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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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First published 1934 (SND Vol. I). Includes material from the 1976 and 2005 supplements.
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

BIDE, BYDE, v., intr. and tr. [bəid]; pa.t., bid, bed, bade, baed (baid) [bɪd, bed, bèd]; bud; bided (Per. 1801 Letters J. Ramsay (S.H.S.) 49; em.Sc. 1857 J. W. Carlyle Letters (Froude 1883) II. 318); mixed form baidid (Ork. 1825 Ork. and Zet. Chron. (28 Feb.) 24); pa.p. same as pa.t. + bidden. For other forms of pa.t. see Bed(d), v.3

1. intr.

(1) Dwell, reside. Gen.Sc. Phr. to bide up wi, to cohabit with, without being married to (Ags. 1975). Cf. Bide in.Sc. 1823 J. G. Lockhart Reg. Dalton I. 189:
May I take the freedom to ask if 'tis near this ye bide yourself, sir?
Sc. 1920 D. Rorie Auld Doctor 19:
'Twas in a wee bit but-an'-ben She bade when first I kent her.
Sc. 1991 John McDonald in Tom Hubbard The New Makars 90:
Spain's sair syle cam drookit i their licht;
an the sair syle gruppit their smeddum
tae'ts hert - hainin a pickle; garrin thaim byde
(like Cornford, bund in Cordova's mort-claith)
tae mak growthie this sair syle fir the future.
Sc. 1999 Scottish Book Collector Vol. 6 No. 3 32:
Much of the area is now an easy commute from Scotland's newest city-in-the-making, Inverness, and a disparate group of professional workers has arrived to bide in the old fishing towns and agricultural villages, and in the well-to-do enclaves that have appeared here and there as new build.
Sc. 2000 Herald 26 Jan 15:
Bernard McDonald, late of Dumbarton, sends the above snap from Cincinnati, Ohio, where he now bides.
Sh. 1994 Laureen Johnson in James Robertson A Tongue in Yer Heid 167:
Dey bed wi der graandmidder, a trowie body at wis hardly ever seen.
Abd.(D) 1871 W. Alexander Johnny Gibb vii.:
An' ye've bidden a' thegither at Macduff, I'se warran'?
Abd. 1994 Stanley Robertson in James Robertson A Tongue in Yer Heid 16:
Awa hinnae back, up in the Heilans, there bade a bonnie lassie cawed Morag. She bade in a place cawed the Sma Glen and it wis a gey isolated place wi only a very few hooses and an awfie lot o sheep.
Abd. 1996 Sheena Blackhall Wittgenstein's Web 12:
In a glen, ringed roon wi widded knowes an braw in the colours o spring, there stude aside ain anither twa muckle ramshackle biggins o steen an lime. They luikit tae hae bin vrocht bi the same haun, an even the hedged gairdens afore them war the same makk an marra. Bit yon fa bedd there didna dree the same weird.
m.Sc. 1983 Frederic Lindsay Brond 156:
Ah've bided here all my days.
m.Sc. 1991 Scotsman 21 Mar 13:
"Where you bide, hen, you might as well onywey. Everybody else does." [throw rubbish out of the window]
Per. 1987 Roger Leitch ed. The Book of Sandy Stewart 2:
Sometimes she bud wi us and sometimes she went away up tae whaur my uncle wes.
wm.Sc. 1980 Anna Blair The Rowan on the Ridge 9:
"You're to bide in the parish then, Frank Hay?"
"Aye my faither's bigged a cot up there by the Kirktoun; he's been a wabster to trade but he's meanin' to settle here and farm a bit."
wm.Sc. 1985 Liz Lochhead Tartuffe 11:
For his ain protection Ah brocht him hame wi' me
Tae byde as yin o' the family.
wm.Sc. 1988 Scotsman 30 Jul 4:
"You'll no mind o me," he said, "but I kent you, back in the days you bid doon the Common and gaed tae the High School."
Gall. c.1870 J. F. Cannon in Bards of Galloway (ed. Harper 1889) 21:
An' there I hae bid syne we cam' frae the mune That shines owre oor heids, in the blue lift abune.

(2) Wait, stay, remain; remain in the same service; often with advs. such as awa', back.Abd.(D) c.1760 J. Skinner Ewie wi' the Crookit Horn in Amusements, etc. (1809) 64:
Or the fowmart might devour her, Gin the beastie bade awa.
Bch. 1928 (per Abd.15):
Foo bed ye sae lang?
Ags. 1897 “Fergus Mackenzie” Sprays of Northern Pine vii.:
When the term cam' roond I telt the mistress I wasna bidin'.
Ags. 1988 Raymond Vettese The Richt Noise 33:
See him rax oot
frae tasht bleck sleeve
an airm for support;
it's a sair fecht
bidan upricht here.
Dundee 1991 Ellie McDonald The Gangan Fuit 25:
Our mither tongue wis dung doun
in Scotland bi John Knox.
Juist tae mak shair
it bided yirdit
the weans got thir licks
frae the dominie
for yasin the auld leid
but it niver dee'd, though.
Fif. 1929 A. Taylor Bitter Bread 262:
And, faith, I'd as soon bide at home and get drunk on my ain claret.
w.Lth. 2000 Davie Kerr A Puckle Poems 82:
Ye can choose ti bide a member o the realm,
that ups taxes on a whim,
then they'll argie, voted in,
hoo yir lucky ti hae 'prudence' at the helm.
Hdg. 1902 J. Lumsden Toorle, etc. 11:
Bide back! stand abeigh - there! I am to blame for this mysel'.
wm.Sc. 1986 Robert McLellan in Joy Hendry Chapman 43-4 28:
Ye're ower late, then, Janet. I daurna bide noo. Ye wad tak ower long.
wm.Sc. 1987 Anna Blair Scottish Tales (1990) 26:
'If you bide up there for the day Ninian MacSkimming you're sure to see Mistress Gilmour oot at the flowers in her garden ... way-way beneath you right enough ... just the way you say about her.'
Arg. 1901 N. Munro Doom Castle iv.:
I was thinkin' it might be needful for me to bide up a while later.
Gsw. 1985 Michael Elder Stookie 92:
"Hi," she said. "You're early. It's not seven o'clock yet. I thought you had things to do on Sunday mornings."
... "Aye, I have. I canny bide. But we got some business," he said.
Lnk. c.1779 D. Graham Writings (1883) II. 102:
They would be thick enough if ill hands and ill een baed awa' from them. vbl.n. byding, bidin', (a) staying; (b) dwelling; (c) lasting quality.
sm.Sc. 1979 Alan Temperley Tales of Galloway (1986) 108:
When he went to see the old woman whose cat he had saved and who had given him the jar of honey, she only remarked: "Get the name of a good riser, and you may bide in your bed all day," ...
(a) Abd. 1768 A. Ross Helenore 46:
Well sall ye fare, as lang as ye byde here, Altho' your byding were for day an' year.
(b) wm.Sc. [1835] Laird of Logan (1868) 497:
Humble her bidin', and hamely her breedin'.
(c) Ags. 1846 A. Laing Wayside Flowers (1878) 144:
Hameart mak' is best o' wear, Thae market things they ha'e nae bidin'.

2. tr.

(1) Await, stay for. Gen.Sc.Sc. 1721 J. Kelly Proverbs 303:
The Dee'l bides his Day. Taken from a Supposition that the Devil, when he enters into a Covenant with a Witch, sets her a Date of her Life which he stands to. Spoken when People demand a Debt or Wages before it be due.
Sc. 1818 Scott Rob Roy xxi.:
“You walk late, sir,” said I. . . . “I bide tryste,” was the reply.
Bnff.(D) 1924 “Knoweheid” in Swatches o' Hamespun 39:
I'll bidena the licht o' morn.
Edb. 1844 J. Ballantine Miller of Deanhaugh 113:
I trust she's living to enjoy the gude fortune that bides her.

(2) Endure, stand. Gen.Sc.Ork.(D) 1904 W. T. Dennison Orcad. Sketches 26:
Tae see nater wirkan' sae sair i' the peur dumb crater, he could nae bide hid mair.
Rnf. 1806 R. Tannahill Poems and Songs (1876) 146:
To gang he could nae langer bide, But lay down by the bare dykeside.
Ayr. 1792 Burns Duncan Gray (Cent. ed.) iii.:
Slighted love is sair to bide.
Slk. 1889 “J. B. Selkirk” in Blackw. Mag. CXLVI. 563:
The changes that attack us Are no' sae ill to bide. vbl.n. bydings, sufferings.
Abd. 1768 A. Ross Helenore 81:
Let ne'er my fae be hauf so hard bestead, Or forc'd to byde the bydings, that I bade.

3. Phr. bide be.

(a) Abide by, adhere to.Sc. 1825 Jam.2:
I'll no bide be that agreement.

†(b) (See quot.) Not known to our correspondents.Sc. 1808 Jam.:
To bide be. To continue in one state. It is applied to one of an inconstant disposition. This phrase is variously used. Of a sick person, it is also said, that he does not bide be, when he seems to recover the one hour, and relapses the next.

[O.Sc. bide, byde, abide, O.E. bīdan, id., O.North. bīda.]

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"Bide v.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 2 Jan 2025 <>



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