A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XI).
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Vicarag(e, n. Also: vicaraige, -iage, -adg(e, -eg(e, -edg, vicarge, wicarage, -adge, -eg, viccarag(e, -adg(e, -ege, -edge, -egge, viccarrage, -idge, viccraige, wiccarag(e, -aige, -adge, -ege, -idge, -ech, wiccarrage, -edge, vickarage, -adge, vickerage, -adge, vickarrage, wickarage, wickerag, vikarage, vikerage, -ege, wikarage, vycarage, vyccarage, wycharag(e, wykyrrecht, vecarage. [Late ME and e.m.E. vikerage (1425), vicariage (1459), vicarage (1485), vycrage (1530), vicaredge (1569), viccaridge (1631); Vicar(e n.] 1. The portion of the benefice of a parson (Person(e n. 5) assigned to his vicar (Vicar(e n. 2) in return for his service in the parish, the vicar's share of the teindis of a parish, usu. the vicarage or small teindis (see 3 f below), making up the living of a vicar. Also const. of the parish concerned. Freq. in collocation with Personag(e n. 3. b. The system of ecclesiastical government involving this.Some post-Reformation examples may belong in sense 2.For further information see Ian B. Cowan The Medieval Church in Scotland (1995).(1) 1451 Reg. Episc. Brechin. II 88.
We exhort … yhou that … ȝe wald present our said chaplane to the said vicarage as ȝe wil do ws a singular emplesance 1476 Acta Aud. 47/2.
Maister William of Twedy vicar of Kilmawris … anent the wrangwis occupatioun … of the glebe & kirk land pertening to the said vicarage 1562 Haddington B. Rec. (Robb) 16 March.
The consall ordanis the thesaurar … to sequestrat the fruits of the vicariage quhill the fermairer tharof pay the fye to the redar a1595 Cullen Chron. Aberd. 45 (see (d) below).
Wicarage 1595 Misc. Maitl. C. I 73.
That everie minister … give in … the names of the kirkis within thair boundis and quhidder the benefices … be severall or annexit [etc.] … and quhat the just availl thairof will extend to … the amount and quantitie of the vicarages of the said benefices, with the glebbis and mansis c1607–15 Goudie Shetl. Antiq. 155-6.
The just rentelis of the benefices callit the vicarages with the number of the kirkis pertening thairto … the vicarage of Dunrosnes in corne teind … calculatit to twenty pundis, the bowteind … the bot teind [etc.] … with halff lamb halff woll the other halff … usurpit … bothe heir and frome the rest of the vicarages within the cuntrie notwithstanding that the haill wool and lamb perteins to the vicar properlie. … The vicarage is set be Lawrence Sinclar vicar and titular thairof to Malcome Sinclar … for sax scoir pundis. It hes ane manse and glebe(b) 1538–9 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 237.
Resavit … fra schir Johne Dawsoun wikar of Kirkurd for his taxt of the said wikarage … iiii lib. 1587–8 Lanark B. Rec. 92.
For obtening his gift of the vikerege in Lanark(c) 1540 Lynd. Sat. 2861 (Ch.).
It is schort tyme sen ony benefice Was sped in Rome except greit bischopries. Bot now for ane vnworthie vickarage, Ane preist will rin to Rome in pilgramage 1614 Burnett Fam. P.
Patrik bischop of Aberdeen patron of the said vickerage(d) a1595 Cullen Chron. Aberd. 45.
Schir Johnne Colison, subchanter of Aberden, and wikcar of Aberden … ordinett … his procuratur, to demitt the said wiccaraige … in faworis of Walter Cullen … reserwand the said wicarage … to the said schir Johnne for his lyftyme 1627 Orkney Rentals iii 53.
The present minister … wantts the halff of the rent that his predicessor haid … he hes not an wiccaradge in nather of the parochins … The minissteris stipend is thrie last twell meillis of malt, sex scor punds money … peyit out off the bischoprick … without aither mainss, or glibb, or viccarridge 1627 Rep. Parishes 1, 2.
The stipend of the minister off Bonckell then threscoir pundis money and the viccarage … nocht worth ane hundreth pundis with manse and glib. The minister at Prestone then fyftie pund and the wiccarage reakinet to ane hundreth mairkis [etc.] … the viccaragis [pr. viccarag is] of both the parochinis ar at the bischopis gift … the minister [sc. of the united parishes] his stipend is [etc.] … and the wiccarag of the haill barronj estimat to thre hundreth mairkis with the mansis and glibis 1633 Acts V 35/1.
It is declarit that the viccarages of each kirk being a seuerall benefice and title from the personage sall be severallie valued to the effect [etc.] 1641 Acts V 349/1.
Act for freeing of viccarrages provyded to ministeres for ther stipendis of taxationes … ordeanes … that no viccarage nor rentes therof assigned and provydit … to ministeris as a pairt of ther stipendis be burdeened … with any taxatianes of impositiones bygone a1650 Row 37.
A minister agreed with a vicar to pay him a yearlie duetie for his viccarage if he would give it over to him, seing he served the cure; another minister accuses this minister of simonie 1668 Dunkeld Presb. I 204.
And to contein in the said act ane obleisment be the counsell to present him to the viccaradge at Mr. Lawe's removing 1674 Craven Ch. in Orkney I 58.
With all … freedomes, privaleadges and righteous pertainents … pertaining to the said viccarage(2) 1516–17 Reg. Privy S. I 451/2.
Ane lettre … gevand him licence … to … present schir Thomas Piot, chaplain to the vicarage of Cluny 1537–8 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 200.
Resavit fra the samyn of the samyn taxt for the vikarage Kergill 1563 Dysart Gleanings 18.
[The minister was] to pay to the [gap in text] collector the thrid of his said vycarage of Crawmond 1564–5 Reg. Privy S. V i 546/2.
The gift of the … vicarage of the parroche kirk of Pamboyd c1560–70 Liber Dryburgh 359.
Inlakking of the payment of the mailles of the vicarege of Lauder be ressoun of non-payment of the corspresentis [etc.] 1575 Orkney Oppress. 6.
In disponing the vicarage of Sanct Ola 1627 Rep. Parishes 16.
The vicarage off Langtoun 1631 Monteith Stewartry Ct. 3 Feb.
Anent the sowme of tuelff pundis Scottis money and that for his bygane vicarage of the half landis of Eister Frew occupyit be him 1641 Kirkcudbr. Min. Bk. 163.
Anent the supplicatione presented be Mr. Johne Makclellane, minister at Kirkcudbryt, schawing that whereas, thair is dew to him furthe of the vicarege and gleib of Dunrod and out of the Mylnetone the soume of ane hundred punds money, as the said supplicatione beires 1649 Strathbogie Presb. 115.
The presbytry admittit the said Mr. William Kinninmont to be minister at the kirk of Keyth, and to the locall stipend, both siluerdewtie and viccraige therof, gleib and manse with partis, pendicles, profitis, rentis, and emolumentis … appertaining 1676 Moray Synod 165.
The bishop declares that the vicarage of Dyke belongs to the minister therof not to the bishop(b) 1481 Grey Friars 130.
Beris wytnes onder our seylle of officis of wycharagis and wardanis of the convent of Dunde(c) 1536 Glasgow Prot. IV 98.
The vyccarage of Mwnkland(d) 1548 Prot. Bk. J. Crawford 41.
The sayd Schir Robert gaif institioun [sic] to the parochynarris of his wykyrrecht [sic] of Innercalle(e) 1551 Rec. Earld. Orkney 245.
The … wicareg of Stanhous 1552–3 Rec. Earld. Orkney 249.
Thre markis land callit Legrow liand in Estterbuster vithin the parochin of Holm and vicareg of the sammyn(f) 1566–7 Rec. Earld. Orkney 286.
Ane half fardein land … lyand within Sanct Peter parochin and viccaregge of Sandwik(g) c1580 Liber Dryburgh 363.
The wiccarech of the same kyrk set to the comeser of Lauder(h) 1589 Prot. Bk. J. Inglis 11 May.
The letter of factory maid be schir Walter Ogiluie of Fynlater knecht of the vecarage of Fordice to [etc.](3) 1501 Reg. Privy S. I 98/1.
A presentatioun direct to the bischop of the Islis to give collatioun to schir Nichol Berchame, chappellane of the parsonage of Sanct Colmez kirk in Sneesfurd in Trouternes, in the lordschip of the Islis, togidder with the annexis and vicaragis thairof, that is to say, Kilmolowok in Rasay and Kilmory in Walternes 1571 Peebles B. Rec. I 327.
The inqueist is content that Maister Thomas Cranstoun, minister, be payit of the thrid of the personage and vicarage of Mennare and Peblis as efferis to the quantite and availl thairof 1586–7 Reg. Dunferm. 449 (see Vitiat v. 2). 1587 Bk. Univ. Kirk II 702.
That nane salbe admittit to any personage or vickarrage, quho sall not be qualified to teach … the Word 1606 Acts IV 293/1.
The denrie of Dunbar, including the personage and vicarage of the parochin of Quhittingem 1606 Acts IV 293/2.
The archiprestrie or vicarage of Dunbar including all the kirklandis and teyndis vseit & wont of all & haill the parochin of Dunbar 1606 Acts IV 293/2.
The prebendarie of Chirnesyd including personage & vicarage of the haill parochin of Chirnesyde 1607 Cramond Ch. Aberdour 6.
The haill provision of that kirk is twa hundred merks and fiftie, whereof four scoir and fiftein merks for vicaradge the rest for the personadge 1602 Melvill 548.
That all the inferiour benefices salbe provydit with ministeres serving the cuir of the saidis kirkis, alseweill personage as viccaradge 1627 Rep. Parishes 183.
To the laird of Lawers for the personage and vikerage viij libs. vj s. 1630 Old Ross-shire I 33.
I Maister Robert Ross lawfully provyded to the parsonage and vicarage of Alness all the haill dayes of my lyfetyme a1633 Hope Major Pract. I 55.
All teynds … perteining to quhatsomever personage or wiccarrage to remaine with the possessors therof 1678 Wemyss Chart. 254.
We require yow … [to] give institution to the said Mr. Alexander Monro of the forsaid personage and wiccarageb. 1674 Elgin Rec. II 376.
That if ministers wer as diligent in catechizing persones committed to ther chairge and in visiting of families as they ar in fleecing the flockes in tyme of viccarage ther would not be so many ignorant persones as ther ar
2. transf. a. An ecclesiastical due or payment based on the emolument originally available to a vicar from the living assigned to him, specif. this sum applied to the upkeep of a minister or redar (Redar n.1 2) in the post-Reformation period; also, once, as part of the salary of a schoolmaster. b. = Vicarage-teind(is (see 3 f below).a., b. sing. (1) 1561 St. A. Kirk S. 105.
Johane Malwyll, minister … takand occasione be nonpayment of the stipend ordened to have beyn payed to the reader of the said kyrk furth of the frutis and vicaraige … exhorted the auditor to … pay to hym his stipend 1648 Elgin Rec. I 184.
The persones underwrittin … to make payment to Christan Kare, relict of wmquhill Mr. David Philp sumtyme minister at Elgin: James Faire … 6 s. 8 d. for the wicaradge of ane calff cropt 1650 Moray Synod 104.
His [sc. the minister's] provision is 300 lib. with the vicarage estimated at 200 merks and three chalders of victual 1658 Moray Synod 124.
The parish of Dumbennan with seven pleughes land of Drumdelgie with 24 bolls victuall 40 merks of teynd silver with the viccarage of the saids pleughes of Drumdelgie 1697 Rental of Babster in Old-lore Misc. VIII i 7.
He payes for viccarrage £9(2) 1671 J. M. Beale Fife Schools 209.
Fourtie merks money vicarage of the gudes of land of the quarters, lying withen the parisse of Torriepl. 1579 Liber Melros 653.
The teind schevis … with small teindis and viccaragis pertenand to the saming kirk 1627 Rep. Parishes 16.
Sir Williame Cokburn … payes tuentie pund to the minister for the viccarages of his haill manissis Johne Cokburn … vpliftes the rest of the vicarage of the parosch by ane inueteratt possession and payes no thing for it 1645 Cockburnspath Baron Ct. 10 Nov.
The persones uha wer auchtand thair byrune viccarages wer ordained to mak payment of the same within fyftein dayes 1695 Stitchill Baron Ct. 117.
The said tennants and cottars when they pay ther rents at Mertimes to bring in with them the respective vicaradges of ther lands and coattyairds
3. attrib. a. Vicarage brock, appar. the portion of the great teindis (Te(i)nd B II 3 c and Brok n.2) allotted to a vicar (Vicar(e n. 2) to augment his vicarage teind(is; ? = vicar's bannock (Vicar(e n. 2 b). b. Vicarage dewtie, = vicarage teind(is. c. Vicarage pensionar(y, pensionary vicarage, (1) the fixed payment received by a Vicare-pensionare n., (2) the benefice of a Vicare-pensioner n. (This compound has been misinterpreted s.v. Pensionar n. and Pensionary n.1) d. Vicarage perpetuall, the benefice of a vicare perpetuall (Vicar(e n. 2 b). e. Vicarage silver, = vicarage teind(is. f. Vicarage-teind(is, (-tyth), the small teindis, freq. used to pay the vicar (Vicar(e n. 2) of a parish. See Personag(e n. 3 b and Te(i)nd n. B II 3 c for further examples. Also ellipt.a. 1634 Kintyre Rental in Argyll Reg. Acc.
Enterit for the vicarage brockes and small teyndis and teynd silver of the personage of the said kirk 1678 Kintyre Rental in Argyll Reg. Acc.
The vicaradge brocks and small teinds of the haill parish of Kilcheranb. 1597 (1599) Reg. Great S. 303/2.
50 pundis money as for the personage dewtie and 10 merkis for the vicarage dewtie foirsaid 1607 Dunblane Test. III 109.
Dettis awand to the dead … of wickarage dewitie the said x s.c. (1) 1510–11 Reg. Cupar A. I 279.
Anent the vicarage pensionary of the church of Fossoquhy of 12 merks in your diocese vacant by the death of the late sir Thomas Hoborne last vicar of the same … we have … presented … sir John Hoborne … humbly entreating that you may … admit the said sir John … to the said vicarage and may bestow the same on him … causing a full account to be given … of all the fruits, rents, etc. of the said pensionary vicarage of 12 merks 1539 Reg. Privy S. II 449/1.
Ane lettre maid to M. Oliuer Lamby, vicar pensionar of the kirk of Meithlik, consenting, to the augmentatioun of the said vicarage pensionar be ȝeir to the soume of x lib. 1569 Reg. Privy C. I 684.
Mathow Greif, redar at the kirk of Moneky … is lauchfullie prouidit of auld in and to the vicarage pensionarie of the samyn, with the gleib and manse thairof, and hes bene in possessioun of the samyn thir diverse yeris bipast 1593 Logie Par. Hist. 35.
Robert Saittone vicar of Logy quha renuncit and gave ouer … all rycht … to the mans and gleib of the kirk of Logy foirsaid and vicarage pencionarie thairof 1627 Orkney Rentals iii 51.
His reidder William Smyt, haid his stipend payit him out of the wicarage, and wiccarredge pentianarie, extending to twellff meills of malt and fourtie marks 1627 Orkney Rentals iii 53.
Wiccaridge(2) 1563 Reg. Privy S. V i 414/1.
The gift of the vicarage pensionare of the parroche kirk of Balmaclellane, with the gleib, mans and kirkland thairof, fruitis, proffittis, emolimentis and dewiteis … belangand thairto … quhilk vicarage pensionare now vaikis be deceis of umquhile schir Henrie Dun, last vicare pensionare and possessoure thairof 1613 Prot. Bk. R. Broun in Ayr & Gall. Coll. VII 191.
Efter dew and publict reiding of the said lettres of presentatioun collatioun and admissioun … gaive to the said Mr. John Bell laufull institutioun of the said vicaredg pensionarie of the said paroche kirk of Stevinsoun with manse gleib kirk lands housis biggingis teyndis [etc.] … belonging thairto and put him in the … possessioun be placeing of him in the pulpet of the … kirk [etc.] 1656 Retours I Inq. Spec. Dumfries (228).
In the kirklands of the vicarage pensionarie of Glencarne, within the parochin of Glencarned. 1565 Reg. Privy S. V i 588/2.
Ane lettir … confirmand ane presentatioun maid … be Maister Robert Pitcarne, archedene of Sanctandrois … and the convent of the said abbey … patronis of the vicarage perpetuall of the parroche kirk of Inverkeithing … presentand Johnne Angus … in and to the said vicarage perpetualle. 1629 Misc. Spald. C. V 220.
Coumptit with Allexander Williamsone … restand, be his awin confessioun … 5 merkis of viccaredge siluer for the said ȝeirf. 1575 Carrick Baillie Ct. 2 June.
Wiccarage teindis 1597 Acts IV 148/1.
Thairfoir … this present parliament for the forther advancement of the said brughe [sc. Fraserburgh] and collegis and for the sustentatioun … of maisteris [etc.] … hes … gewin … the … personagis, vicaragis, prebendareis, chaplanreis and alteragis haill teyndis small and great landis rowmes and possessionis appertening therto [etc.] 1599 E. Loth. Antiq. Soc. IV 31.
The personag and vickarage teindis 1607 Strathendrick 23.
Sir James Cuninghame of Glengarnock … and his predecessores … has bene kyndlie tenentis and takismen … of all … the personage and vicarage teyndis of the kirk of Balfrone 1618 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. II 233.
The toun sall augment l merkis to the jc lib. contenit in the act of Mr. Robert stipend viz. the hey lint hemp milkines fische and all vtheris the vicarge teindis to be dischairgit and nevir to be vptakin heireftir 1627 Orkney Rentals iii 40.
The viccarage teind of the ile of Gramsay … will extend to 10 lib. 1639 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. II 603.
The ij c. merkis peyit be the toun to vmquhill Mr. Robert Glendonyng wes for the wiccarege teyndis quhilk the toun hes of my lord 1643 Bk. Dunvegan 115.
Viccarag 1653 Armstrong Hist. Liddesdale 92.
The tenement of Blackgraine with the personadge and vicaradg teinds of the pariss kirk of Edingtoun and Cassiltoun 1659 Misc. Hist. Soc. VII 31.
Receiued a summond for the vickaradge tind of Whitfeelld 1665 Rothesay B. Rec. 108.
Anent the clame persewit be Mr. John Stewart minister … againes Duncan McAllester [etc.] … for four hundrethe merks money Scots restand be thame to him for the pryce of the small viccaradge teynd sold be the said Mr. John to thame 1675 Cunningham Diary 29.
Of Kilbar vicarag teind, 1673, which belongs to the minister thereof, £2 1683 Kirkcudbr. Test. (Reg. H.) 15 June.
Wickerag tyth 1696 Peebles B. Rec. II 153.
That the viccaradge teynds be no pairt of the ministers localityellipt. 1579 Reg. Privy C. III 221.
The teind schevis and utheris teindis of the kirk of Alveth baith parsonage and vicarage 1615 Armstrong Hist. Liddesdale 121.
The teinds, personadge and vickeradge of the parisone of Mortoune and alteradges 1616 Ellon Presb. 74.
Baith teind schaif and teind vicariage of his haill lands 1644 Lochwinnoch Par. 159.
Viccarege 1659 Glasg. Univ. Mun. I 361.
Viccaradg 1673 Haddington B. Rec. (Robb) 12 April.
The counsall impowers the magistrats with suche vthirs of the counsall as they shall please to call, to seik out of the chartour kist ane contract betuix the Erle of Hadingtoun and the toune, anene the dispositioun of the teinds, personadge and vicaradge of the burrow aikers 1690 Strathendrick 57.
The helf of the personadge teinds and vicaradge and other emoluments belonging to the said church doeth belong to us to be disposed of
4. = Vicare-generalschip n.a1578 Pitsc. I 304/8.
Bischope James Bettone … aggreit witht pryour Johne Hepburne for his [I. wickar gennerallschip] wicarage and generallschip and satisfieit him of all wther thingis pertening to his office