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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2000 (DOST Vol. VIII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

(Schese,) Scheis, Schyse, Scho(i)s, v. Also: P.t. schesit, scheschit; schowsed. P.p. schosin, -ing, -yn(e, -yng, schossin(e, schoschin; schothing; schowin. [Var. of Chese v., Chose v., Chus(e v. (to choose).]pres. 1550 Corr. M. Lorraine 339.
Betwix this and Frayday tha ville schyse ane nuder provest
1582 Laing Chart. 259.
That we fermoraris of Crummy auchit to scheis the mile knaif of ouir mile at ouir schesing and nocht to be schosin be the multraris
1600-1610 Melvill 168.
I besaught my cowsing to sett me a-land, schosin rather anie sort of dethe … nor [etc.]
1627 Orkney Rentals iii 93.
For their better proceeding did schois the most anchienest men … to helpe them
p.t. 1524 Edinb. Hammermen 112.
The masteris … schesit Patrik Scot … kerkmaster
1540 Aberd. B. Rec. I 171.
1549 St. A. Baxter Bks. 5.
All the bredren … within the cite … eleckit & schesit Thomas Mortowne to be thair decane
(b) 1570 Leslie 214.
He schowsed furth a certane nowmer of the most practised
p.p. 1492 Reg. Episc. Morav. 244.
Arbitrours and amicabill compositouris evinlie schosyn be and betuix … Andro bischop of Murray … and … Huchon the Roos
1526–7 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 84.
1529 Aberd. B. Rec. I 124.
1530 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 106.
Mark Ker vas schosyne procuratour
1557 St. A. Baxter Bks. 10.
1570 Peebles B. Rec. I 319.
Thir persones vnder writtin, schosing be consent of baith the partiis
1580 Crim. Trials I ii 91.
1582 Laing Chart. 259 (see pres. above). 1627–8 Peebles B. Rec. I 415.
Quhen the proweist and bailyes was schossine
(b) 1531 Stirlings of Keir 341.
The said Johne Logan … has conynglie schothing honorabill men … [as] equall personis
(c) 1525 Edinb. Hammermen 114.
The maysteris … has schowin Andro Kathkin deikin for this ȝer

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"Schese v.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 27 Jul 2024 <>



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