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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1937 (DOST Vol. I).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Compere, -peir, -pear, v.2 Also: comper, -peyr, -peire, -pire, -peer, -pair; conpere, cumpeir. [Late ME. compere (Harding), e.m.E. (1647), but very rare in Eng. use; OF. comparoir, L. comparēre. Cf. Appere v.]

1. intr. To appear, put in an appearance, as a formal act, esp. in a court of justice or before some person in authority.In common use from 1450 to 1700. Cf. Bide v. 4 b.(a) 1442 Stirlings of Keir 216.
To compere befor … the kyng and his consale in the castale of Striuelyn
1460 Peebles B. Rec. 137.
Comperyt in cwrt Sir Wylyam Smaill … and askyt at the balȝeis to gar red the landis of … Katryn [Smail]
1471 Acta Aud. 20/2.
Alex. beand summond lauchfully to compere personaly and comperit bot be his procuratour
1508 Reg. Privy S. I. 253/2.
William Lundy, fear of that ilk, comperit before the Kingis hienes
1533 Bell. Livy II. 60/7.
All the princis of the ciete comperit to this conventioun
1548 Edinb. B. Rec. II. 134.
Certefeand sic persouns as beis wairnit and comperis nocht [etc.]
1584 St. A. Kirk S. 527.
Being … warnit be the officiar to haif conperit this day befoir the sessioun, … he conperit nocht
1607 Acts IV. 396/1.
In the Parliament haldin at Edinburgh … comperit personalie Schir Thomas Hamyltoun … aduocat
1640–1 Kirkcudbr. Min. Bk. 30.
The … Commissioners … sat down in the tollbuithe … The said day none comperit
(b) 1442 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 8.
And he compeir noght at the our, he sal tyne … viij s.
1473 Peebles B. Rec. 20.
Quhare the burges … has of late bene … callit … to compeire … at the bounde courtis of oure said forest [of Ettrick]
1495 Liber Aberbr. 290.
That day as day peremptour set to bath the parteis with their awn avise til compeir
1521 Fife Sheriff Ct. 278.
Sa mony … as the said Alexander … gevis thar names to ȝou in bill, that thai sal compeire before our Iustice
1535 Stewart 42633.
To king Malcome he send In haist ane herald … Commandand him … befoir him to compeir
1547 Edinb. B. Rec. II. 129.
Quhither thay compeir or nocht thair frauchtingis wilbe modefeit
1555 Ib. 216.
The haill merchandis that purpos to saill in ane schip to convene and compeir in the Tolbuith
1563 St. A. Kirk S. 154.
Ihon Gyb called and nocht compeyrand
a1578 Pitsc. I. 260/4.
Ewerie man [was] specifeit be his awin name to compeir … befoir his maister quhair it sall happin him to apoynt
1584 Conv. Burghs I. 191.
Quhilkis commissioneris, … ordanis the said James, … to be chargitt to compeir in Edinburgh vpon the xviij day of October nixtt
1606 Rec. Old Aberd. I. 39.
The haill infantorie within this toune … sall cumpeir befoir the pulpet
1627 Elgin Rec. S. II. 199.
Elspet Mertein and Ionet Reid compeirit for playing on the casa … on a fasting day
1661 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. I. 13.
He wes forced to give in band of cautionery to compeir at Coupper in Fife
1685 Melville Chart. 193.
The defender not compiring
(c) 1558-66 Knox I. 47.
The knaiffis … compearing, and affirmyng the same that thei did befoir
c1610 Melville Mem. 200.
Charging them … to compear before the Privy-Council
1649 Drummond Hist. Ias. V 97.
Gilbert earl of Cassils being summoned & compearing, … his kinsman answer'd the indictment
1670 Aberd. B. Rec. IV. 260.
Anent the charges given to the said Francis Irvine, to haue compeared personallie to haue answered to the forsaid complaint
1681 Decis. Lords F. 3.
Being uncertain whether the debitor would compear or not
1693 Apol. Clergy Scot. 62.
There in a most ridiculous manner they cite the Archbishop of St. Andrews … to compear before them
(d) 1570 Leslie 88.
Alse ye writ that slayers be sey aucht not compair personallie, bot be thair atturnayis

2. To appear, present oneself. a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 697.
Befor this dome but dowt thair sall compere The antecrist owr faith for to confound
c1500 Rowll Cursing 142.
With grit din and deray Compeir sall Sathan but delay
1531 Bell. Boece II. 268.
Ylk man began to feir his life, and durst nocht compeir quhare Makbeth was
c1550 Rolland C. Venus I. 50.
Into ane gairth preclair I saw compeir … Twa ȝoung ȝounkeirs
1562 Peebles B. Rec. 288.
Ordanis all parochinaris … to compere and mak thair obedience at prayer tyme and vtheris without ony rangald in tymes cuming
c1590 Fowler 76/252.
With hir compered many moe whose names my guyde did knaw

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"Compere v.2". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 30 Dec 2024 <>



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