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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1990 (DOST Vol. VII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Reddily, Reddely, -lie, adv. Also: redi-, redy-, rede-; readi(e)-; riddi- and -lé, -li, reddellie; Raddily. [ME (c1320) and e.m.E. redily, red(d)yly, readily, f. Reddy adj. See also Reidly adv.] Readily, in the usual senses.

1. Promptly (in respect of time), quickly; without delay.(a) 1399 Holyrood Chart. 113.
The qwilk hundir ponde the said religious men … sal redili resafe … qwat tyme that it be redi to be payd
1415 Reg. Episc. Brechin. I 36.
?14.. Ship Laws c. 13 (B). 1445 Reg. Episc. Morav. 219.
Pass … to the common defence of the cuntre redyly
1507 Reg. Privy S. I 227/2.
That … ȝe redely intend, ansuer and obey to the saidis schireffis [etc.]
1521 Boyd Fam. P. No. 3 (3 Nov.).
Thane we … quhilks beis warnite for the tyme sall redely compere day and place of warnyng
(b) 1510 Reg. Privy S. I 314/2.
1511 Exch. R. XIII 445 n.
That ye and ilkane of you reddely [ed. redde by] ansuer and obey to the saidis reverend fadir
1513 Doug. iv x 30 (Ruddim.).
1515–16 Reg. Privy S. I 421/1.
To pas with the said M. James … and mak hym … be reddelie ansuerit and obeyit
1533 Boece 465.
Quha maist benynglie & reddily obeyis
1548 Reg. Privy S. IV 3/2. 15.. Clar. i 216.
Meliades then reddilie him beheld, Saying [etc.]
1560 Rolland Seven S. Prol. 72.
My maisters … it ressauit, and reddelie red ouir
1562-3 Winȝet II 24/27.
Quhoumekle euery man wes mair godlie … insafer the mair reddelie he gainstuid new inuentionis
1573 Reg. Privy C. MS XLII 4.
1575 Reg. Privy S. VII 57/1.
1584 Reg. Privy C. III 661.
[Alexander, Master of Levingstoun] reddely approcheit … the said burgh efter his hienes rebellis
1593 Bk. Univ. Kirk III 795.
That all the actiouns … may be … mair reddelie dispecht, the Kirk nominat thair bretherne vnderwritin … to convine daily
(c) 1585 Acts III 419/2.
The saidis fewaris … to riddilie ansuer … and mak thankfull payment
Ib. 404/1.

b. Without difficulty; easily. a1500 Henr. Fab. 2185.
He mycht not se … Nor wit reddilie quhether it wes nicht or day

2. Promptly (in respect of willingness), willingly; gladly; with alacrity. 1456 Hay II 24/27.
Knawand that he is evill sett and will redily trow evill talis
1490 Irland Mir. II 69/22.
Thai wil sone and redely trow a thing pertenyng to thar carnale plesaunce
Id. Asl. MS 57/3.
Men of gret curagis forgevis redely faltis
1533 Boece 162b.
Lugthak … wald reddily myssay his agit lordis
1648 Hamilton P. (Camden Soc.) 222.
Impressions to this purpois do toe reddele take with thois I haue to deall with
1691 Sc. N. & Q. XII 89.
We thought it our part … to require them … to keep and secure the peace of the toun, which they readiely promised
1697 Laing MSS I 484.
For it is notour … that the heritours & elders will not so redyly agry to setle another iff Mr. Black should be transplanted

3. Only Sc.: As may easily happen; probably.Also in this sense in the mod. dial. 1638 Henderson Serm. 81.
If he have ordained any good thing to be done to thee, readily he will stir thee up to cry to him for it
Ib. 344. 1639 Baillie I 217.
Some of our Scottishe bishops, readilie Rosse and Aberdeen, … did alter somewhat the king's minde
1641 Baillie I 292.
They are printed this day; readilie yow may get them with this post
1643 Ib. II 71.
Readilie it may cost him more tyme

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"Reddily adv.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 27 Jul 2024 <>



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