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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Warm, adj. (n., adv.). Also: warme, varme, werme. Superl. wermest. [ME and e.m.E. warrm (Orm), warm (a1250), warme (Manning), OE wearm, MDu. warm, MLG war(e)m, ON varmr.]

A. adj.1. Of something said. a. Inspiring, uplifting, welcoming. b. Heated, angry.a. c1450-2 Howlat 386 (A).
That word is so wonder warme, and euer ȝit was, It synkis sone in all part Of a trewe Scottis hart, Reiosand ws inwart To heire of Dowglas
1535 Stewart 7102.
Greit mirth wes maid quhen tha kingis did meit, With wordis warme, and salussing rycht sweit
b. a1578 Pitsc. I 222/15.
‘War thow out of the kingis presentis I sould tak thé on the mouth.' Mr. Patrick heirand thir warm wordis of his brother plat on his kneis befoir the king [etc.]

c. Of the heart: Full, overwhelmed with emotion.a1500 Henr. Fab. 456 (Ch.).
Quhen I behald ȝour fedderis fair and gent … My hart is warme

2. Of clothing: Capable of keeping the body warm.1456 Hay II 131/29.
Than suld men have gude warme clething and gude fyris
a1568 Sempill in Sat. P. xlviii 41.
It is weill walkit, cairdit, and calkit, Als warme a weid as weir the deule
a1570-86 Maitland in Maitl. F. 329/22.
Warme claythis ar bettir for me To keip fra cald

3. Of a thing: Made warm, heated; hot.a1500 Henr. Fab. 444.
I did my besie curis To hald his heid and gif him drinkis warme
a1500 Sir Eger 294.
A lawer they have gotten soon, Warm water into it was done
1513 Doug. ix xi 80.
So deip the grundyn steill hed owt of sycht is, Ful hait and warm it festnyt in his lychtis

4. Of the weather, etc.: Warm.a1500 Henr. Robene & M. 98.
The wedder is warme and fair
1549 Compl. 58/30.
[Rain falls] sum tyme in soft & varme schouris
a1605 Montg. Misc. P. x 12.
Greit fuills … they ar, That seeks warme water vnder yce
1659 A. Hay Diary 129.
A warme, louring, closse day

5. Of the body, blood, etc.: Having the degree of heat necessary for survival, of normal temperature. b. specif.Of the temperature of a planet.1513 Doug. vi iv 27.
Sum slevit knyvis in the bestis throtis And otheris … The warm new blude keppit in cowp and peys
a1568 Sempill in Sat. P. xlviii 95.
A wylie-coit … Quhilk did me no harme, bot held my cost werme
b. a1568 Bann. MS 266b/5.
Quhen Saturne is warme and Venus wicht, And quhen all gilt is of this warld ago, Than sall my lady luve me

6. Of accommodation: Cosy, warm.a1500 Henr. Fab. 359.
I hard say scho passit to hir den, Als warme as woll, suppose it wes nocht greit
superl. 1581 Reg. Soltre 236.
The beidmen … to occupy the samyn [supra sellis and chalmeris] nichtlie thameselffis … vtherwayis the maist wermest to be gevin to thame that remanis thairin nychtlie

b. transf.Of one's situation: Comfortable, settled.a1500 K. Hart 831.
Warme and hait, Quhen thai thairout salbe with stouris stade
1535 Stewart 29519.
He … His confessour … Confessit him of all his crymis clene … Syne suddantlie the cruell aufull dart Of dulefull deid, quhair that he la rycht warme Persit his hart

B. noun.? Warmth or ? a further example of 4 or 5 above.1513 Doug. vi xii 16 (Sm.).
A hait fyry power, warme and dew … Bene in thar sedis quhilk we saulis call

C. adv.Warmly, cosily.1528 Lynd. Dreme 10.
Quhen thow wes ȝoung, I … in thy bed oft happit thé full warme
1528 Lynd. Dreme 134.
With my hude my hede I happit warme



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