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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1951 (DOST Vol. II).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Gild, Gyld, n.1 Also: gilde, gylde, guyld, guyild. [ME. gilde, gylde (c 1330), ON., MLG., MDu. gilde, med. L. gilda.]

1. An association or brotherhood; a (merchant) guild. Dene of (the) gild; see also Dene n.2 3. 14.. Acts. I. *89/2.
Heyr begynnis the lawis of the gyld
The statutis of the gilde of Scotland
Ib. *91/2.
Giff ony of our brether of the gilde in his eyld fall crukyt or pure
Ib. 338/2.
Gif litstares or soutaris that ar of the gilde oysis thar craft witht thar awn hande
1442 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 8.
It is sene speidful to the commoune counsaile and the gylde, for the kepyng and governance of this burgh [etc.]
1520 Stirling B. Rec. I. 2.
That na man enter to the fredoum of the gild bot he that sall pay v li
1529 Ib. 38.
Archibald Spettall enterit to the fredoume of burgesry and gild
1570 (1650) Dundee B. Laws 114.
Anent the evidents of the gild
Ib. 115.
That he is free and ane of the brethren of the gild
1617 Acts IV. 538/2.
The deanes of guyild
1641 Peebles B. Rec. 104.
To bruik … and posses for ewer the gild of merchandice, with gildes courtes

2. a. A member of a guild. 1448 Aberd. B. Rec. I.402.
That the dene of the gild … punyce … all thaim that … barkis, nocht beand gilde
1497 Dunferm. B. Rec. 75.
Vilyem Symsone wes maide burges and gilde … and maid the ayth awch tharto
1555 Edinb. B. Rec. II. 208.
Maister Robert Glen to be put burges and gild in the lokkit buik
1556 Ib. 240.
Hector Blacader wes suorn and admittit burges and gild
1560 Ib. III. 89.
[To] steik vp thair buithe durris … vnto [the tyme] they cum and mak thame self gild
1598 Stirling B. Rec. I. 87.
Andro Hendersoun is enterit in burges and gild
1665 Ib. 250.
[Three persons] are admitted burgessis and gild gratis

b. Membership in a guild. 1556 Inverness B. Rec. I. 3.
Ilk ane of thame payand xx merkis for thair fredom and gyld

3. Attrib. with box, buke, counsall, court, day, dochter, hall, hose, kist, laws, merchandise, officer, richt, seat, serjand, serjand-, servandschip, silver, son, tikket, wine. 1634 Stirling Merch. Guilds 51.
Quhilk sowme of swit of compts, gild box and wthers abouementionat
1668 Conv. Burghs III. 606.
The said deane of gild and his counsell … can not … force them … to enter of new againe as burgessis or pay anie thing to the gild box
1580 Edinb. B. Rec. IV. 140.
Thatt the lokkitt gild buke be putt vp in the chairterhous
1614 Ib. VI. 124.
At the tyme of the buiking of the said prentes in the gild buiks
1585 Ib. IV. 384.
The vnlawes and penalteis … to be bestowet the ane halff be the greitt counsall of the toun and the vther half to the said gild counsall
1499 Dunferm. B. Rec. 97.
The covnt made … befor the alderman, the balyes, and the dene of the gilde in the gilde covrt
1501 Edinb. B. Rec. I. 89.
That the gild court begyn on Fryday nixt cummis
1598 Stirling B. Rec. I. 89.
That … the said Normond and his fortefearis be inhibit and dischargit to hald ony gild court
1457 Misc. Spald. C. V. 22.
Quhat tyme that the persounes … be warnyt on othir dayis than the gilde dai
1681 Stirling Comm. Good MS. 154 b.
To the treat in the gild hall 12 gallons of claret wyne
1556 Inverness B. Rec. I. 3.
Patre Skynner … hes fundin James Skynner souerte … for the spice and the wine and his gyld hoys
1606 (1650) Dundee B. Laws 136.
To se the same [inventory] input in the common gild kist
1624 Stirling Merch. Guilds 44.
The same day … den of gild, resavit the handsenȝie and pinsell … with the money bak and gild kist
1555–6 Edinb. B. Rec. II. 365.
Ane elne of blak stemming, for the coppye of the gild lawis
14.. Acts I. 336/2.
Thai vse gilde merchandise … bakand and brewand, tappand wyne, walx, terr, and sape
1573 Edinb. B. Rec. IV. 1.
Robert Drummond, gyld officer
1610 Stirling Merch. Guilds 29.
The contraversie … anent the gild rycht acclamit be the said craftis to pertene to thame
1650 Dundee B. Laws 154.
For aiken delles and uther timber for bigging the gild seat in the Wast Kirk
1555 Edinb. B. Rec. II. 211.
Johne Nicolsoun alias Doctour Smyth … wes ane of the gild serjandis
1573 Ib. IV. 1.
The counsale … admyttis … Jhonne Smyth, cramer, as their gild and kirk seriand
1555 Ib. II. 210.
The prouest [etc.].grantis to Robert Craig, goldsmyth, the office of gild serjandschip
1560 Edinb. Old Acc. II. 116.
To him for the gild serwandschippe, xxx s.
1570 (1650) Dundee B. Laws 111.
Ane box for the collection of gild silver
1576 Ib. 115.
Ten schillings … to be applied with the rest of the gild selver
14.. Acts I. 91*/2.
That nane salbe ressavyt within our fraternite of gilde les than xl s., except they be gild sonnes and gild dochters
1621 Ib. IV. 623/1.
The guyld tikkettis
1686 Aberd. B. Rec. IV. 307.
The forsaid soume to be payed out of the gildwyne moneyes

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"Gild n.1". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 22 Oct 2024 <>



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