A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Precentor, n. Also: praecentor, preycentor; precentar, -er; presentor, -er; (precanter). [e.m.E. præcentor (1613), precenter (1649), a precentor of a cathedral, med. L. præ-, precentor, id., F. précenteur (16th c.), earlier précentre.]
1. In the Scottish Reformed Church: The precentor or person appointed to lead the congregational singing.The post was commonly held jointly with those of reader, schoolmaster or under-schoolmaster, and session clerk.(1) 1649 J.M. Beale Fife Schools 62.
[Appointed as] doctor to the lectors in the grammer schuill [of Falkland] and reader and precentor to the kirk 1654 Cramond Kirk S. 22 Jan.
This day … James Morisone is receaued as precentor scribe to the sessioun and schuilmaister 1660 Stitchill Baron Ct. 21. 1662 Acts VII App. 94/2.
Whereas Robert Waters, musitian, hes exerced the office of precentor, in the singing of the psalmes at all sermons preached in the parliament hous to the members of parliament 1665 Edinb. B. Rec. X 3.
The severall informatiouns given in to them be … the two clerks to the kirk sessiouns of this brugh and by the other four preycentoris thereof 1675 Dingwall Kirk S. 318. 1684 S. Leith Rec. 143.
Whither thei will make the precentor and doctor's place in one 1687 Lauder Notices Affairs II 823. 1694 Strathendrick 61.
Provydeing that he shall supply us with a sufficient praecentor 1696 Penninghame Par. Rec. I 1.
If they have any session clerk, praecentor or schoolmaster 1699 Stirling B. Rec. II 90.
Thir presents to be intimat by the precentor from the letron … imediatlie after divine service(b) 1677 Inverness Rec. II 273.
Precentar 1691 Pittenweem Ann. 102.(c) 1680 S. Ronaldshay 64.
Precenter 1692 Conv. Burghs IV 575. 1696 Glasgow B. Rec. IV 223.
Also of fourtie pounds Scotts as his yearlie sallarie as a precenter(d) c1705 Nimmo Narr. 37.
For some of her freinds prest we should be proclamed att the church by the episcopall presentor 1674 J.M. Beale Fife Schools 184. 1684 Edinb. B. Rec. XI 110.
The verrie presentors of this cittie have two hundred merks of cellary(e) 1662 J.M. Beale Fife Schools 122.
Presenter 1668 Index Edinb. Test. II 254. 1673 Bonckle Kirk S. 43.
That Johne Magumry, present presenter and session clarke should kepe a scooll(2) 1650 Inverurie 314.
As … to say … Katie for Catherin, precanter for precenter 1651 Cramond Presb. Fordyce 25.
Use not … Kattie for Kathrine, precentor for praecentor
2. In the Pre-Reformation Church: The precentor of a cathedral. a1688 Wallace Orkney 55.
A precentor who was to rule the singers in the quire [of St. Magnus Cathedral] in the elevation or depression of their songs
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"Precentor n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 6 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/precentor>