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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Prime-, Pryme-gilt, n. Also: prim-, prym- and -giltt, -gelt; pringilt, pryngilt. [Appar. f. or f. as Prime v. a and Gilt n.3 as in Last-gilt, Like-Gilt (and cf. Primage n.1). Only Sc.] a. Orig. = Primage n.1? Customarily donated by the masters and mariners to some charitable or pious use in the port of delivery or elsewhere, hence

b. A levy by a port or other authority on the masters and mariners of ships loading or unloading at a port. c. attrib.1518–19 (c 1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 187.
For the fraucht of xxvj s. and xvj s. the mort chairge frie of all vther chairges except pryme gilt
1521 Dundee B. Ct. I fol. 32 (4 June).
That the said schip was frauchtit furth in Zeland for xj s. gretis and xiiij s. scottis for ilk ton for al the merchandis gudis of Dunde … the quhilk is by the primgilt
1522 Ib. fol. 96 (9 July).
Sande Robertson grantit the intrometing with the primgilt of thar schip
1531 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 359.
[Supplication by the owners, skippers and mariners dwelling north of the Brig of Leith … stating that in all time past the] prymegilt [of each ship … was spent on the maintenance of St. Nicholas' chapel] quhair thai convene to do devine service becaus of distance of thair parroche kirk
1532 Acta Conc. & Sess. (St. S.) 164.
[The kirkmasters of Leith have been accustomed to uplift] prymegilt [from every Scots ship loading within the ports of Dundee, St. Andrews [etc.] … as well as the said toun of Leith]
1533 (c 1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 61. 1542 Treas. Acc. VIII 153.
Gevin for custume pynour for weying karting pringilt [sic in pr.] varegilt and uther small expensis maid upone the said coppir to the schippyng thairof
1552 Perth Guildry MS 286 (15 July).
For the expensis he hes maid apon the steir man fee and prymgilt of the saidis gudis
1566 Reg. Privy S. V ii 114/1.
Cum quadam divoria de stipendiis nautarum percepta lie prymgelt nominata
Ib. 115/1.
Contra magistros, naucleros et nautas omnium navium Scoticarum in dicto portu oneratarum et iacentium ad … solutionem … faciendum dicte lie prymgilt collectoribus pro receptione eiusdem ordinatis
1576 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 54.
That the dewtie callit the prymegiltt quhilk was gevin be the liberalitie of merchantis hes bene … spent be the marinaris in vane … vses quhilkis marinaris now [etc.]
1576–7 Ib. 58. 1584 Burntisland B. Ct. 16 June.
Ltr maid anent the collectinge and payinge of primgilt
1585–6 Reg. Great S. 302/1. 1600 Kennedy Aberd. Ann. II 169. 1602 Conv. Burghs II 134.
That nather salt nor coillis sall pay any awarice to the maister nor pryme gilt to the cumpany
1621 Acts IV 668/2.
With the libertie of the prymgilt to be vplifted for sustentatioun of the pure … marineris within the said toun of Leith
Ib. 672/2.
We schipperis of Leith … in name of the rest of the skipperis and sailleris inhabitantis of Leith quha hes the … right of collectioun and distributioun to the pure distrest seyfairing people of the prymegilt within the port of Leith
Ib. 669/1. 1629 Reg. Privy C. 2 Ser. III 216.
Ane licence grantit to the hospitall of Leith to poynd shippes for the pryme gilt
1630 Ib. 642.
The richt off our prymgilt quhich is ane pennie off the pund grantit off benevolence off all seamen cumand or beand in Leith … out of thair hyres ad pios usus
1630 Skene Mem. 199.
To … ressave all … toillis, customes, anchorages, prymgilt, doksilver and utheris dewties of the samen cities … harbouris, faires [etc.]
1633 Acts V 93/2.
The port and harberie of the said burgh of Bruntiland … with the indraucht thairof, and prymegilt of all shipes coming to the said port
1636 Comm. Univ. I (Edinb.) App. 27.
1641 Acts V 538/1.
With power to … wptake the tolles, customes, pryngilt [sic in pr.], averne entres silver [etc.] … [of] whatsomevir shippes … repaireing within … the said port
Ib. 571/1. 1660 Old Ross-shire I 186.
Togither with towage, rowage, average pettipilotage and uther according to custome … prymgilt only excepted
1696 Edinb. B. Rec. XII 189.
As also that the masters of the Fraternity hospital hade sett ane tack of the duty of the prime gilt to George Dundas in Leith
c. 1692 Conv. Burghs IV 609.
Dew be the toun [sc. of Kinghorn] to the primgilt box be bond, £78. 13 s. 4 d.



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