A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1937 (DOST Vol. I).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Culrach, Culrath, n. Also: culraich, -reach, -riach; culleraith, -irathe, -ha(i)th, culrehath, -rahaitht. [Prob. of Gaelic origin. Cf. Colrach.] The surety given on removing a case from one court to another; the person acting as surety or cautioner.(a) 14.. Acts I. 272/1.
Plegium quod vocatur culrach Ib. 284/2.
Relinquet ibidem vnum culrach scilicet vnum plegium, quod plena lex tenebitur parti in curia domini sui Ib.
Vel suus culrach respondebit pro eo 1514 Stirlings of Keir 303.
The … tenentis and inhabitantis … to borrow, replege [etc.], … culraichis to fynd 1518 Fife Sheriff Ct. 131.
The said Thomas Forestar [is] pleige & culrach to the schiref to do iustice in the said actione c1575 Balfour Pract. 339.
The replegiatioun beand admittit, and the said cautioun of culreach beand also fund 1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Culrach.
Quhilk cautioner left in the court be him & behind him quha vsis the replegiation is called Culrach Id. Reg. Maj. 77 b.
Gif he is repledged to his Lords court, he sall leaue behinde him … ane pledg called Culreach 1700 Misc. Spald. C. III. 175.
[They] craived the saids Patrick and Donald Brounes may be repledged to the said regalitie, and offered cautione of culriach to that effect Ib. 178.
The bond of culriach for Patrick and Donald Brounes(b) 14.. Acts I. 371/1.
Et si curiam domini sui recuperet, balliuus domini sui in illa curia intrabit culrehath 1482 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 501.
Fredome till agane bring and borow, and causione and cullirathe thairuppoun to fynd 1484 Buccleuch Mun. II. 82.
Cautionys and culrathis to leif and to fynd 1498 Reg. Great S. 521.
Cum potestate … cautionem … de cullerhath, pro justitia partibus conquerentibus ministranda infra terminum juris dandi 1521 Fife Sheriff Ct. 221.
The said regale court … fand Walter Olyphant in Carny culrahaitht to the scherif deput for the sammyn 1542 Reg. Privy S. II. 737/2.
Cautionem de cullerhaith pro justicia partibus conquerentibus [etc.]