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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Taint, Taynt, v. P.p. also taynt(e, tantit, tentit, -ed. [Late ME and e.m.E. taynt(e, taint(e (both c1400), aphetic f. Attaint v.]

1. tr. To convict (a person), prove (a person) guilty, chiefly in a court of law. Chiefly with, of, etc. the offence. = Attaint v. 3.(a) a1400 Leg. S. xxxi 603.
Thu with this dede is wele taynt, That makis na ansuere to this plant
1397 Acts I 208/1.
Gif he be taynt with the assise for sic a trespassour he sal be condampnit to the deid
14.. Burgh Laws c. 39 (A).
Quha that beis convickyt or tayntyt with fals pund or … mesour he sal gif viii s. to the amerciament
14.. Burgh Laws c. 63 (A).
Gif ony be convickyt or tantyt of that trespas he sal gif viii s. for his amerciament
1434 Aberd. B. Rec. I 391.
Quhar the baillies … beis negligent in the execucioun hereof … beand tayntit thar apon thai salbe ordanit to the kingis prisone
1444 Aberd. B. Rec. I 11.
That na fleschowar sell flesche na brek flesch in ony othir place bot the fleschous vnder the payne of viij s. vnforgivin, alsoft as thai be taynte and esshete
1474 Edinb. B. Rec. I 29.
Quha at beis tayntit tane thairwitht on halidais or werkdais the dekin sal rais on him for the first falt half a pund of wax
1500 Edinb. B. Rec. I 81.
And gif ony personis … beis ouertane wyrkand with cardis notit or previt apone him he sall pay for ilk tyme he beis ouertane or tayntit thairwith fivetene schillingis Scottis mony
1530 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 108.
Quhen thai or ony utheris can be tainttit doand skaytht to thair nychtbouris or thair geirris in previte or pert to be mensweir the gud toun for yer and day
1540 Linlithgow B. Ct. 8 Oct.
1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Attaynt.
Attaynt, Taynt … is accused, filed or convict for ony crime or cause
(b) 1525–6 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 79.
Quhair a man can be tentit cownsuland or feand ony travelar to pas by the town with feich or falset he sal be excludit fra ane freman
1535 Stewart 58491.
Scho wes tentit into that samin cace, And put to deith
1587 Dundee B. Laws 475.
He sall pay for the first falt that he is tentit withall the sowme off twenty twa schillinges money

b. To prove (a fact, accusation, etc.). = Attaint v. 4. 1424 Acts II 6/1.
Quhar it beis tayntyt that thai [sc. rooks] bige and the birdis be flowin and the nestis be fundyn in the treis at Beltane
14.. Acts I 49/2.
Quha sa ever … be chalangit of thyft or that he has gevin thyftbote and that may be tayntit on him be the greyff of the toune … he sal be tane and underly the law of wattir
1512 Dundee B. Laws 507.
The mynesar of thir fif ȝers sall pay twenty schillingis quhen it is tantit vpone ony maister
1521 Wigtown B. Ct. 116a.
[The council] hais chosin … Thome Logan & Ad Glendouyll officeris quhill ane falt be taintit apon thaim

2. To discover, find out (a person, his crime, etc.), to catch in the act, catch in possession of. = Attaint v. 1.pres. 1456 Perth Guildry 25.
And quha that tayntis ony of thir fautis [sc. of buying hides at a price higher than permitted] the tayntoure sal haf the skyn or hidis that ar bocht
1539 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 204.
This inquest ordines Philpe of Venes or his procuratouris can taynt ony gudis … that pertenit to … Jhone of Lauder, and geif thai can nocht be gottin knowledge thairof, we ordand Male Notman, … to sweir quhat gudis var pertening to hyme
1560 Rolland Seven S. 2868.
This knicht … Thinkand richt weill that thay wald cum agane To seik mair gold, to taint thame with ane trane Befoir the hole ane twn he gart prepair Middillit with pick
p.p. c1420 Wynt. v 5249.
The schepe … bletyd in hys wame. Swa wes he tayntyd [C. taynctyt, W. tayntit] schamfully
1518 Glenartney Doc.
Quhare commone stalkaris may be tayntit within our saide forest
1521 Fife Sheriff Ct. 217.
Thomas Wod inditit & accusit for the thyftwis steling fra Allane Ramsay of ane hors and als of ane gyllat … quhilkis hors and gyllat wes tayntyt reydhand wytht the said Thomas
1533 Boece 554b.
The tred of hors incontinent was fillit with snaw, that how beit thai had nocht bene bakwart schod, thay had nocht bene tayntit
1563–4 Crim. Trials I i 440.
Scho wes tayntit with the saidis fals lyonis … the said Thomas being nemmit be hir to be … [the] deliuerer of the said fals conȝe to hir

3. a. To accuse, make charges against. b. To taint or sully. Const. with a crime or something undesirable. = Attaint v. 2.[Sense b prob. derives f. F. teinter.]a., b. 1455 Acts II 43/1.
Quhat euer he be that arestis ony fals cunȝeour beande tayntyt with the falset the said arestour bryngande him to the king sall haif x li. for his travell
c1460 Consail Vys Man 60.
Kep thé our al thinge, Thow be neuir taynt with a leisinge; For lesing is sa foul a smyt That quhay-sa-euir be taynt with it It smytis sa sare it partis neuir
a1508 Kennedy Pass. Christ 389.
Intill his ded becaus thai had conspirit, Thai gart tham haist, for ony suld thaim taynt
1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Attaynt (see 1 above). c1650 P. Gordon Brit. Dist. 57.
Be seemed rather inclyned to simplicitie then any wayes tented with a loftie and vnsatiable ambition
1687 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. XIII 122.
The said Auchtuymoor wes nowayes in accessione to the said rebellione; bot haweing bine tented therwith and being so inocent [etc.]

4. intr. To lose confidence in a person. a1500 Prestis of Peblis 345 (Asl.).
Thar can be na war thing Than covatis in justice or in king. Eftir this tale in ws ȝe sall nocht taynt, Na ȝit of our iustice mak a wranguis plant

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"Taint v.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 14 Jan 2025 <>



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