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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

(Quho-so-ever,) pron. Also: quho-so-evir, -ewir, qhuosouuer. [e.m.E. whosoever(e, ME hwo so ever; used in place of Quha-sa-ever.]

1. Whoever, any person or persons that, if anyone; no matter who.(1) a1568 Bann. MS 257b/49.
Now quho so evir hewis to hie … The spailis will fall and hurtis ee
a1578 Pitsc. II 71/25.
Quhosoevir was bound to such lyk vowis thay vowit thame sellffis to … dampnatioun
c1580 Mary in 12th Rep. Hist. MSS. App. viii 9.
Wel, qhuosouuer is wise hath caus nou to look about them
1660 Misc. Spald. C. V 232.
And quhosoewir refuises, being desyrit to send the same, sould pey to the stewart the pryce of ane quart aill
(2) c1500-c1512 Dunb. G. Targe 201 (Ch. & M.).
Bot Resoun … Warly defendit quho so ewir assayes

2. Following a noun, modifying a preceding indef. adj. = whoever they (he) may be, whatever, at all.e.m.E. whosoever in this use (1586). 1655 Nicoll Diary 154.
That all men quhosoevir ar inlichtned with the trew licht and is not confyned to the elect onlie

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"Quho-so-ever pron.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 23 Oct 2024 <>



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