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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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About this entry:
First published 1934 (SND Vol. I). Includes material from the 1976 supplement.
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

AFFIN, prep. = aff, off. Also afen, aff'naffen (Ags. 1897 F. MacKenzie Northern Pine 53; Abd. 1931 D. Campbell Uncle Andie 3).[ɑfn]Sc. 1929 J. S. Buist Auld Wife, Sc. Mag. May 149:
As the door opened she raise aff'n her chair.
Abd. 1928 Nan Shepherd Quarry Wood 83:
He wad speir the claes aff'n yer back.
Ags. 1853 W. Blair Aberbrothock 26: 
Dinna lat your duds be taen frae affen your back.
Ags.(D) 1894 J. B. Salmond My Man Sandy (1899) 37:
The cairt's my nain; I can come doon afen't ony wey I like.
Edb. 1829 D. M. Moir Mansie Wauch x.:
Wiping the saw-dust affin't with my hand.

[= aff on; cf. off on in Eng. dialect. (E.D.D.)]

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"Affin prep.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 27 Jul 2024 <>



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