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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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First published 1976 (SND Vol. X). Includes material from the 2005 supplement.
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

YULE, n. Also yuil(l), yeul (Ork.), yul(l), yül, yöl, jøl (Sh.); yool (Sc. 1732 Ramsay T.-T. Misc. (1876) II. 163), youl (Abd. 1759 F. Douglas Rural Love 11), ioul (Sc. 1821 Scott Pirate ii.); n.Sc. yeel (Abd. c.1780 Ellis E.E.P. V. 770), yeal, yiel (Bnff. 1890 W. Garden Sonnets 99). Sc. forms and usages. For other ne.Sc. forms see Eel, n.2 [jøl, jyl, jɪl; ne.Sc. jil]

1. Christmas, the day itself and the festive season associated with it, freq. commencing before Christmas Day and continuing until after the New Year esp. in Sh. (see 1901 quot. and Uphellya) (Sc. 1808 Jam.; Per., Fif., Lth., Ayr. 1915–26 Wilson; Ork. 1929 Marw.). Now chiefly liter. or in proverbial expressions in Sc. and Eng. Also attrib. Before the reform of the calendar in 1752 Christmas Day fell on what became Jan. 5, New Style, and is still celebrated on this day in some places as Auld Yule. Deriv. yeulless, without a Christmas, having no Christmas celebrations. Phr. to cry Yule, to raise the cry of “Christmas”, to welcome Christmas with acclamation.Bnff. 1704 Annals Banff (S.C.) II. 179:
The school Yule holidays were allowed from Dec. 21 to Jan. 11.
Sc. 1717 Ramsay Poems (S.T.S.) I. 20:
Then ay at Yule, when e'er we came A bra' Goose Pye.
Sc. 1721 J. Kelly Proverbs 183:
It is eith crying Yule, under another man's Stool. It is spoken when we see people spend liberally what is not their own.
Abd. 1722 Fasti Aberdonenses (S.C.) 445:
The college procurator shall pay to him [the Oeconomus] six bolls bear and six bolls meal betwixt Yuill and Candlemass.
Abd. c.1767 Garland of Bon-Accord (1886) 26:
I ken't it was my creed, To get a man ere yeel.
Sc. 1795 Burns Bonie Peg-a-Ramsay i.:
An dawin it is dreary, When birks are bare at Yule.
Per. 1801 Letters J. Ramsay (S.H.S.) 68:
If Mr Dundas be not gone to Fleurs to his yule will you please say.
Ags. 1808 Jam.:
He, who first opens the door on Yule-day, expects to prosper more than any other member of the family during the future year, because, as the vulgar express it, “he lets in Yule.” The door being opened, it is customary with some to place a table or chair in it, covering it with a clean cloth, and, according to their own language, to “set on it bread and cheese to Yule.” Early in the morning, as soon as any one of the family gets out of bed, a new broom besom is set at the back of the outer door.
Sc. 1816 Scott Antiquary xxiii.:
Ye ken a green Yule makes a fat kirk-yard.
Per. a.1837 R. Nicoll Poems (1855) 101:
How Pace, and Yule, and Halloween Were keepit round our auld hearthstane.
Dmf. 1878 R. W. Thom Jock o' Knowe 4:
Shadows o' skies at Yule.
Ork. 1880 Dennison Sketch-Bk. 127:
Minny on their bier laid that yeulless year.
ne.Sc. 1891 A. Gordon Carglen 264:
When I say Christmas Day I must be distinctly understood as meaning the eve before Yule as well as Yule itself.
m.Sc. 1894 H. Haliburton Furth in Field 24:
The very term of ‘Yule' itself was synonymous with Hogmanay in many, if not most, of the districts of central Scotland at the commencement of the century.
Abd. 1918 C. Murray Sough o' War 24:
I ken that I cam' here awa, some aucht days aifter Yeel.
Abd. 1998 Sheena Blackhall The Bonsai Grower 18:
Bit Beldie Mowatt ootfaced aa opposeetion, an the heir tae Clashies gaed aff tae Lunnen tae study music at a Sassenach schule, far he learned Sassenach wyes an seldom luikit ower his showder at the fowk back hame, apairt frae screivin the antrin caird at Yule or his Mither's birthday.

2. The entertainment provided at Christmas, Christmas cheer (Sh. 1974).Ags. 1867 G. W. Donald Poems 149:
Gar him tak a scrimper yule, An' help to pay the expenses.
Knr. 1894 H. Haliburton Furth in Field 25:
It was no uncommon practice some sixty years ago to invite a person to his ‘Yule' on the last day of December. It was the usual practice . . . for the farmer to give his servants their ‘Yule' or ‘Hogmanay' on the closing night of the old year. This consisted at least of a dram of whisky, with ‘cheese and bread'. The same entertainment was repeated on the first Monday morning on the New Year.
Sh. 1903 G. F. Black Orkney and Shetland Folk-Lore 196:
Yule was not one festival, but a series of them, and that period is still named by the Shetlanders “the Yules”.
Abd. 1920 C. Murray Country Places 28:
Aye faur there's fun, at Pase or Yeel.

3. Combs.: (1) Auld Yule, — Yeel, Christmas Day, Old Style, Jan. 5 (till 1800), 6 (till 1900) and now 7 (Sh., ne.Sc. 1974). See also Auld, adj., 5.; (2) young yule, the beginning of Yule; transf. the outset or early stages of any celebration or period, freq. with the implication that it is too soon to judge the outcome (Sh. 1974) (see quots.); (3) yule-(y)agger, one who has no new dress or finery to wear at Christmas (Sh. 1908 Jak. (1928), jøl-jager, Sh. 1974). For the second element see Yagger, n., 2. and cf. (47) below; (4) Yule ale, a special ale brewed at Christmas; (5) Yeel ba', a game of handball played at Christmas on the Moray coast. See Ba', n.1, 2.; (6) Yule bannock, (i) an oatcake specially baked on Christmas Eve and distributed to members of the family and to children going from door to door, and sometimes used for divination; (ii) a gratuity of oatmeal paid by the tenants of a barony at Christmas to the baron court-officer; (7) Yule batch, a batch of bread baked specially for Christmas fare. Also in n.Eng. dial.; (8) Yeel bawbee, see quot.; (9) Yule-blinker, the pole star (Sh. 1866 Edm. Gl., 1914 Angus Gl.); (10) Yule-boy, a young Christmas masquerader (see quot.); (11) Yule-breid, Yeel-brehd, oat bread baked with rich seasoning for Christmas fare; (12) Yule-brose, a Brose made at Christmas from the stock of beef as a special treat, fat-brose (Sc. 1825 Jam.). See Fat, adj.1, 2.; (13) Yule-brünie, = (6)(i) (see quot. and Brunie) (Sh. 1974); (14) Yule-candle, see quot.; (15) Yeel c(y)arlin, a Yule-log on which Yule-bread was baked (see quot.). See Carline, Cyarlin; (16) Yeel couple, the fish allotted to each member of the family as a Christmas delicacy (Abd. 1896 Gregor MSS.). See (22); (17) Yule-day, Christmas Day (Sc. 1721 R. Wodrow Sufferings i. iii.; (18) Yule-E'en, Christmas Eve (Sc. 1825 Jam.). For the date see (1); (19) Yule feast, a Christmas dinner (Abd. 1813 W. Beattie Parings (1873) 1; Sh. 1974); (20) Yule fee, a gratuity or payment given to a public official, esp. a town-drummer or minstrel, at Christmas, a Christmas box. See (47); (21) Yule fire, the fire kindled on the hearth on Christmas morning (Sh. 1974); (22) Yeel-fish, fish, gen. smoked haddock, as a special delicacy at Christmas; (23) Yeel's gird, in phr. to brak Yeel's gird, to weep on Christmas Day, and so invite bad luck for the following year (ne.Sc. 1881 W. Gregor Folk-Lore 157). Gird = Girth, n.2, now obs. in the sense of the king's peace or cessation from criminal prosecution by the authorities during the Christmas season, O.Sc. Yoill gert, 1522, O.N. jólagrið; (24) Yule-guse, a goose as part of the good cheer at Christmas. Cf. 1717 quot. s.v. 1.; (25) Yule-hole, the hole in the waist-belt to which the buckle is adjusted to allow for repletion after the feasting at Christmas. See Bore, n.1, 1.(6); (26) Yeel's jade, see (48) below; (27) Yeel kebback, a cheese prepared for Christmas. See Kebbock; (28) Yeel mairt, an ox slaughtered and salted for Christmas and the rest of the winter. See Mart; (29) Yule mornin(g), the morning of Christmas day (Sh. 1974); (30) Yule nicht, Christmas night (Sh. 1974); (31) Yule pins, pins used as stakes in the game of teetotum played at Christmas (Sh. 1974). See also (33); (32) Yeel-play, the Christmas school-holidays (Sh. 1974). See Play, n., 4.; (33) Yule preens, -prins, = (31) (Bnff. 1893 W. Gregor Dunbar's Works (S.T.S.) III. 180). See Preen, n., 3.; (34) Yule-rant, a Christmas dance or merry-making. See Rant, n., 2.; (35) Yeel scone, a kind of scone baked for use at Christmas (Bnff. 1866 Gregor D. Bnff. 213); (36) Yule shard, see (48); (37) Yule sheep, a sheep killed for the Christmas feast (Sh. 1974). Cf. (49); (38) Yule-skrep, a smack on the bottom, a spank (Ork. 1929 Marw.). Cf. Faer. jóleskekil, chastisement at Christmas, which was considered particularly disgraceful; (39) Yule sowans, -sones, Sowans specially made for Christmas into which the usual objects of divination of marriage, ring, button, coin, etc., were stirred and distributed among the guests; (40) Yule stack, a stack of peats stored up for the Helly or Christmas season (Sh. 1974); (41) Yule steek, a rough or long stitch made in sewing (Sh. a.1838 Jam. MSS. XI. 224, 1908 Jak. (1928), jølst(e)ik(k), Sh. 1974), in reference to the bustle at Christmas when work has to be hurriedly done. Cf. Faer. jólestingur, id.; (42) Yule-strae, -straw, the supply of straw for fodder and bedding needed on a farm over Christmas and the New Year (Bnff. 1902 Trans. Bnff. Field Club 11); (43) Yule-tide, Christmas-tide, the Christmas season (Sh. 1974); (44) Yule-time, id. (Sh. 1974); (45) Yule toy, a child's Christmas toy; (46) Yule vacance, the Christmas holidays, or recess. See Vacance; (47) Yuill wadges, = (20); (48) Yule('s) yaud, -yawll, yeel's, -jaad, -jade, -shard, an opprobrious term for someone who leaves work unfinished before Christmas or the New Year, also for someone who has no new piece of apparel to celebrate the season (Bnff. 1866 Gregor D. Bnff. 213), hence an odd, outlandish sort of person (Abd. 1921 T.S.D.C., yuleshard). See Yaud, n., 2., and Pace, n., 12.; (49) Yule yow, = (37) (Sh. 1974). See Yowe.(1) Abd. 1871 W. Alexander Johnny Gibb xii.:
They gat twa as gweed hens as ever swally't black dist fae this toon at Aul' Yeel.
Sh. 1886 G. Temple Britta 33:
“How old are you, Britta?” “Saxteen, come Aul' Yule.”
Bnff. c.1900 M. M. Banks Cal. Customs (1941) III. 220:
Fishermen do not go to sea on Auld Yule day.
Abd. 1903 W. Watson Auld Lang Syne 95:
Christmas or Auld Yule was then held on the fifth day of January.
(2) Sh. 1949 J. Gray Lowrie 67:
Bit, Lowrie, hits no fir wis ta mizzer him be da first sermon. Doo kens its young yule wi' him yit.
Sh. 1949 P. Jamieson Letters 247:
He's yung yül yit! (it's early in the evening yet! or There's no great hurry for you to go yet!)
(3) Sh. 1960 New Shetlander No. 55. 8:
We had to have something new to wear, no matter how trifling, as we would have been in for a good deal of chaff if we were a “Yule-agger.”
(4) Abd. 1903 W. Watson Auld Lang Syne 95:
The earliest recollections I have of Christmas are associated with “sids” being brought from the meal-mill to be ‘steepit' for sowens, and with my being dispatched to Burnie's “chop” for hops, ginger, and a big flagon for treacle, with which ingredients and malt from the “Canal Heid”, my mother brewed the Yule ale.
(5) Mry. 1863 A. Jeffrey Sk. Burghead (1928) 13:
The Yule Ball (Scottice — Yeel Ba') was then as now the chief sport in the afternoon, and many a tough battle has been fought for its possession between Lossiemouth and Hopeman on the one-hand, and Burghead on the other.
(6) (i) Rnf. 1839 Private MS. (per wm. Sc.1):
By this time (between 5 & 6) you will have been pestered with myriads of weans seeking their Yule Bannocks.
ne.Sc. 1925 Sc. N. & Q. (Ser. 3) III. 200:
The baking of Yeel bannocks was another auspicious event. These bannocks were composed of beaten eggs, oatmeal and milk, and were baked on the girdle. Prior to the baking the fortune of each unmarried person present was read by some one skilled in such lore. Each chose an egg and gave it to the fortune-teller.
(ii) Sc. 1714 D. Hume Punishment of Crimes (1797) I. 257:
Forsyth used a half firlot for receiving his officer's corn or Yule bannock, different from the measure commonly used in that country.
Cai. 1772 J. E. Donaldson Cai. in 18th Cent. (1938) 108:
There was yule bannock, the meaning of which is not certain unless it was a victual payment made at Christmas time.
(7) Sc. 1827 C. I. Johnstone Eliz. de Bruce I. i.:
I wad na for a Yule batch, or the langest score on my nick-sticks, ha'e my name bandied, or my word heard, in a causey bruilzie.
(8) Bnff. 1891 Folk-Lore II. 76:
On market-days, and at Christmas, many has the custom of giving a penny or half-penny to each child of the family. This coin went by the name of ‘the market bawbee', and ‘the Yeel bawbee'.
(10) Gall. 1824 MacTaggart Gallov. Encycl. 502:
Yule-boys. Boys who ramble the country during the Christmas holidays. They are dressed in white, all but one in each gang, the Belzebub of the corps. They have a foolish kind of a rhyme they go through before people with, and so receive bawbees and pieces.
(11) Ags. 1819 R. Chambers Pop. Rhymes (1870) 163:
On Christmas-eve, better known by the name of Yule-e'en, the goodwife was busily employed in baking her Yule bread.
ne.Sc. 1881 W. Gregor Folk-Lore 157:
At the baking of the Yeel bread a cake was baked for each member of the family, and omens of the lot of the one for whom it was baked during the coming year were drawn.
Abd. 1894 Trans. Bnff. Field Club III. 154:
The “Yeel Brehd” was baked on the day before Christmas in the “dow” of the day, i.e. between mid-day and 6 o'clock p.m.
Sc. 1929 F. M. McNeill Sc. Kitchen 175:
The Yule bread proper was a thin bannock of oatmeal cut into quarters, to symbolise the cross, before being placed on the girdle.
(12) Edb. 1821 Blackwood's Mag. (Dec.) 692:
The prevailing Christmas dish among the common people and peasantry being the national one of fat brose, otherwise denominated Yule brose. . . . Next day, after breakfast, or at dinner, the brose was made, generally in a large punch-bowl, the mistress of the ceremonies dropping in a gold ring among the oatmeal. . . . The person who was so fortunate as to get the ring in their spoon, was to be the first married.
(13) Sh. 1914 Old-Lore Misc. VII. ii. 72:
Yule-brünies were composed of rye meal and a fat of some sort. They were formed round, and the edges pinched out to represent the sun-rays.
Ork. 1973 G. M. Brown Ork. Tapestry 139:
A Yule-brunnie for everyone in the house.
(14) n.Sc. 1808 Jam.:
Yule-candles are, in the North of Scotland, given as a present at this season by merchants to their stated customers. By many . . . the Yule-candle is allowed to burn out of itself. [With] others . . . when the day is at a close, the portentous candle is extinguished, and carefully locked up in a chest . . . to be burnt out at the owner's ‘Late-wake'.
Hebr. 1883 C. F. Gordon In the Hebrides 225:
A monstrous candle, called the Yule candle was also lighted, and was expected to burn for twelve nights.
(15) ne.Sc. 1894 Trans. Bnff. Field Club III. 154:
A big log of wood was prepared some time on the day before Christmas, called the ‘Yeel Carlin' or ‘Yeel Cyarlin'. It was placed on the fire between 8 and 9 o'clock in the evening, and the baking of the ‘Yeel Brehd' was begun.
(17) Per. 1711 J. Hunter Diocese Dunkeld (1918) II. 232:
He saw Mr Murray keep Zule day.
Abd. 1733 W. Forbes Dominie Depos'd (1777) 43:
A Lettergae With such a pack confin'd to be, On good Yule-day.
Sc. 1772 Fergusson Poems (S.T.S.) II. 33:
When merry Yule-day comes, I trow You'll scantlins find a hungry mou.
Lnk. a.1779 D. Graham Writings (1883) 122:
This bloody battle, as they say, Was fought the night before Yuil day.
Ags. 1819 R. Chambers Pop. Rhymes (1870) 163:
From the cotter to the laird, every one had fat brose on Yule-day morning.
Ork. 1911 J. Omond 80 Years Ago 10:
Yule Day or Christmas Day, the 6th of January in the old style, when old and young played at the ba'.
(18) Sc. 1736 Ramsay Proverbs (1776) 32:
He's as bare as the birk at yule e'en.
Abd. 1806 J. Cock Simple Strains 113:
On guid Yule-e'en, that blythsome night.
Sc. 1808 Jam.:
Some farmers . . . are so extremely superstitious, as to go into their stables and cow-houses on Yule-e'en, and read a chapter of the Bible behind their horses and cattle, to preserve them from harm.
Sh. 1877 G. Stewart Tales 134:
Whaur mony a happy yule-e'en ye've seen spent.
Abd. 1901 A. Paterson Monquhitter 38:
In all our Old Style reckonings we were a day in advance of the calendar. The 5th, not the 6th, January was with us Old Christmas Day, the day before being designated Yule Even.
(19) Sc. 1721 J. Kelly Proverbs 27:
A yule Feast may be quit at Pasch. A good Office, done at one time, may be requit at another.
Edb. 1773 Fergusson Poems (S.T.S.) II. 83:
For the Yule-feast a sautit mart's prepar'd.
Ags. 1841 Whistle-Binkie 40:
At blythemeat, dredgy, yulefeast an' infare.
(20) Rxb. 1806 J. Wilson Hawick (1858) 203:
Rob was the last functionary who levied yule fees from the community.
(21) Sh. 1869 J. T. Reid Art Rambles 57:
The “Yule fire”, lit by the earliest riser, blazes gloriously.
(22) ne.Sc. 1881 W. Gregor Folk-Lore 156:
Food and drink of all kinds were laid in store. “Yeel” fish was bought. Sometimes those in better circumstances went to the fishing villages, and bought the fish from the boat, carried them home, cured them, and smoked them on the kiln.
(23) Bnff. 1900 Trans. Bch. Field Club V. 225:
Once in Banff I heard a nurse-girl exclaim, when the child she was attending to began to cry on a Christmas morning, “Baby's broken Yeel's gird.”
(24) Kcb. 1901 R. Trotter Gall. Gossip 29:
A'll gie 'e a gran yule guse at the New Year.
(25) Sc. 1736 Ramsay Proverbs (1776) 65:
The bag to the auld stent, and the belt to the yule hole.
(27) ne.Sc. 1881 W. Gregor Folk-Lore 156-8:
The “Yeel kebback” had been prepared a long time before. . . . The Yeel kebback was cut by the gueedeman.
Sc. 1961 F. M. McNeill Silver Bough III. 63:
The favourite “hogmanay” of the children who went guising at Yule was an oat farl, with a slice of the Yule kebbuck.
(28) Sc. 1837 M. Dods Manual 416:
To salt a Yule Mart, or whole Bullock.
ne.Sc. 1874 W. Gregor Olden Time 48:
If a sheep, or the Yeel mairt, had been killed, a piece or two of mutton or beef.
(29) wm.Sc. 1879 J. Napier Folk-Lore 157-8:
Owners of cattle gave their beasts, with their own hand, their first food on Yule morning.
Sh. 1899 Shetland News (14 Jan.):
Baik'n bere burstin' brunnies wi' rindid saem i' Yule moarnin'.
Abd. 1901 A. Paterson Monquhitter 39:
It was not deemed correct form by many to partake of the sowens at night: they ought, in their opinion, to be deferred until the small hours of Yule morning.
(30) Ayr. 1792 Burns Duncan Gray i.:
On blithe Yule-night when we were fou.
Ags. 1891 Barrie Little Minister xxxvi.:
I remember a Yule night when both Adam and I were at her mother's cottage.
Per. 1898 C. Spence Poems 59:
This piper ilk Yule night is heard to play.
(31) Sc. 1808 Jam.:
Children lay up stores of pins for playing at Te Totum. In some parts of the country, merchants generally provide themselves about this time with a coarser sort, which they call Yule-pins.
(32) ne.Sc. 1881 W. Gregor Folk-Lore 163:
When the [shooting] match was finished, the boys, set free from school by the “Yeel-play,” immediately set to work to dig for the balls.
(33) Kcd. 1819 J. Burness Plays 290:
Into the peat-nook a' do cour, An' play at the Yule prins.
Ags. 1834 A. Smart Rambling Rhymes 94:
Yule preens an' totums then wad please, The lee night lang.
Kcd. 1880 W. R. Fraser Laurencekirk 208:
A “Yule preen or nut” was the humble stake at every game [of the totum].
(34) Sh. 1920 J. Nicolson Folk-Tales 9:
Tirvil o' Stivva was on his way to Klusta to play at a yule-rant.
(37) Ork. 1795 Stat. Acc.1 XV. 110:
Every house has the practice of killing one on Yule eve which goes by the name of the Yule sheep.
(39) Lnk. a.1779 D. Graham Writings (1883) II. 31:
Puts on the kettle, and maks her Yool sowens.
ne.Sc. 1881 W. Gregor Folk-Lore 158:
In drinking the “Yeel sones”, a small quantity had to be left in the dish.
Abd. 1903 W. Watson Auld Lang Syne 96:
The “near-b'gyaun” and unsociable folks, who never gave nor accepted of invitations for “Yule sowens”.
(40) Sh. 1869 J. T. Reid Art Rambles 57:
As many peats were brought home from the hill on Christmas week as would last thirteen days, and every house had a “Yule stack”.
(42) Abd. 1859 J. B. Pratt Buchan 20:
Straw, termed the ‘Yule Straw', was provided for the cattle beforehand.
Abd. 1901 A. Paterson Monquhitter 37:
Getting ready the “Yule straw”, which involved the putting in of extra time during three full weeks beforehand.
(43) ne.Sc. 1894 A. Gordon Northward Ho 80:
Yuletide had come and gone.
Per. 1894 H. Haliburton Furth in Field 27:
If the Scots borrowed the custom of guising at Yuletide, they were probably indebted to France for it.
Kcb. 1902 Crockett Dark o' Moon xliii.:
Frae Yule-tide to Yule-tide.
(44) Bnff. 1787 W. Taylor Poems 44:
About Yule-time an' Hogmenai, Some chuckies an' a yowe we fell.
n.Sc. 1818 E. Burt Letters (Jamieson) I. 246:
Old-fashioned country people still prepare against yule time loaves of leavened rye-bread.
(45) Abd. 1826 D. Anderson Poems 7:
Sadly were they grieved When a wee barrel boxie they received About the bigness o' a bairn's yule toy.
(46) Sc. 1712 R. Wodrow Analecta (M.C.) II. 29:
The Bill for the Yuil vacance was designed to have [come] in the 30 of January, but it's left out.
Sc. 1870 R. Chambers Pop. Rhymes 162:
The Court of Session had its ‘Yule vacance'.
(47) Rxb. 1740 Trans. Hawick Arch. Soc. (1913) 51:
He had also the privilege of collecting “fra the honest men in the town” what was termed “Yuill wadges,” now known as Christmas box.
(48) Ayr. c.1760 Crawfurd MSS. (N.L.S.) Y. 20:
A word or phrase, namely Yule or Ill Yawll [sic], was used at Dunlop, in Ayrshire, in her young days, signifying a person, or a bairn who left a part of his or her task, turn, or job unfinished, or in the traik, at the end of the year, to the next year.
Mry. c.1780 in D. Laing Dunbar's Poems (1834) II. 327:
Every girl was to finish the stocking she was knitting, the flax upon her rock, &c., in good time upon Christmas Eve, and then put everything in order, all over the house, before going to bed, otherwise she should be Yule's yaud during the next year.
ne.Sc. 1881 W. Gregor Folk-Lore 157:
Every means was used to have some piece of new dress, no matter how small. The one who was so unfortunate as to be without such a piece of dress bore the name of “Yeel's jaad.”
Abd. 1900 Trans. Slg. Arch. Soc. 54:
A woman in danger of having something unfinished in the house on the evening of the 24th December is in some parts of Aberdeenshire called a “Yule shard,” “Ye'll be a Yule shard; yer stockin' winna be finished.”
(49) Sh. 1897 Shetland News (25 Dec.):
Da Yule yow wis killed a day or sae afore.

[O.Sc. yhoill-even, 1375, ȝulday, a.1400, ȝoill gert, 1522, yool goose, 1630, ȝule nicht, ȝule-tyde, ȝuillis ȝald, a.1500, yuill vaikance, 1640, yuill wageis, 1559, North. Mid.Eng. yol, O.E. ȝeól, O.N. jól, Yule, later Christmas.]

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