A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Ik, Ic, pron. [North. and north midl. ME. ik (c 1300), OE. ic. In Sc. only in the Edinb. MS. of the Brus.] I. In the Edinb. MS. of the Brus, appar. only before
vowels and h and in certain tags as Ic tak
on hand (? after Ik hycht, e.g. viii. 268) and As ik diuisyt yow
(? after as ik haiff tauld, e.g. vii. 522). —Brus i. 384.
As ic hard say Ib. 615.
Ik haue ane othir Ib. 619.
Ic ask ȝow respyt Ib. ii. 20.
Ic tak on hand Ib. iv. 415.
As ik diuisyt ȝow