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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1951 (DOST Vol. II).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Gully, n. Also: guly, guillie, gowl(l)y. [Of obscure origin. Also in north. Eng. dialects (1674–).] A large knife. Also attrib. with knyff. c 1530 Dundee Treas. Acc. in Soc. Ant. II. 349.
A rassour, A guly knyff
a1568 Bann. MS. 163 a/13.
Owt of his scheith his gowlly owtgat. Sanct Petir socht this gowly fast vp & doun
Ib. 18.
At his plaid nuk the guly fell out
1582 Calderwood III. 622.
In his sermoun he inveyghed against the bloodie guillie (so he termed it) of absolute authoritie
1590 Crim. Trials I. ii. 211.
Satan … poyntit the graues … , qulhilk wer opnit … , the wemen demembrit the deid corps and bodeis being thairin, with thair gulleis
Urquhart Rabelais I. xxvii.
Can you tell with what instruments they did it? with faire gullies [F. gouetz]
1665 Lauder Journal 68.
Poor fellows … with hurle barrows in which they carrie their sharping stone to sharp axes or gullies

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"Gully n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 26 Jul 2024 <>



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