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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2000 (DOST Vol. VIII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Schafe, Schaife, Scheaf, n. Also: scheav-. [Only in Easter Ross, in the early 17th c. Perh. the same word as Schef(e n.2, but see Soc. Ant. (1943–4) LXXVIII 74 for an argument that it is altered from sceth Scheth n.] A local land measure, appar. equal to about ⅐ of an oxgang. — 1603 Old Ross-shire I 171.
Payand yeirlie … for the saids vi schafis lands of Culkenzie
1615 Retours II Inq. Spec. Ross et Cromarty (39).
3 bovatis et 1 garbata terrarum vulgariter appelatis the thrie oxgang and schaifeland villæ et terrarum de Culkenzie in baronia de Delnie
1623 Ib. (66).
7 garbatis terrarum vulgo appellatis 7 scheavis of land … extendentibus ad 1 bovatam terræ vulgariter nuncupatam an oxgait of land unamque garbatam lie scheaf dictarum terrarum et villæ de Cowlichmoir infra baroniam de Line
1635 Ib. (83).
10½ garbatis villæ et davatæ terrarum … vulgo nuncupatis ten scheaffis and ane half scheaf of land infra baroniam de Delny noviter erectam
1635 Ib.
7 garbatis lie sevin scheaffis land … extendentibus ad 1⅙ bovatam terrarum de Culkenzie

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"Schafe n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 22 Oct 2024 <>



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