A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XI).
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Wapynschawin(g, Wapins(c)hawin(g, n. Also: wap(p)yn-, -in(e)-, -ing-, -o(u)n(e-, vappyn-, vapin, -en-, wawpin-, -(o)un-, vaupyn-, walpyn(g-, -in-, valpyn-, waepon-, wepon-, weap(p)o(u)n-, weapin-, wopen- and -s(c)haw(e)in(g, -schawyn(g, -chawing, -schauyng, -ing, -schavene, s(c)hewin(g, -scheuing, -schowin(g, wapschawing. [MDu. wapenschouwinge, -schauwinge; Wapyn n. and S(c)hawing vbl. n.] c1290 Liber Melros 359.
[Tenent elemosinam armorum ostensionem et succursum ad tuicionem pacis publice et regni ac ad defensionem terrarum nostrarum c1300 Chron. Lanercost 169.]
Proinde monstratis armis et numeratis capitibus quae apta essent ad bella procedere
1. The action of reviewing the military capability and preparedness of the country. The procedure was instituted for the defence of the realm, governed by statute and carried out in various areas or jurisdictions under the auspices of the sovereign or another authority answering ultimately to the sovereign. b. An instance of this, the occasion or event where this review took place. Also pl. c. comb.(a) 1425 Acts II 10/2.
It was ordanit … that ilk schiref of the realme suld ger wapinschawing be maide foure tymis ilk ȝere … bot the maner how wapinschawingis sulde be resauit was nocht appunctit 14.. Acts I 113/2.
Wapynschawyn 1457–8 Aberd. Trades 109.
It is … ordainyt that wapin-shawing be halden be the lords and baronys spirituall and temporall four tymis in the year 1481 Acts II 133/1.
It is … ordanit that the actis … made of before anent the wapinschawin and abilȝement for were to be made be al personis salbe put to dew execucioune efter the forme contenit in the saide actis 1538–9 Treas. Acc. VII 141.
Wapynschewing 1540 Acts II 362/1, 362/2.
Anentis the wapinschewin it is thoycht necessare that wapinschawingis be maid tuis in the ȝeir … and becaus thai haif bene sa lang out of vse of making of wapingschawing it is thocht expedient that the samin be maid thrise for the first ȝeire a1578 Pitsc. II 321/18.
Vpone the xx day … of Julij thair vas vapinschawing throch all Scotland 1581 Lanark B. Rec. 85.
[Sums received for] wrangs … xiij s. iiij d. for William Bell byding fra wapinschauing and wanting armour 1617 Paisley B. Rec. 286.
That the haill burgesses keip Witsund Twyisday in all tyme coming, for their wapounschawing 1627 Reg. Privy C. 2 Ser. II 30.
Anent the taiking of the mustours and wapounshawing of the vassalls, fewars and parochiners(b) 14.. Acts I 388/2.
Et fiat visus armorum quod dicitur wappinschawin 1445 Reg. Episc. Morav. 219.
That the bischopis men be nocht distrenyt for wappinschawyn nor hostyng 1495 Treas. Acc. I 267.
Wappinschawing 1523 Treas. Acc. V 211.
xxx lettres for the generale wappinschewing oure all the realme 1538–9 Treas. Acc. VII 153.
Lettres to proclame wappinschewing, and … to noumer the personis fensabill for weris 1554 Edinb. B. Rec. II 203.
Wappingschawing c1575 Balfour Pract. 596.
The namis of thame quha cumis to wappin-schawing sould be put in roll, with the maner of thair armour 1603 Moysie 125.
Wappinschawing is appoynted throw all the countrie, in respect of the word of the Spayneyeardis, and great preparatioun for fortefeing of the country, bot litle donne 1607 Edinb. B. Rec. VI 30.
The musters of this burgh and wappounschawing thairof(c) 1584 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 345.
The wawpunschawing of this burgh to be maid the tent of August instant and the nychtbouris to be wairnet thairto be oppin proclamatioun, vnder the payne of v li. by the kingis grace vnlaw, and to haif all lang wawpuns as speir or pik … with thair furnesings(d) 1595 Cal. Sc. P. XII 87.
Weapinschewingb. 1507–8 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. I 100.
The schirref … warnit the wapschawing eftir the tenour of our soueran lordis letters to compeir apone the Linx … and to be bodin for weir as effers as the said letters proports 1562 Edinb. Old Acc. I 363.
To Patrik Mow for his service upon the suesche … the tyme of the wapinschowin 1558-66 Knox II 75.
At weappon-schawing [a1651 Calderwood II 3, weapon-showing] and mustouris of the said men of weir 1580 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 168.
Proclamatioun … wairning all nychtboures to prepair thame selffis for the day of the wawpinschawing 1580 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 171.
The prouest, baillies, and counsale … hes namit and constitute Alexander Scott [etc.] … port anseingyeis this present wawpounschawing 1599 Edinb. B. Rec. V 248.
Wawpounschawin 1604 Murray Early B. Organ. II 217.
Wappinshawin 1606–7 Misc. Spald. C. V 81.
Vapenschawing 1625 Linlithgow B. Rec. 10 Dec.
Wapinschawein 1625 Chron. Perth 29.
Wapoun schaweing 1627 Reg. Privy C. 2 Ser. II 31.
Weapounshawing 1640 Aberd. B. Rec. III 222.
I will bring with me Generall Maior Munro … and withall ye sall be in armes and meitt ws at the brig of Dee that we may joyne for defence of your toune … and for the peace of the cuntrie about, but I wish ye be better conveened nor ye wer at your last wappingshawing [Spalding I 273 n., wappin showing] 1651 Johnston Diary II 106.
The King caused the Highland-men … show to him … how they with him beate and killed our people … which should haive been rayther a mater of mourning for sine … then a mater of shew and spectacle at a waponshowing to our King and to our lords that called on it 1661 Edinb. B. Rec. IX 245.
Be the auld custome and constitutioun of this kingdome established be acts of parliament … it wes the constant practique of burghs and shyres (even in the most peaceable tymes) and especiallie heir in Edinburgh … to keip a generall muster day or weapounshowing to evidence their affectioun to their native countrey in the defence thereof agains forraigne invasioun or intestine uproare(b) 1532 Montgomery Mem. 118.
The valpynschavene of Conynghame, halden apone the borov mur of the burgh of Irvin 1532 Montgomery Mem. 118.
Walpynshawing 1555 Edinb. Old Acc. I 130.
To James Dromond for blawing of the trumpett to the first walpinschawin … xiiij s. 1568 Edinb. B. Rec. III 248.
The prowest baillies and counsall ordanis ane walpinschawing to be maid of all the nychtbouris of this burgh on Wednisday nixt, ilk persoun vnder the pane of twenty s. vnforgevin(c) 1632 Linlithgow B. Rec. 13 July.
Give any of the magistratis giue licence to any of the burgers to absent thameselffis fra the wopenschawing … the giwer of the licence to pay the personnes penaltiepl. 1424–5 Acts II 8/2.
Wapynschawingis 1482 Acts II 144/1.
Wapinschewingis 1483–4 Acts II 164/2.
That the said schereffis … hald wapinschewingis within the boundis of thar office, to se that oure souuerane lordis liegis be bodin for wer efter the forme of the act of parlment 1512 Reg. Privy S. I 366/2.
Jhone lord Flemyng … to resave the musteris and wapinschewingis of all his folkis … and to se that thai be sufficiently bodin in wapinnis and geir accordin to the proclamatioun 1512 Treas. Acc. IV 349.
Wappinschewingis 1512–13 Treas. Acc. IV 402.
Wappynschawingis 1513 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 5.
It is statut … be the lordis of consell that wapynschawins be maid in every schire of the realm, and that … the schereffis … caus all the kingis liegis within thar bowndis to reforme that harnes and abilȝementis for weir and mak thame fensable wapinnis sic as speris, Leitht axis [etc.] 1515 Fife Sheriff Ct. 144.
Wappinscheuingis 1533 Treas. Acc. VI 129.
For thair taxtis and wapinshewingis to be maid 1540 Elgin Rec. I 28.
Vapinshawings 1545 Reg. Privy C. I 13.
Wappynschewingis 1553–4 Sc. Hist. Rev. XXXI 98.
Off all ganging … to ony oure oistis, weris or walpyng-schewingis 1567 Acts (1597) ii 14.
Wepon-schawingis 1575 Reg. Privy C. II 463.
Ane act … wes maid … commanding wapinschawingis to be haldin twyis in the yeir … yit in sindry partis a greit nowmer of the liegis hes not comperit … and sindry quhilkis comperit wer not armit with sufficient armour and wappynnis a1578 Pitsc. II 214/21.
The Erle of Huntlie … causit waponschawingis to be had in all the north 1585 Reg. Privy C. IV 25.
Wapponshawingis 1588 Fam. Rose 271.
Wapponschawingis 1595 Crim. Trials I ii 349.
Wapponschowingis 1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Schireff.
The schireffe … sall cause weapon-schawings to be maid ȝeirlie 1600 Acts IV 250/2.
Seing the saidis persounes … can nocht … defend thair possessiounes of the foirsaidis … iyllis [sc. Lewis, Great Bernera (etc.)] without thair continewall … residence within the saymn … his Maiestie … exemis thame … fra all oistis weiris and weapinschawingis … except quhan they salhave ado with forane natiounes or with the rest of the iyllis 1610 Reg. Privy C. IX 59.
Wapponshowingis 1616 Stirling B. Rec. I 143.
In all wapinchawingis thair sall be na baneris nor pinsallis brocht furth nor careit, bot onlie the kingis standart … with the merchandis and craftis standart 1677 Lauder Notices Affairs I 161.
The use of weapon-shawings is very ancient with us, and ware founded upon our custome of attending the king in all his raids and weirs 1681 Edinb. B. Rec. XI 21.
[The Council] have exeimed … these … silkweavers from watching mounting … the guaird or coming out in ther armes at all tymes except the publict muster days or wapine shawingsc. comb. 1616 Monimail Reg. Ct. 20 Nov.
Betuix the dait heiroff and the nixt wapinschawin day 1634 Dumfr. & Galloway Soc. 3 Ser. III 305.
To Jon Jacksone peifferer on the waeponshawin day 1661 Culross I 313.
Witsounmonday next, being the ordinarie wappinschauing day
2. transf.Applied to a review of military preparedness, or a muster of arms and fighting men outwith Scotland or in other circumstances not in accordance with sense 1. 1547 Corr. M. Lorraine 184.
This cuntre [sc. England] preparis for weir aganis ws and it is for certane that thair is daylie wappynschawyngis in the cuntre 1549 Compl. 96/15, 19.
Kyng Eduard … ordand thre vaupynschauyngis to be maid al on ane day in Scotland be Scottis men … as in til the Marse, in Gallouaye, and in the northt of Scotlande and at thay vappynschauyngis, al the vaupynis and armour of Scotland to be delyuerit to the Inglismen 1615 Crim. Trials III 275.
Archibald Murray [etc.] … with dyuerse … mwtinous … persones [etc.] … convocat to ȝow the … cuntrie … people about pat ȝour selff with thame in airmes, and at tua seuerall tymes maid ȝour musteris and wappone-schawingis and musterit togidder the number of nynescoir persones furneist and airmet … with [etc.]
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"Wapynschawin n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 26 Dec 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/wapynschawing>