A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Sut(e)-roll, Suit(e)-roll, Soit-roll, n. Also: switt-, soyt-, (sett-) and -roul, -row. [Sut(e n.1 and Rol(l n.1 4 c.] A roll containing the names of tenants and freeholders bound to attend the court of their feudal lord, or the local sheriff court. Also, in the burghs, apparently a list of all the burgesses and craftsmen bound to attend the burgh court and to vote on matters affecting the town.To judge from many of the following quots., the entering of a person's name in the suit-roll of a burgh was conditional upon proof of ownership of land within the burgh, and entry in the roll seems to have been regarded as an extra guarantee of undisputed title.(a) 1532 Treas. Acc. VI 116.
The shereffis deputis of Edinburgh to be … the xij day of December instant in Lauder, bringand with thame the sute roll of thair sherefdome 1557 Inverness Rec. I 13 (see Sut(e n.1 1 (3)).
Sut roll 1560–1 Inverness Rec. I 53.
Jannet and Cristan Nyn Gillepadryk Crowbach is entrit in the sut roll of ane [rud] of land lying in Damsdell 1593 Acts IV 6/2.
The haill schireffis within the realme of Scotland being callit to compeir and produce thair sute roll befoir our souerane Lord [etc.] 1639 Aberd. B. Rec. III 172.
The toune being convenit be the drum in the tolbuith and being callit be the sute roll and the absentis noted, thay that wer present disassented that oure townes late commissionares … shuld returne back to Edinburghe [etc.](b) 1552 Elgin Rec. I 115.
Ane evident … to the effect the said George motht be enterit in the suit roll for the said landis 1582 Aberd. Trades 81.
The saide day the craftismen eftir following … being oppinlie inquirit be calling of the suit roll be thair names a1595 Cullen Chron. Aberd. 58.
The thred of October, 1586 yeris, Gilbertt Menzes of Petfodallis wes maid prowest of Aberden, not be the switt row, bot be the counsall and sertane commound wottis 1670 Kirkcaldy B. Rec. MS 16 May.
[All burgesses to attend] for ryding of the common mairches and answering the suit roll 1679 Fountainhall Decis. I 58.
Then the suit-rolls, of all the suitors, sectatores, within the three Lothians … were all called 1683 Erskine Diary 1.
After fencing the court, the suite rolls were called, and the absents fined: after noon the roll of pannells was called 1683 Martine Reliq. Divi Andreae 181.
The present suite roll of lands and vassells [sc. of St. Andrews priory] contains these lands following 1685 Lauder Notices Affairs II 604.
The freeholders suit-roll was called, and sundry appeared by atturneyes(c) 1489 Acts II 221/2.
That all thai fre tennentis salbe haldin to compere and ansuer in parliament & justice airis with thare soytis and presens as efferis … and soyt rollis to be maid tharappon 1540–1 Elgin Rec. I 55.
Quhilk day was assingit to the saidis personis to produce thair instrumentis [sc. of sasine of lands in Elgin] and to be enterit in the soitroll 1565 Inverness Rec. I 126.
Mareoun Gaderar is entrit in the soit roll in ane rude of land lyand within the burgh of Innernis 1567 Inverness Rec. I 153.
Robert Reid … producit … ane chartyr of sasing vpon ane rude of land lyand in Demmisdaill … desyrand to be entrit in the soit roll, quhilkis payis of yeirle anwell iij s. to Sant Catherynnis chaiplane [etc.] 1569 Inverness Rec. I 175.
Jasper Dempster … protestit that nychtwythstanding he be nocht entrit in the soit roll in the land callit Sant Michaellis Manse … that the non entring thairin be nocht prejudiciall to him and to his rycht and tytle thairof 1569 Inverness Rec. I 180.
Johne Roy Grant … producit in jugement ane chartyr of sasing on ane pece land lyand on the west syde of the Watter of Nes desyrand to be entrit in the soit roll, quhilk was grantit quhilk pais xij d. anwell to our Ladie Chaplane of the New Ile 1573 Inverness Rec. I 225.
Mr. Thomas Howstoun minister … producit … ane evident vpon ane ruide of burrow land … quhilk ruide … payis yeirle … iij s. anwell … desyring to be entrit in the soit roll, quhilk was grantit(d) 1442–3 Ayr B. Ct. 28 Jan.
That ilke fre man haf a tenement … or than that he [be] put out of the sett roul & be depriuit of his fredome