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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Upsetting, vbl. n. Also: upsetinge, uppseting, wpsetting, oupsetting. [Late ME and e.m.E. vpsetting (c1449), upsetynge (1470); Upset n. and v.]

1. The action of or occasion of setting up one's booth (also, weaver's looms); a tradesman (in a burgh). = Upset n. 2.(1) 1489 Cart. S. Giles lxxxviii.
[They] will nocht pay thar dewties at the wpsetting of thar buthis
1504 (1549–50) Reg. Great S. 93/2.
Gif he [sc. an apprentice] beis fundin sufficient, he sall pay at his buith upsetting to the dekyne and craft … xl s.
1527 Dundee B. Laws 99.
Annent the upsetting of buithes, we delyver and ordaines that all gild brethren sones be free to sett up thaire buithes without any manner of contribution or impediment
1558 Glasgow Cordiners 249.
All fremen sonneis … in the vpsetinge of thair bwithtis of new, sal pay allanerlie for thair vpset to the reparatioune of the said alter [of Saint Ninian] sex schillinge awcht pennyis money
1577 Dundee Bakers in St. A. Baxter Bks. 98 n. 4.
That … the haill entries siluer … [of] all prentisses and silver of vpsetting of maisteris buthis of the said craft salbe … putt in the comoun lokkit keyst of the said craft
1691 Glasgow B. Rec. IV 18.
John Johnstoune, wright, … had receaved ane act of counsell for upsetting over the bellie of that trode, was rescinded, cassit and annulled
(2) 1672 Melrose Reg. Rec. II 294.
[To pay the deacon and boxmaster 10 merks] for his entrie and upsetting his weiver looms in Melroisland

2. The action of a. Placing, fixing in (an elevated) position. (Upset v. 1 a.) Also transf., applied to a place where things are placed. b. Erecting, setting up (a structure, mechanism, etc.). (Upset v. 1 b.)a. 1531–2 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 72.
To … [the] masonis for beting of tua chymnay bakkis and upsetting of ane menȝell
1562-3 Winȝet I 123/21.
Quhow can ȝe be ressoun condemne of idolatrie all our elderis for the vpsetting of images of Christ crucifiit
1625–6 Misc. Spald. C. V 101.
The librarie of the college … For fyire and candill, at the upsetting of the buikis, 9 s.
1667–8 Aberd. Shore Wk. Acc. 563.
Spent for eall at the vpsetting of that peall
1691 Misc. Bann. C. III 260.
Giveing [the executors] ane account of the fabrick of the house, of its roome and furnitur, of the order and upsetting of the books [sc. in Bishop Leighton's library]
(b) 1566 Anderson Collect. Mary I 274.
fig. 1699 Forrester Bishops Claim ii 75.
In cudgelling and beating a man of straw of his own upsetting
transf. 1583 Edinb. Univ. Chart. 91.
For making his expenssis to transport himselff his buikis and guidis, and upsetting of his chalmer
b. 1507 Treas. Acc. III 261.
For prenes to the pailȝoun and upsetting of it, x d.
1508 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 117.
To be payit at the compleiting ending and vpsetting of the said ruf
1537 Lynd. Depl. Magd. 108.
Thow saw makand rycht costlie scaffalding … Reddie preparit for the vpsetting
1560 Edinb. B. Rec. III 101.
To Andro Williamsoun, wrycht … for his laubouris in doun taking and vpsetting of certane beddis … in maister Jhone Robertsonis hous
1575 Edinb. Test. III 309.
Ane stand bed … of eistland buird reddie for the vpsetting
1587 Dundee B. Laws 143.
For two frie lawchis to the measons at the vppseting and down taking of the skalfet
1610 Inverness Rec. II 75.
For mending [and] upsetting of the watter varck of the said Watter of Ness
1673 Rothesay B. Rec. 250.
Certan of the counsell haveing agreit with ane workman for the pryce of ane knok and upsetting thairof … and haveing thocht of the best way how the same sall be rasit

3. The action of introducing (an innovation), or establishing (an institution, etc.) on a firm footing. (Upset v. 3.) 1560 Misc. Maitl. C. III 224.
For avancement and upsetting of the kingdome and glorie of God
1562-3 Winȝet I 88/26.
Malachias … forespak expreslie of the abolitioun of the auld … oblationis, and vpsetting of ane clene new oblatioun
1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 27.
The king wes … reddy to aventure him self … in doun putting of thievis and upsetting of justice
1569-73 Bann. Memor. 127.
I did verie euill and vngodly in the vpsetting of the kingis authoritie; for he can neuer justlie be king salong as his mother lives
a1658 Durham Comm. Rev. 651.
That change that hath since come upon the Roman empire, and the up-setting of these many new kingdoms and kings, which had no kingdom then

b. The action of establishing (a person) in power and authority. 1669 Fleming Fulfilling Scripture I 151.
The Roman empire mouldred down for Antichrists upsetting, to accomplish what did remain of the sufferings of Christ
a1658 Durham Comm. Rev. (1658) 9.
We would beware of forming ideas, representations or shapes of that one God and three persons in the heart or in the head; these cannot but be derogatorie to Him, … being a liknesse to Him of our own up-setting in our hearts

4. The action of compensating or the compensation paid for something. (Upset v. 4.) 1672 Foulis Acc. Bk. 12.
To Blackerstounes servant for ane account I was owing his master for a night goune, a jack, and upsetting tharof

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"Upsetting vbl. n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 27 Jul 2024 <>



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