A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
(Quhareupon,) Quhairupon, interrog. and rel. adv. Also: quhar-, whare-, whair- and -upon(e, -upoun(e, -wpon(e, -wpoun; quhar(e)apon(e. [North. ME quar-apon (Cursor M.), whare-apon (c1400), midl. and south. wherupon etc. (cf. Quher(e)upon), Quhare C 5, Upon prep., Apon prep.]
A. interrog. (in indirect question). Upon or about what. 1519 Fife Sheriff Ct. 149.
Tharfor … he had na knawlage nore avisment quharapone he suld ansuere 1628 Aberd. Council Lett. I 289.
So ye may the better know whairupon to confer with them
B. relative. 1. In local senses: Upon which. Also fig. 1533 Boece 73.
Sum [stones] … quhareapon war gravin the figuris of certane fowlis, serpentis or dragons 1571 Antiq. Aberd. & B. II 396.
The Blaik fauld, whilk now is in corn land, quhairupon the house of Hadoch standit of auld 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 310.
Vther menis landis, quhairvpoune thair is presentlie fructis that may be collectit and won 1596 Dalr. I 267/19.
The croce, quhairvpon S. Andro diet ?1549 Monro W. Isles (1961) 68.
Ane fresh water loch quhairupon thair is slane salmond and kipper 1622-6 Bisset I 269/32.
Ane seat … quhairupon in tyme cuming salbe set all dyvoris 1646 Edinb. Test. LXII 69.
Four courting drawers with the irnes quhairwpone thay rane 1658 Conv. Burghs III 471.
The said comoun muir … quhairwpon the said Peter hes libertie of pasturag and casting of faill and divottfig. c1590 Fowler II 46/17.
The onlie foundatioun and sure rock quhairvpon the kirk suld be buyldit
2. In various non-local senses of Upon.
a. With specific noun antecedent. b. Where the antecedent is a clause or is to be inferred from the preceding context: On which account, in consequence of which, wherefor. Passing into. c. In consequence of and immediately after which, upon the occurrence of which, and thereupon. d. As a compound relative.a. 1562 Digest Justiciary Proc. D. 35.
[He] desyrit to sie the ayth or lettres of lawborrowes quhairwpoun the lybell is foundit 1566 Misc. Maitl. C. I 46.
For payment of the sowmis quhairvpoun the samin [lands] lyis in wadset 1558-66 Knox I 55.
He fand the mercy of his God, whareupoun he ever exhorted all men to depend 1575 Misc. Maitl. C. I 120.
Wagabondis … that hes nocht quhairupoun to sustene thame selfis c1590 Fowler II 47/18.
That the consequence is not good, quhairvpon sic vsurped tyrannie suld be establishit 1581 Acts III 215/1.
[To] considder all the … articles quhairvpoun actis ar not ȝit maid 1606 Crim. Trials II 498.
Quhat was the middis quhairupoune thay war convenit 1629 Justiciary Cases I 97.
Haifing na uther meanis quhairupoune to leaveb., c. 1456 Hay I 80/24.
Here he declaris how force is ane of the principale foundementis of bataill, quhareapon men suld wit that syndry folk … has the body rycht lytill and ȝit [etc.] 1525 Acts II 297/1.
Quhen ony of our … lordis liegis sustenis dampnablie the said horrible sentence of cursing for the space of xl dais, quharvpon capcioun aucht to be gevin be the law 1569-73 Bann. Memor. 18.
Quhairvpoun rose no small tumult amongis the Hammiltounes suldearis against the said Boyd 1570 Leslie 143.
Sindrye uderis … gat certaine pensiones assinit to thame be King Henry of Ingland, quhairupoun thay leifit thair contynuallie 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 129.
Quhairvpone followit appeirance of great cummaris a1578 Pitsc. II 63/1. 1588 Aberd. Council Lett. I 27.
Quhairupone thay haif raisit oure utheris letters as yitt unexecut c1615 Chron. Kings 106.
Quhair he wes hurt be ane theiff … with ane lead bollatt on the heid, quhairupone the theiff strak him agane … 1620 Aberd. Council Lett. I 177.
Quhairupon ather of the saids pairteis askit nott and instrument 1623 Misc. Spald. C. V 222.
Quhairwpoun dome was giwin 1629 Black Orkn. & Shetl. Folklore 77.
Ye … said that sho sould repent that sho told it, quhairupon he losit twelff horss and meiris within ane halff yeir efter 1642 Irvine Mun. II 54.
[The annualrent being redeemed by payment of the principal,] quhairupone the samyn was impignorat and redemable as said is 1647 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 72.
The haill toun … being convenit … be touk of drum … quhairvpone the bearer maid faith c1650 Spalding I 30.
Bot he receavit sum aduertesmentis quhairvpone he went to the chancelaris lodging Ib. II 233.
Quhairvpone thay hoiss wp saill Ib. 96, 255, etc. 1666 S. Ronaldshay 52.
Qrupon the present minister did produce the old sessione bookd. 1596 Dalr. I 114/22.
Our king … hes of ȝeirlie rentis quhairvpon he royallie may susteine his court 1612 Orkney & Shetl. Ct. Bk. (ed.) 20.
Thair is monie serviable persones that mareyis … not haveing quhairupone to live
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"Quhareupon interrog., rel. adv.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 8 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/quhareupon>