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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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About this entry:
First published 1971 (SND Vol. VIII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

SPANG-NEW, adj. Also spang-fire-new, spank(er)-, spankie-. Brand-new, absolutely new (Gall. 1824 MacTaggart Gallov. Encycl. 433, -fire-; Rxb. 1825 Jam., spanker-, 1923 Watson W.-B., spank(er)-, spankie-; Cai., wm.Sc., Wgt. 1971). [′spɑŋ′nju]e.Lth. 1885 S. Mucklebackit Rural Rhymes 119:
He was always as an Endymion spang new from Elysium.
Sc. 1897 E. Hamilton Outlaws xii.:
The spanker-new tap-coat I had off the packman Friday was a week.

[Variants of Eng. (now dial.) span-new, Mid.Eng. spannewe, O.N. spán nýr, id., from spánn, a chip of wood. Cf. Spleet-new.]

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"Spang-new adj.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 14 Sep 2024 <>



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