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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Presumptio(u)ne, n. Also: præsumptio(u)n, presumptiowne, -youne, -yown(e, presumpcioun, -cion(e, -sione, -coun, presumtio(u)n, presumcio(u)n(e. [ME presumciun (Ancr. R.), -cion, presumpcion (Cursor M.), -ciun (14th c.), presumption (1395), presumpscion (c 1440), e.m.E. presum(p)tion, OF presumpcion (12–13th c. in Hatz.-Darm.) (med. F. présomption), L. præsumptiōn- a taking beforehand, anticipation, late and med. L. also audacity, presumption.]

1. Overweening self-confidence or an act evincing this; excessive self-satisfaction, arrogance, effrontery. a1400 Leg. S. x 139.
Thare pryd & presumpcione
c1420 Wynt. ii 1461.
And for thare full presumptioune [C. presumpcione] Thai sulde fall in confusiowne
Ib. vii 380.
Duncane … herd off this presumptyowne [C. presumpsione] That hys eme than tuk on hand
Ib. v 3674.
Presumptyowne [C. presumpcione]
Ib. viii 1235.
Presumptyown [C. presumcion]
Ib. vii 2612, ix 1486. c1450 Cr. Deyng (S.T.S.) 160.
For to have pryd of his gud dedis is a temptacioune callyt presumcioune
1456 Hay I 32/12, 220/14, II 88/24, etc. a1500 Henr. Fab. 33, 1116, 1438. a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 1405 (Asl.).
Pompos presumpcoun has poysond sa prudens
Ib. 447. c1500-c1512 Dunb. ix 117. 1526 Acts II 312/1.
Thai put thame to defence of his grace and resistit thar malice presumpcioun and onsett quhar the said erle [etc.] … war slane
a1538 Abell 86 b.
Riches, quhilkis to desire is presumptioune & pride
1535 Stewart 847, 5029. c1536 Lynd. Compl. Bagsche 142. 1549 Compl. 18/1. c1552 Lynd. Mon. 3096.
The quene … Full of presumptioun and of pryde, Hir banaris … displayit
15.. Clar. iv 2129.
That war, quoth he, ane grite presumtioun … That I sould go assay quhair they have failȝeit
1562-3 Winȝet I 21/15.
King Ozias quha in his presumptioun ingerit him self to offer the … sacrifice
Ib. 50/33.
I wes almaist astoneist at thair proud præsumption … in sa prydeful and arrogant procedingis
Ib. 8/24, II 17/24, 25/13, 77/13. 1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 21.
1598 James VI Basil. Doron 36/9.
For that uaire misnurterid præsumption to stryue to be farther upon Godis secreitis not [etc.]
Ib. 76/13. 1587-99 Hume 83/125.
After well doing, be ware then of presumption
1602 Wemyss Corr. 55.
Craiving your maiesteis pardowne for my presumptiowne
1611 Crim. Trials III 161.
It is foulish presumptioun in subiectis to think that the kingis … sould haue hairtis of no greater excellence than the vulgar sort
1642 Saltoun Kirk S. in Reliq. Antiq. Sc. 155.
For hir presumptioun and malapertnes in bedding with a man
1644–61 James Burns Memoirs in Hist. Fragm. I 21.
And his presumption to fall on when the enemy were thrice their number

2. Belief (esp. as to another's guilt) based on probable inference rather than on actual evidence; supposition, suspicion, surmise. a1400 Leg. S. iii 981.
That sal al il presumpcione Exclud and all suspicione
c1400 Troy-bk. ii 1904.
At that suspicioun And all that fals presumpcioun That thai on Pallamydes had, Was [etc.]
c1420 Wynt. ii 402.
Agayne hys [sc. Joseph's] fadyr wylle That had his presumptyoune [L. That presumyt] off thaim ille
Ib. v 5241.
On presumptyowne nevyrtheles He, that it stall, arestyd wes
1456 Hay I 259/33.
Gyf ony man has slayne ane othir secretely … that na man wate bot be presumpcioun vehement
1531 Bell. Boece II 97.
[They] left behind thame ane huge fire, … that thair ennimes suld have na presumptioun [L. minime suspicaretur] of thair departing
1535 Stewart 33519. 1554 Edinb. B. Rec. II 199.
Dyueris personis honest men hes suspeckit vtheris be presumptioun and thairby hes maid discord
1562-3 Winȝet II 76/2.
Quhois doctrine that haly conuentioun halding … without irking … , præsumptioun or fauour
1628 Conv. Burghs III 262.
Nather is this ane naikit feare or presumptioun for we know by experience that [etc.]
1631 Justiciary Cases I 161.
The pannell hir allegit testimonie … being only of suspitiones and naikit presumptiones aganis the Laird of Pitcaiple

3. (Esp. in legal contexts or as a term of law.) An assumption or ground for belief admissible in legal proof, based on a. certain or probable inference from the general principles of nature or of human behaviour (cf. also 4 a below), or b. on seemingly probable inferences from the circumstances of a particular case.Occas. also as a non-count noun (cf. prec. sense).For lawyers' subcategorizations of legal ‘presumptions’ according to their probative force, see, as well as the following quots. from Stair, Bell Dict. Law Scotl., s.v., and Encycl. Laws Scotl. s.v. 1681 Stair Inst. iv xlv § 9 (1832) 728.
Presumptions are the most important extraordinary probations and they are of two kinds. The one is when the points to be proved are presumed to be true without the probation of any other point of fact. The other is when points of fact are alleged and thence the point to be proved is inferred as consequent therefrom
Ib. §12, 729.
And so presumptions are divided in three sorts; for they are either præsumptio judicis, præsumptio juris, or præsumptio juris et de jure
1429–30 Acts II 19/2.
Sa that the party playntife mak prufe … of the violent presumpcion … be his athe
1568 Cal. Sc. P. II 555.
Articles contenyng certane conjectouris, presumptionis, likliehoodis and circumstances [concerning Darnley's murder]
1571 Reg. Privy C. II 85.
Na gude purgatioun maid … for … thair innocency, bot rather manifest pruiffis, presumptiones and liklyhedis of thair giltynes
1578–9 Reg. Privy C. III 93.
The said Lard of Kerse … aucht not to have him in … keiping, for sindrie presumptionis that may be allegit in the contrair
1584 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. I 319.
He … beand na noter bot of sex yeir auld or thairby quhilk presumptioun planelie declaris the falset … of the said pretendit instrument
1611 Crim. Trials III 141.
Albeit thai war maist violent presumptiones and indoutit thay can produce na sentence condampnatour in criminall caussis
The depositiones of the saidis tua persones … can nawayis induce ony presumptioun far les probatioun
Ib. 155.
And the rest of the haill lybell ar only accidentis, conjectouris and presumptiones, and seing na pairt of the substantiall poyntis is provin, albeit the haill actiones, presumptiones and conjectouris war provin, quhilk is nocht grantit, … the maist that can be inferrit thairupoune is the tortour of the persones aganis quhome the presumptiones ar militant
1628 Dumbarton B. Rec. 29. 1629 Justiciary Cases I 106.
That upone presumptiones judges can nocht proceid to inflict the pane of daithe bot uther corporal or pecuniall panes
a1633 Hope Major Pract. I 156.
The lords fand it wes not neccessar to alleadge that the reversione became Humbie's evident efter so long tyme, bot that the presumptione militats in the contrair
Ib. II 195.
Quhen any of the king's subjects hes any doubt of their lyfe, aither be deid, menaceing, or violent presumption, the shireiff should cause sovertie be found
1647 Sc. Ant. IV 26.
Bot be reason of sundrie presumptions though not proven to inact himself as followeth
1660 Cramond Kirk S. 3 June.
So many presumptions of his adulterye … being discovered, he was … intreated … to glorifie God by a … confession
That God … had … unexpectedly broght a new presumption to light
1661 Forfar Witches in Reliq. Antiq. Sc. 134.
Hellen Guthry gawe in many præsumptiones one hir; the death off John Fyff and Margaret Fyff [etc.]
1662 Justiciary Ct. Rec. I 28.
Margaret Ramsay indited for the murder of her child … cleansed by the assise for want of probation. I observe here two strong presumptions, first not calling women to the birth of the child, 2o [etc.] … and yet the assise cleanses ut supra
Ib. 47.
But in respect of the presumptions arising therefrom they remitted the pannel to the consideration of the justice
1672 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. MS 28 Feb.
Fynes Agnes Galloway … in ten punds Scots for pyking and presumptiounes of steiling
1679 Fountainhall Decis. I 47.
All the probation was only pregnant presumptions against them
1681 Stair Inst. iv xl §14 (1832) 697.
Whensoever the presumption of verity is on the part of the pursuer he needs not otherwise prove but obtains his decreet upon presumption
1682 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. MS 13 Sept.
Finding severall presumtiones of basnes evidenced aganst Marioune Heughane
1682 Dunkeld Presb. I 455.

c. In negative or implied negative contexts: An indication of guilt of any kind. 1660 Dunkeld Presb. I 338.
Seing my lord doeth not … alleadge any scandalous carriage of mine anent these things … it is not fair … without any presumptions therof to bring me upon the stage theranent
1676 Cullen Kirk S. 30 April.
The Session finding no presumption of guilt thought not fit to [etc.]
1697 Penninghame Par. Rec. I 8.

4. a. Right to act in a certain way in given circumstances, founded on universally accepted principles of nature or behaviour (cf. 3 a above). 1456 Hay I 197/1.
Than had he gude rycht; and presumpcioun of defens of his lyf gert him sla him

b. Over-confident expectation (of something). a1599 Rollock Wks. I 337.
And all this is to learne everie saull, not sa to presume of the mercie of Christ, that thou sall think to find him mercifull in that day … .Away with that presumption of mercie, that makis the lowne … to say God is mercifull

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"Presumptione n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 6 Jan 2025 <>



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