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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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About this entry:
First published 1934 (SND Vol. I).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

BEHAN(D), Bihan, adv. Finished, over and done; lit. by hand (Bnff.2, Bnff.4, Bnff.7 1914). [bə′hɑn ne.Sc.; bə′hɑ:nd s.Sc.]Bnff. 1871 Rural Dialogue in Bnffsh. Jnl.:
It's an unco convenience ti get it pitten behan sae seen an' sae tichtly.
Abd.(D) 1923 R. L. Cassie Heid or Hert viii.:
Mary an' her servan' lassie hid gotten their reddin'-up fell weel behan'.

Phr. to come weel behand, — bihan, to manage well.Bch. 1934 (per Abd.9):
He didna come vera weel bihan at the shavin (sowing).
Slk. 1822 Hogg Perils of Man II. vii.:
He didna come weel behand at rowing up a bairn.

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"Behan adv.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 27 Jul 2024 <>



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