A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
(Wattir pott,) Watter-pot(t, -poitt, n. Also: vatter pote, water pot, walter pot, valter pott. [ME and e.m.E. watir pott (Wyclif), water pot (Chaucer), water pott (1546).] a. A vessel for holding water. Cf. Pot(t n.1 1. b. A chamber pot. (Pot(t n.1 1 e.) Also attrib.a., b. 1488 Treas. Acc. I 86.
A water pot of siluer 1543 Inv. Wardrobe 111.
Watter pott 1551 Treas. Acc. X 42.
Watter poitt 1556–7 Edinb. Old Acc. I 207.
For twa watter potts to the Lords of the Sessioun, ordanit to remane within the counsall hous for serving of thame, xviij s. 1562 Edinb. B. Deeds 62b.
Walter pot 1562 6th Rep. Hist. MSS App. 649/1.
Ane valter pott of tyne. … To my lordis chalmer ane vatter pote of brase 1632 Inv. Newark 4b.
Item of watter pottis; Item of bed stolles with ane pan to it 1662 Edinb. B. Rec. IX 299.
Dischairgeing the casting out of watter pots or fowll watter … at windowesattrib. 1645 Edinb. Test. LXI 184b.
Ane water pott mould
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"Wattir Pott n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 26 Dec 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/wattir_pott>