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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Prisar, -er, Prysar, -er, Pricear, n. Also: prissar, -air, pryssar, pressar, prycear, pryzer. [Late ME and e.m.E. prysare (Prompt. Parv.), -er, priser, prizer (c 1611), also praiser (1529), preyser (1544). Cf. Prisour.] A valuer. a. An, or the, official appointed to prescribe the prices of commodities for sale. b. A person appointed to estimate or compute the value of anything. c. One who judges the merit of a literary work.a. 1427 Acts II 15/1.
The payn of the prisar [sc. of craftsmen's work] gif he be negligent … salbe [etc.]
Ib. 332/2.
At ȝe ger be somonde ȝour … tastaris of ail prisaris of flesche
1445 Aberd. B. Rec. I 14.
And they sal sell na flesche quhill it be prisit be the sworne prisaris
1457 Peebles B. Rec. I 121.
Prissar fles, Rob Morray, John Ancornes, [etc.] … Tastar al, John Leth, [etc.]
1483–4 (c 1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 49.
Fysche prissarris
1521 Stirling B. Rec. I 13.
c 1526 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 80.
1535 Wigtown B. Ct. fol. 305 b.
1536 Linlithgow B. Ct. 6 Oct.
And gyve it be nocht gud and wortht xvj d. the gallone at the sycht of the prisaris [etc.]
1549 Elgin Rec. I 97.
1587 Acts III 451/2.
The only pricearis of all wyne
1587 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 510.
To be prycears of the wyne and tymmer
1587 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 225.
Appointit to be pryseris of all geir conjunctlie
1592 Burntisland B. Ct. 159 a.
Prysaris brekkaris and visiteris off the flesche
b. 1513 Perth Guildry 484 (11 May).
According to the price that thaj war prisit to be the prisaris
1532 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 126.
To pay Symont Fairle als meikyll beir as the prisaris prisit upone his hors
1551 Banff Ann. I 28.
That four men be maid pressaris quhilkis … pas to appris the corne ettin
1553–4 Prot. Bk. Sir Wm. Corbet 20.
1587 Montrose Baillie Ct. 26 a.
Alexr Petre … and Iames Makein nominat prysars of Iames Lores cornis
1593 Edinb. Test. XXV 161 b.
The saidis oursearis and pryseris to tak in and ressaif the said Euphameis forder comptis
1611 Reg. Privy C. IX 618.
Whatevir jewellis wer heir melled with, the valeu of the same wer estimat by sworne prysaris
1617 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. II 219. 1627 Bamff Chart. 217.
The samyne pennieworthe [sc. sum of money] to be sichtit and prysit be … Gilbert Ramsay … and Alexander Campbell … , quha ar electit and choisine judges and pryseris for that effect
1664 Banff Field C. (1903–4) 32 (see Prise-corn n.). 1675 Kirkintilloch B. Ct. 71.
Heline Smallie did actuallie delyver the said littit cloath to [him] … in pairt of payment of debt, pryzers name is Robert Watsoune and Allexander Baxster
1691 Corshill Baron Ct. 185.
The said birlaymen prysers
c. 1513 Doug. Exclam. 40.
Beys not afferyt tocum in prysaris sycht

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"Prisar n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 26 Dec 2024 <>



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