A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1990 (DOST Vol. VII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Recognosce, -nos(e, v. Also: -noce, (-nost). P.p. also recognost. [L. recognōscere, also in the later dial.]
1. tr. Of a feudal superior: To repossess (lands) in consequence of a ‘fault or crime’ committed by a vassall (see the quot. f. Skene Verb. S. below); to resume possession of. 1440–1 Yester Wr. 51.
That ye in oure name recognoce the said medow in our handis 1454 Ayr B. Ct. 30 Sept.
Preuit the landis wayst … & recognoscit thaim in the kingis hand to be lowsit within xl dayis 1482 Sc. Ant. XI 34. 1551 Acts II 490/1.
The ground annuall appeiris ay to be payit quha euer big the ground and failȝeing thairof that the annuellar may recognosce the ground 1555 Ib. 491/1. a1586 Maitland Ho. Seytoun 25. c1575 Balfour Pract. 113.
Landis beand recognoscit in the superiouris handis be ressoun of alienatioun thairof 1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Recognition.
And gif it happens the vassall or possessour to quhom the landes are sauld to commit ane fault or crime quhairby he tynis and fore-faultis the landes, the superiour hes entresse and regresse to the propertie of the landes and may recognosce the samin, and as it were the second time vindicate to himselfe the propertie thereof 1608 Fam. Rose 298. 1622-6 Bisset I 306/24.
[He] asked dome of the courte of the said tenement that it aucht to be recognosced, and appropriate in his handis a1633 Hope Major Pract. I 265.
When the wassall deceases the superior may recognosce and reteine the lands till they be recovered from him be the lawfull air
2. To verify, or affirm or testify to the genuineness of (hand-writing, a document, etc.). See Recognis v. 2. 1533 Inchcolm Chart. 19.
Mr. James Lausoun provest of Edinburgh recognoscit the wryting within writtin 1539 Grey Friars II 37.
Thar commoun [seal], producit befoir me, notar publict, and witnesis undervrytyng and recognost be the forsaid … convent 1551 Prot. Bk. J. Robeson MS 10.
The said Thomas … [shall] recognosce the said chartour 1560 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. I 162.
Producit the said Sir Williams obligatioun subscriuit with his awin hand … affermit and recognoscit be the said Sir William 1561 St. A. Kirk S. 127.
The dispensacion to hym schawyn and exhibit to recognosce it c1575 Balfour Pract. 371.
Gif the seill of ony evident be crasit [etc.] … the Lordis … may tak the depositioun of … famous witnessis, quha knew the man quhom to the seill pertenit, and recognosce the samin, and thairefter transume it 1577 Waus Corr. 150.
Forsamekill as the larde of Mynto hes desyrit ws to recognosce the larde of Castelmylkis handiewrit, quhair he hes subscrivit the resait … of certane euidentis … quhilk to be his handy writ we testifie as we haif sene syndry wtheris of his subscriptionis 1631 Justiciary Cases I 187.
To declaire if he wald recognosce and acknowledge the same to be his awin writt
3. To identify; to recognize the appearance or character of. 1533 Bell. Livy II 167/32.
Two dayis lasere war gevin to ilk man to recognos [v.r. recognis] his awne gere [L. ad recognoscendas res] 1653 Binning Wks. 389.
It is impossible almost for a man to recognosce and review his own parts, such as ingine, memory, understanding
4. To acknowledge by (with) special behaviour; to take special notice of. 1558 Acts II 506/2.
With quhat zele and affectioun hir subiectis ar myndit to obserue and recognos hir said spous 1559 Cal. Sc. P. I 251.
[I have greatly to thank you for the trouble taken for me] desirand at God at sum day he grant me the moiens to recognost in your acht 1566 Ib. II 302.
[He … did me service] which I mon recognos 1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 36.
Refuse not the help send to ȝow be God bot recognosce thankfullie his fauour towardis ȝow c1590 J. Stewart 203 §14.
Till recognose thy fauor and guidwill Vith humyll seruice
5. To acknowledge by admission, confession or avowal; to admit. 1549 Lamb Resonyng 55/12.
The anciant demand of superioritie that Ingland hes vpone Scotland, recognoscit successiuelie be the Scottis kyng be deidis, werdis, actis and writtingis 1567 Anderson Collect. Mary II 190.
Crymes, quhilks thai recognoscit, and confessit to be of verity 1568 Ib. IV ii 54.
That thai hir subjectis may be causit recognosce thair detfull obedience 1568–9 Reg. Privy C. I 649.
The duke … sall recognosce the king and his authoritie 1569 Riddell Tracts 170.
The saide Janet than being present … , recognoscit and put be hir said parentis under the cairclaith in wirification that her saidis parentis maid hir perticipiant of the said meriage [etc.] 1572 Stewart Mem. 103.
Eftir he be recognoscit of fourtene ȝeris of aige … [he] sall marye a1578 Pitsc. I 105/24.
Recognose c1590 Fowler II 63/18.
Recognose thy errour, and confesse thy ignorance in aledging false autorities 1582–3 Burntisland B. Ct. 22 Jan.
Recognoscis his narrest and lawfull air [etc.] 1589 St. A. B. Ct. 8 April.
Wes recognostit eldest sone on lyffe … off vmquhile Johnne Ȝoung cultellar 1644 Maxwell Prerog. Chr. Kings 21.
The possessour … recognosceth or acknowledgeth … no superiour but almightie God
6. a. To look over or examine. 1560 Knox II 82.
To recognosce the samyn [supra munitioun] befoir the schipping thairof
b. To revise or amend. 1562-3 Winȝet II 83/4 heading.
In the buke of iiiixxiii quæst. sum places explanit or recognoscit 1661 Wodrow Hist. (1828) I 114/2.
A general assembly … will be careful so to recognosce those proceedings … as may satisfy his majesty, and take away all cause of offence 1665 M. P. Brown Suppl. Decis. II 384.
He craved the same, as most unjust and unreasonable, to be recognosced, rescinded, declared null 1665 Laing MSS I 346.
The actis and sentences of other inferiour courtis … come befoir the Lordis to be recognosced when quarrelled 1696 J. Spalding Serm. 10.
Let your sentences be revised and recognosced
7. To reconnoitre. 1637 Monro Exped. ii 202.
We must recognosce on horse or foot according to the exployt we have before us Ib. 204.
You are to recognosce both his strength and order
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"Recognosce v.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 14 Feb 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/recognosce>