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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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First published 1965 (SND Vol. VI). Includes material from the 1976 and 2005 supplements.
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

OUT, prep., adv., v., n., adj., int. Also outt, oot; ut (Sh.). Sc. usages. For Out- in compounds see separate entries. [ut]

I. prep., where Eng. uses a different prep.: 1. Along or up (a road) in an outwardly direction away from the speaker (n.Sc. 1825 Jam.; Per., Fif., Lth. 1915–26 Wilson). Gen.Sc. Phrs. out-the-gait, see Gate, n., 4. (9) (a); to gie (somebody) out-the-road, to send packing, dismiss peremptorily, give one his marching orders (Abd. 1964).Kcb. 1728 Session Bk. Minnigaff (1939) 514:
As she was travelling out the way homeward.
Sc. a.1830 Lord Thomas and Fair Annet in Child Ballads (1956) IV. 470:
An four-an-twontie milk-white swans Her out the gate to lead.
Abd. 1868 W. Shelley Wayside Flowers 66:
We whyles tak' a forenoon's stravaig out the road.
Ags. 1894 J. B. Salmond B. Bowden (1922) xvii.:
Gaen oot the Loan, he met a crood o' laddies.
Rxb. 1927 E. C. Smith Braid Haaick 16:
A'm gaun for a dander oot the Langbauk road.
Sc. 1952 Scots Mag. (July) 266:
I'll warrant you didn't know that there was once a leper-house at Liberton, out the road.

2. Out of, from (Rnf. 1835 D. Webster Rhymes 19; Sc. 1880 Jam.; m. and s.Sc. 1964). Obs. in Eng. Phrs.: out-the-gate, adv., out of the way, out of sight, “lying low”; oot-the-road, adj., out of the way, secluded, remote.Rnf. 1791 A. Wilson Poems 82:
Now reek rows briskly out the lums.
Edb. 1866 J. Smith Poems 53:
There'll be a bonny sowp taen out yer bicker!
Bnff. 1869 W. Knight Auld Yule 171:
It dings the elbows oot oor coats.
Sc. 1880 Jam.:
He failed, an' now he's aff an' out-the-gate [sc. of his creditors].
Lnl. 1880 T. Orrock Fortha's Lyrics 140:
Losh! they're no oot o' the hoose; They canna be oot the hoose.
Edb. 1886 R. F. Hardy Within a Mile vi.:
Never thinkin' ony leevin' cratur wad pass by sic an oot-the-road bit!
Ags. 1896 A. Blair Rantin Robin 20:
Oot the door I gaed an' got the letter.
Ayr. 1897 H. Ochiltree Out of her Shroud x.:
Some o' them loup oot the theats a'thegither.
Fif. 1932 Times (17 March) 17:
It'd mebbe smit your powney drinkin' out the trough.
Gall. 1955 Gall. Gazette (19 Nov.) 2:
Lookin' oot the wee windie I saw the hens and cocks fleein' for their very lives.
wm.Sc. 1987 Duncan and Linda Williamson A Thorn in the King's Foot 148:
He hed travelled a good bit oot the hill when down comes the mist.
wm.Sc. 1995 Alan Warner Morvern Callar 17:
The man had took two totey-wee hearing aids out both ears.

3. Beyond, outside.Rnf. 1862 A. McGilvray Poems 82:
What he has felt 'tis out our power to say.

II. adv. 1. (1) In the usage of the Arg. islands: off the island, on or to the mainland; (2) Outside, in the fields, in phr. to work out. Cf. V. 2.s.Sc. 1947 L. Derwent Clashmaclaver 20:
At the Mains where “she works out”.
Arg. 1961:
In Islay it is common to say: I'm gaun out the morn; he died out (i.e. outside Islay).

2. Of a gathering of people, a church congregation, school, meeting, etc.: dismissed and left the building, dispersed, over, concluded (Gall. 1903 E.D.D.). Gen.Sc. Hence to come out, to disperse, to leave after the service, etc.Rnf. 1827 W. Taylor Poems 91:
In that whimp'ling burn when the school was out.
Ags. 1889 Barrie W. in Thrums xix.:
Juist afore the kirk came oot she couldna stand it nae langer.
Sh. 1896 J. Burgess Lowra Biglan 22:
Da kirk is oot, I tink.
Inv. 1911 Bch. Observer (10 April 1962) 7:
Word went through the toon like lichtenin, for the school wis oot.

3. Of a cup, glass, etc. or its contents: emptied, drained, consumed (Fif., Gall. 1903 E.D.D.). Gen.Sc. Phrs.: to drink cap out, to drain one's glass. See Cap, n., 5. (6); to tak out, to drink to the last drop. See Tak.Edb. 1792 Auld Handsel Monday 21:
At ilka toast they drank cap out.
Gsw. 1904 H. Foulis Erchie xvi.:
Leezie, gie me Mr Macrae's cup if it's oot.
Gsw. 1936 G. Blake David & Joanna ii.:
Your cup must be out, Mr. Balharrie.
Sc. 1961 People's Jnl. (9 Sept.) 7:
Since I came south I have been confusing English visitors when they come to tea. . . . They giggle when I ask, “Is your cup out?”

4. With a numeral, esp. in denoting the years of one's age: fully, quite (ne.Sc. 1964). Also in Eng. dial. Phr. a' out, all told, at least.Abd. 1768 A. Ross Helenore (S.T.S.) 21:
Heary, is Nory fifteen out the year?
Per. 1830 Perthshire Advert. (4 Nov.):
I was married when no just out five-and-twenty.
Knr. 1891 H. Haliburton Ochil Idylls 40:
I'm fifty oot — yet I'll be bauld.
Kcb. 1964:
It cost thirty poun, a' out.

5. With reference to (1) the Jacobite risings of 1715 and 1745: in arms against the Hanoverian Government. Cf. gae oot s.v. Gae, v., IV. 16.; (2) the Disruption of 1843: leaving the Established Church for the Free Church. Hist.(1) Sc. 1773 Boswell Tour (Pottle & Bennett 1936) 70:
Mr. Boyd was out in the year 1745–6.
Sc. 1815 Scott Guy M. iii.:
My father was a jacobite, and out with Kenmore, so he never took the oaths.
Gsw. 1865 Glasgow Past & Present (1884) III. 490:
Scores of brave men who had been “out in the Forty-Five,” and had fought for Charles Edward at Prestonpans, Falkirk, or Culloden.
Fif. 1895 S. Tytler Macdonald Lass viii.:
The rest of their branch of the clan had gone “out” with the Prince in the recent rebellion.
Arg. 1901 N. Munro Doom Castle vi.:
I had an uncle oot wi' Balmerino.
Bnff. 1936 Trans. Bnff. Field Club 56:
His son, also George, was “out” in the Fifteen, and the latter's son, Arthur, . . . took a prominent part in the Forty-five.
(2) Sc. 1884 Crofters' Comm. Evid. IV. 3247:
He was the Free Church minister all along; he went out.
m.Lth. 1894 P. H. Hunter J. Inwick iii.:
The like o't hasna been heard in Snawdon kirk, no' sin' Pendreigh gaed oot at the Disruption.
Rxb. 1914 Kelso Chron. (25 Dec.) 4:
Robbie, I understand you went oot in '43.
Dmb. 1959 Stat. Acc.3 153:
William Colquhoun (brother of the eleventh baronet), who “went out” at the Disruption. The laird remained “in”, but his wife seceded.

6. Of land: out of cultivation, untilled, fallow.Dmb. 1794 D. Ure Agric. Dmb. 50:
Tenants are bound to keep their lands three years in and six years out.
Sc. 18th c. H. G. Graham Social Life (1899) I. 155:
If land be three years out and three years in, T'will keep in good heart till the deil grow blin'.

7. Used ellipt. with omission of verbs of motion = to go out, in idiomatic usages below (Gall. 1903 E.D.D.). Gen.Sc. See also Leave, n., 2., Want.Lnk. 1870 J. Nicholson Idylls 10:
Jenny, are ye wantin' oot 'Mang the knowes to frisk aboot?
Bnff. 1880 J. F. Gordon Chrons. Keith 60:
Unceasing demands were made for “leave oot”; the immemorial signal in some of our local Seminaries being to hold the Stay-band of the door, and sing out “Licet mihi exire.”
Abd. 1962:
I think the dog's needin out.

8. In combs. with adv. or prep.: (1) out about, adv., out-of-doors, out in the garden or fields, at some distance from one's home, in an isolated spot, abroad (Cai. 1903 E.D.D.). Gen.Sc.; adj., out-door (ne.Sc. 1964); n., a piece of business transacted away from home, a turn out of doors, a trip away from home and one's immediate circle. Comb. out-and-in-abouts, one way or another, all possible ways and means. See also Aboot, 3.; (2) out amo(n), out of, away from (Sh., ne.Sc., Ags., Per., Lnk., Gall. 1964). See also Amang, C. (6). Phr. out amang it, in a bad temper (Fif. 1964); (3) out at, out of, from (Sh., ne.Sc., Ags., Fif. 1964); (4) out back, backwards, back first; (5) out by, see Outby adv., adj., n., prep.; (6) out into, = (3), in ballads; (7) out ipo, of time: through, forward in, advanced in (Sh. 1908 Jak. (1928), Sh. 1964); (8) out on, ooten, out of, outside (Abd., Kcb. 1964). See On, adv., 2. (6) and Out o; thereafter, by-and-by (Sh. 1866 Edm. Gl.). Cf. (7); Fif., Lth. 1926 Wilson Cent. Scot. 258; (Ags. 1990s; Edb. 2000s); (9) out ower, see Out ower prep., adv., adj. comb.; (10) out-thro(ugh), -th(o)row, adv., completely, absolutely, altogether; throughout, through and through (Ags. 1825 Jam.); prep., throughout, through, right across, over; far on in, of a period; n., fig., the recesses, the high-ways and by-ways. Cf. Inthrow, II. 2. and IV.(1) Abd. 1746 W. Forbes Dominie Deposed (1765) 3:
[I] never did itch, By out and in abouts to drive For to make rich.
Abd. 1768 A. Ross Helenore (S.T.S.) 94:
Ae night as I'm spying out about.
Per. 1773 in Fergusson Poems (Grosart 1879) 72:
Ye do suit Your lines, to fock that's out about 'Mang hills and braes.
Sc. 1820 R. Mudie Glenfergus II. xvii.:
She canna just bear to do out-about wark wi' the lave o' the lassies.
Edb. 1832 Fife Herald (26 Jan.):
I watched them till I got them out about — out of the way.
Sc. 1849 A. Bell Melodies 86:
And callants, an' gilpies, that gang their first out-about, A' round the bourachs will stare.
Ags. 1897 Arbroath Guide (27 March) 3:
She'll no be gettin' muckle oot aboot.
Abd. 1917 C. Murray Sough o' War 41:
I'm sae muckle oot aboot wi' markets till atten'.
Abd. 1962:
The streen was his first out-about sin he was nae weel.
(2) Abd. 1882 W. Alexander My Ain Folk 10:
An' syne ye'll win oot amo' a' that steer o' unco wives.
Ags. 1894 J. B. Salmond My Man Sandy (1899) xiii.:
If the disease keeps oot amon' them, they pey no that ill.
(3) Sc. 1736 Crim. Trials Illustrative of “H. Midlothian” 3:
The said James Stark suspecting an attack upon his life, for his safety jumped out at a window in his shirt.
Gall. 1835 Fraser's Mag. (July) 26:
Miss M' Kimp, putting her head out at the bed-room window above.
Slk. 1891 W. Dalgliesh Poems 53:
He staggers out at the gay alehouse door.
Mry. 1897 J. Mackinnon Braefoot Sk. 34:
At last it escapit oot atween his fingers an' boltit oot at the keyhole intae the gairden.
Kcd. 1936 Mearns Leader (31 Aug.):
He chanced tae glance oot at the windae.
(4) Gall. 1824 MacTaggart Gallov. Encycl. 499:
Coming through the bore outback.
(6) Sc. 1827 G. R. Kinloch Ballads 131:
Gif onie ladie wad borrow me Out into this prison strang.
(7) Sh. 1898 W. F. Clark Northern Gleams 101:
Hit wis weel oot ipo da day afore I wan ta my destination.
(10) Sc. 1700 D. Williamson Sermon in Parl. Ho. 7:
As it had no Beginning, it knows no End; whom he loses he loses to the end outthorow.
Abd. 1768 A. Ross Helenore (S.T.S.) 12, 37:
For bonyness an' other good out-throw, They were as right as ever trade the dew . . . Black, hairy wrats, about an inch between, Out-throw her fiz.
s.Sc. 1793 T. Scott Poems 376:
The hares in mony an am'rous whud, Did scour the grass out-through.
Kcb. 1814 W. Nicholson Tales 30:
An' show'd me a', before we stentit, Out thro' the house; — it's newly pentit.
Sc. a.1830 Earl Brand in Child Ballads (1956) IV. 445:
But ahint him cam the auld palmer Hood, An ran him outthro the heart's blood.
Sc. 1854 Chambers's Jnl. (7 Jan.) 6:
A book o' his that explored and explained a' the in-throughs and out-throughs o' the human mind.
Lnk. 1876 J. Nicholson Kilwuddie 106:
Drookit oot-through wi' the rain.
Lth. 1920 A. Dodds Songs 3:
A' the sermon ootthro' he'd sit and review The price he had gotten for his grain.
Sh.10 1964:
Out-trou da day — late in the day.

9. Phrs.: (1) out-an-in, adj., of neighbours: paying frequent short calls, used to dropping in (Ags., Per., wm.Sc. 1964); (2) out and under, see Outanunder; (3) oot-ther(e)-oot, oot-i'-the-route, a little way outside a house or building (Rxb. 1923 Watson W.-B.). See Thereout; (4) to cut out, of the hair: to cut off (Sc. 1787 J. Beattie Scoticisms 19); (5) to tak ill oot, see Ill, adv., 1. (1).(1) Lnk. 1853 W. Watson Poems 34:
A few o' her out-an'-in neibors began To mak' use o' their hauns on the Minister's plan.

10. Of a meal, ready. Edb. 1994:
Yer dinner's oot.
Sc. 2002 Daily Express (25 Feb) 4:
"If they're oot playing, I jist huv tae shout , WAAAAAYNE, YER TEA'S OOT or WAAAAAYNE GIT TAE YER BED, NOOO and they a' dae it ...
Sc. 2005 Edinburgh Evening News (21 Feb) 13:
You ask: a) How long before we hear mothers, hanging over their tenement windows down by the Ocean Terminal, bawling "Condoleezza, yer tea's oot!"

Phr.: yer tea's oot, An indication to someone that he or she is in serious trouble. [From what might be said to a child who is not to be found at mealtime: 'Yer tea's oot, yer mammy's shoutin on ye.'] Gsw. 1980s:
Yer tea's oot, Jimmy (to someone you are going to waste [beat up]).
Gsw. 1985 Michael Munro The Patter 69:
tea The phrase your tea's out literally means your evening meal is on the table, but it is also used to mean you're for it, you've had it now.
Gsw. 1992 Jeff Torrington Swing Hammer Swing! (1993) 214:
If any of the approaching group had spotted me, then my tea was out.
Sc. 1996 Daily Record (3 Sep) 45:
St Mirren star Brian was black and blue when he turned up at the Hetherston gaff on Saturday night following a close encounter with tough guy Alan Dinnie. Now the message to "Dinners" is: Yer tea's oot.
Silky is determined to take revenge for his brother's bruises...
Sc. 2000 Sun (1 Jun):
In Paradise, failure is one less than they demand.
Win the league and it's tea and medals. Anything else and yer tea's oot.
Sc. 2001 Scotsman (14 Dec) 16:
They've been making plans for Nigel at Westminster as he slips off the hook. But a Labourite growls: "Up here at Holyrood, his tea would have been oot."

III. v. 1. intr. As in Eng., to go out. Gen. in derivs.: †(1) out(t)er, one who goes out a great deal socially, “who frequents balls and merry-makings” (Rxb. 1825 Jam.); †(2) outtie, fond of company and of going out (Dmb. 1825 Jam.); (3) vbl.n. outin, ootin(g), -en, uten (Sh.) and in pl. form outance with sing. meaning (Sc. 1887 Jam.; Gsw. 1942 Burns Chron. 49), a going out or away from home, a trip, excursion, jaunt (Gall. 1824 MacTaggart Gallov. Encycl. 368; Sh. 1866 Edm. Gl., 1914 Angus Gl.); “a collection of people of different sexes met for amusement” (Cld. 1825 Jam.). Now Eng. but orig. dial. Phr. a(n)[ < on]-outin, adv., out-of-doors, away from home, afield; †(4) outish, fond of going out for one's amusement and to show oneself off (Cld. 1825 Jam.).(3) Abd. 1809 J. Skinner Amusements 104:
Lord keep you, man, frae sin and shame; Frae skaith a' outing, and at hame.
Lth. 1825 Jam.:
She's an idle quean, she'll do any thing for an outing.
Sc. 1857 J. W. Carlyle Letters (1883) II. 326:
Another week at Sunny Bank will make as much “outing” as should suffice for this year.
Ayr. 1889 H. Johnston Glenbuckie xi.:
[She] would not have been sorry to see him taking a little outing now and again.
Lnk. 1890 H. Muir Rutherglen 101:
In dark wintry nichts when they'd ootin' to dae.
Abd. 1928 Word-Lore III. 148:
She . . . gid an ootin, . . . at idder fiedle wark the towmon' roun', an' shankit aye in 'er eedlesey.

2. tr. To eject, turn out, oust (Sh. 1866 Edm. Gl.; Uls. 1953 Traynor), esp. of the dismissal of a clergyman from his parish during the religious troubles of the 17th.c. Hist. Vbl.n. out(t)ing.Sc. 1701 R. Wodrow Early Letters (S.H.S.) 180:
Our MSS. Acts of the General Assembly are only from the 1560 to the first outting of Presbitry.
Fif. 1708 D. Beveridge Culross (1885) II. 66:
Jannet Lamb compearing, and giving in a testificate of her being married by an outed Episcopal incumbent, was sharply rebuked.
Sc. 1751 W. McFarlane Geneal. Coll. (S.H.S.) II. 515:
Cospatrick . . . was first made Earl of Northumberland by the Conqueror and after that Outed.
Sc. 1776 A. Smith Wealth of Nations III. ii.:
They could before the expiration of their term be legally outed of their lease.
Ayr. 1823 Galt R. Gilhaize xlvii.:
If the prelatic reprobation now attempted on the kirk gang nae farther than outing her ministers from their kirks and manses, it maun be tholet.
Kcb. 1905 Crockett Cherry Ribband xl.:
Honest Mr Eastwood him that was outed in the year Sixty.
Lnk. 1960 Stat. Acc.3 607:
He was one of those “outed” from this parish during the period of Episcopacy.

3. To reveal, show up, divulge, to tell a secret (Slk. 1825 Jam.). Obs. exc. dial. in Eng.Slk. 1829 Hogg Shep. Cal. (1874) 363:
The fine flavour . . . soon outed the secret.

4. In vbl.n.: expenditure, spending of money. Only in Galt.Ayr. 1836 Galt Rich Man (1925) 58, 72:
She was a thought given to outing when onything pleased her. . . . On the whole, they are an eident people, and maybe there is some hidden way of thrift in their outing.

IV. n. 1. In children's games: (1) those who hide in the game of Hi-spy, q.v.; (2) the outermost circle in a variety of the game of rounders described fully in R. Cromek Remains Dmf. and Nithsdale Song (1810) 253. Cf. In, IV. 2.(1) Rxb. 1825 Jam. s.v. Hy spy:
The station which in England is called Home is here the Den, and those who keep it, or are the seekers, are called the Ins. Those who hide themselves, instead of crying Hoop as in E[nglish], cry Hy spy; and they are denominated the Outs.

2. In phr.: outs and ins, (1) = Eng. ins and outs, the particulars of a story, the details or pros and cons of some matter (Lnk. a.1779 D. Graham Writings II. 58; Sc. 1825 Jam.). Gen.Sc.; (2) in ploughing ridges: the turns of the plough outward from the feerin and inward towards the mids or hintin.(1) Edb. 1773 Fergusson Poems (S.T.S.) II. 89:
He's weel vers'd in a' the laws, Kens baith their outs and ins, their cracks and flaws.
Abd. 1836 J. Grant Tales (1869) 53:
Hoo happen't it, gudeman? nae doot, ye'll mind a' the oots and inns o't brawly.
Dmb. 1844 W. Cross Disruption xxxix.:
We . . . canna pretend to understaund a' the oots and ins o' the Kirk question.
Ags. 1894 J. B. Salmond My Man Sandy (1899) 75:
I'm no' juist acquant wi' a' the oots an' ins o' the thing.
m.Lth. 1916 T. W. Paterson Wyse-Sayin's xvi. 33:
The Lord Himsel 'll settle the oots-an'-ins o' the hale maitter.
(2) Kcb., Dmf. 1954:
There is usually a special prize for oots and ins at ploughing matches.

V. adj. 1. Outer; outlying, distant, remote, specif. of islands in the Hebrides (O.Sc. 1378), Sh. or Ork.; outside the main building. Obs. in Eng. from early 18th c.Sc. 1752 Session Papers, Forbes v. Grant (1 June) 30:
He put in the out Blades of the Kail, and Beards of the Leeks all together.
Abd. p.1768 A. Ross Fortunate Shep. MS. 13:
Throw the out Glens some days the sheep to hird.
Mry. 1785 Session Papers, Cumming v. Lawson (2 April) 3:
The same lands, called Outings. or Outriggs, and Headriggs.
Sc. 1827 W. Motherwell Minstrelsy 157:
Now tell me o' some out chamber Where I this nicht may be.
Sh. 1869 J. T. Reid Art Rambles 15:
The drongs, — curious out-stacks . . . like veteran guardians of the land.
Ork. 1920 J. Firth Reminisc. 12 0:
The fair drew an immense crowd from the “Oot” Isles and the “In” Isles.
Sh. 1949 P. Jamieson Letters on Shet. 8:
Fair Isle, one of the “oot-isles,” is the first Shetland isle the traveller from the “south” sees.

2. Outside, out of doors, in the fields, specif. of farm-work or -workers, gen. female. Combs. out-girl, -servant, -woman, -uman (Bnff. 1866 Gregor D. Bnff. 120; ne.Sc., Ags., Gall., Rxb. 1964), -work(er) (Sc. 1825 Jam.; Edb. 1892 J. Lumsden Sheep-Head 45; I. and n.Sc. 1964).Per. 1753 A. Nicol Rural Muse 18:
The geese and swine will miss him sare . . . Of out things he took special care.
Abd. 1760 Abd. Journal (27 Oct.):
He is to direct the Labouring of the Ground, buying and feeding of Cattle, keeping the Fences in Repair; and, in general, to superintend all the Out-servants.
Dmf. 1786 Session Papers, Jardine v. De la Motte (27 Sept.) 4:
An old woman who . . . was mostly employed at the outwork.
Rxb. 1795 Stat. Acc.1 XV. 558:
A number of women who are chiefly employed in what is called out-work, as hoeing the turnip, making the hay, reaping the harvest, removing the corn from the stack to the barn, &c.
Sc. 1836 Chambers's Jnl. (Nov.) 351:
The women whom you have seen labouring in the fields . . . are the grown-up daughters of ploughmen, and other farm-servants . . . who prefer field-labour or out-work, as they call it, to a confinement in the persons' households . . . more gleesomeness and wit are often heard from one of these companies of out-workers, than from a well-filled drawing-room.
Mry. 1884 Trans. Highl. Soc. 118:
Out-girl . . . £2 5 0.
Edb. 1884 R. F. Hardy Glenairlie i. vi.:
She's a wild hempie, an' maun gang to outwark when she's bigger.
Ags. 1894 “Vathek” Brechin 65:
The voice of the stalwart outworker talking to the man who stood on the cart.
Abd. 1898 J. R. Imray Sandy Todd 75:
She wis just oot 'oman at Ferney Brae.
Bwk. 1927 R. S. Gibb Farmer's 50 Years 32:
Outworkers, women especially, are a feature of the S.E. country, and are generally good workers with good wages.
Fif. 1951 People's Jnl. (20 Oct.):
Foreman wtd. for pair horses with occasional tractor, with woman as out-worker.

3. Open to all, unrestricted, of a competition.Dmf. 1964:
The out class at a show.

4. Of a fire: extinguished, burned out (Ork., Abd., Ags. 1975). Ags. 1838 W. J. Milne Reminisc. (1901) 102:
I canna hae that laddie sittin' at an oot fire.
Abd. 1925:
I cam hame til an out fire and a caul house.

VI. int. Used as an exclamation to express remonstrance, incredulity, disapproval, etc., tut!, fie! Combs. out-awa, -fy, -out, id. (Abd. 1964); out-ay, express emphatic affirmation (Sc. 1880 Jam.). This usage has no doubt been partly confused with those of Hoot, int.Edb. 1720 A. Pennecuik Helicon 80:
Out fy, Brother, ye stain your Profession.
Abd. 1768 A. Ross Helenore (S.T.S.) 118:
“Out, out,” quo he, “an' ye be baith content To gang together, ye's hae my consent.”
Ags. 1833 J. S. Sands Poems 20:
But out, alas! now done's our kipes.
Abd. 1924 Swatches o' Hamespun 62:
A' the pigs upo' the dresser, caups an' flagons — oot awa!

Out prep., adv., v., n., adj., interj.

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