage-love of you

d. transf. To ‘woo’, cultivate (a person).c1610 Melville Mem. 89.
They that wer a litle before cruelly persecuted, ar now to be suted for cheffest and surest frendis
c1610 Melville Mem. 147.
My Lord of Murray had sutted him [sc. Rizzio] very ernestly, and mair humbly then any man wald haue beleued, with the present of a faire dyamont
1654-6 Gray Gospel-Call 19.
There is two great suitters come to Bothwel Kirk this day, suiting you all, the one is Jesus Christ [etc.] … he is suiting you and he says [etc.] … The other is the Devil that is suiting you

6. To take legal action against; to prosecute, sue (a person).1556–7 Dundee B. Ct. III 96a (19 Jan.).
George Rollok to sute follow call and persew all … personis … withhalderis of the said vmquhile George guidis and geir
1564 Edinb. B. Deeds 122b.
The said Thomas … sall neuer sute the said Dauid … for fulfilling of the said indentour
1564 Perth B. Ct. 107 (14 June).
And that the assinatioun thairof be nothir hurt nor preiudiciall to the said Dame Helenor bot that scho may suitt and persew the said Johnne Monepenney
1568 Breadalbane Lett. 1 Nov.
Gif ȝe will assure me that my lord of Athole will stand my gud freind and swte me nay way
1568 Inverness Rec. I 162.
The said Mertyn is soittit and decernit to pay the samyn to the prowest baillies [etc.]
1569 Inverness Rec. I 176.
The haill buytht haldaris of the cordinaris of Innernis are soittit and perschewit be the thesaurar … that wrangusle thai … hes contravenit the actis [etc.]
1569–70 Canongate Ct. Bk. 162.
He hes alreddy obtenit decreit aganis him and will suit na uthir in the said mater
1572 Inverness Rec. I 223, etc. 1662 Forbes Baron Ct. 235.
[That] James Birss be suited befor the baillie for the blooding of Robert Gray
1671 Dunferm. Hammermen MS 84.
And ordaines the deacon to suit him for repaire of his miscariag befor any judge competent

b. To sute (something) on (another), ? to lay the blame for (a misdeed) on (another).This quot. is ambiguous, and may simply be an example of the next sense, with impersonal construction.1545 St. P. Henry VIII V 425.
Anentis the last bessines, … ȝour grace may be swir … it was sa far swtit be ȝowr magestes warden on the Erl of Angws, that he behowit to feicht, or tak gret schaim

7. To pursue (a person) with hostile intent; to threaten (a person's life).1574 Cal. Sc. P. V 41.
[Your lordship's goodness and] kayre [for preservation of my life] quhane I lakkyt no enemeys to sut the same
1582 Reg. Privy C. III 525.
The saidis personis … in lyke maner sutit Johnne Blak … and wald have brokin up his durris
1587 Reg. Privy C. IV 197.
Minassing and avowing to sute the lyveis of his tennentis
1609 Crim. Trials II 591.
Since he was taking a forrane course to strengthen him, speciallie with these who had so often suted her life

8. a. To be acceptable or convenient to (a person). Also absol. and passive, to fit in, agree with (something). b. To be appropriate (to an end).a. (1) 1570 Sat. P. xvii 22.
Quhat plesis them, the same the pepill suittis
a1578 Pitsc. II 254/18.
The lordis of Edinburgh … thocht to have taine the same [sc. Dalkeith] and suitted nocht my lord of Mortounis men of weir
(2) 1638 Hamilton P. (Camden Soc.) 9.
I trust this aduyse uill shut uith your intentions
a1658 Durham Comm. Rev. 215.
This looketh disproportionable-like at first; yet it suteth well with the bargain of grace
absol. 1566 Anderson Collect. Mary I 49.
We pray ȝou, gif your lassour and commoditie may sut, addres ȝou to be at us heir in Edinburgh
passive 1594 Stirling Merch. Guild 6.
Quhilk extent extends to ijc lib. money quharof the ane half presentlie to be vpliftit, and the vthyr half as it salbe suitit
b. a1658 Durham Scandal (1740) 56.
The mids must be suited to its end

9. To owe suit for (lands). (Cf. Sut(e n.1 1 (3).)1610 Misc. Spald. C. II 95.
My opinion is, that ye sute your landis hauldand of the king, quhilk I believe sall relieve yow from Clunes regall baillerie

10. ? To satisfy the needs of; ? to provide with a suit of clothes.1572 Peebles B. Rec. I 343.
The counsale … ordanis ane blynd man to be suttit and quhat ressonabill compositioun thai mak to releif the sutour thairof; and ordanis Johne Hay, James Hoppringill [etc.] … to sut diligently the said blind man

11. To answer the requirements of, to be suitable or acceptable for. Also passive.1611-57 Mure Cry of Blood 509.
Weep, justly weep. Tears sute the season. This, A day, in which God calls for mourning, is A gloomy day
passive 1686 Old Ross-shire II 19.
I reseved … the box and things inclosed they are verie pritie and well seuted



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