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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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First published 1941 (SND Vol. II).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

BLOOD, v. and n.

1. v., tr. and intr. To bleed, to cause blood to flow from. Given as obs. in this sense in St.Eng. by Un. Eng. Dict. Last quot. in N.E.D. dated 1857; our latest quot. 1880. Known to Ags.2, Arg.1 1935. [blʌd]Sc. 1703 P. H. Brown (ed.) Ld. Seafield's Letters (1915) 7:
Who did, in presence of the Commr and of the Estates, beat and blood one of the macers.
Edb. 1824 R. Howden in Royal Sc. Minstrelsy 147:
His visage met a cadie's creel, And set his nose a-blooding.
Lnk. 1718 Minutes J.P.'s Lnk. (S.H.S. 1931) 231:
He . . . deponed he saw the said . . . Archibald Londoun to be wounded, and . . . blooding.
Uls. 1880 W. H. Patterson Gl. Ant. and Dwn.:
Your nose is bloodin'.

Hence blooded, pa.p., bled (in surgical sense).Sc. 1799 H. Mitchell Scotticisms 25:
He has been blooded.

2. n. As in St.Eng., except in the following combs. which are exclusively Sc.

Combs.: (1) blood-grass, a disease of cattle; (2) bloodshed, bloodshot. Given as obs. by N.E.D. with latest quot. 1697. Known to Cai.7, Abd.22, Arg.2, Ayr.8 1935; (3) blood-tongue, “the goose-grass” (Sc. 1911 S.D.D.), Galium aparine.(1) Sth. a.1812 J. Henderson Gen. View Agric. Sth. (1812) 100:
When cattle are changed from one kind of pasture to another, some of them are seized with a complaint called blood-grass (bloody urine). In the Highlands they pretend to cure it by putting a live trout down the throat of the beast.
(2) Ant. 1898 E.D.D.:
Your eye's all bloodshed.

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"Blood v., n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 27 Jul 2024 <>



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