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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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First published 1941 (SND Vol. II).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

BOGI, Bogie, Bogy, Buggi(e), Bougie, n. [′bo:gi, ′bʌgi, ′bugi]

1. A leather bag; “a bag made of sheep-skin” (Sh. 1825 Jam.2, 1866 Edm. Gl., bougie; 1908 Jak. (1928), bogi; 1914 Angus Gl., buggi).Sh.(D) 1891 J. J. H. Burgess Rasmie's Büddie 10:
An dere on da flür as we stüd i da mids, I shake him da saim as da buggie o sids.
Ork. 1905 Dennison Ork. Weddings and Wedding Customs 34:
Meal i' the girnell, eullie i' the bogie. Ale tae the auld folk, milk tae the bairns.
Ork. 1929 Marw.:
Bogy, a skin bag; made sometimes out of the stomach of a whale. Obs. In Ork. generally in the compound uilie-bogy (oil bag).

Combs.: (1) bogibinder, buggibinder, “a miser; stingy person, prop. ‘a person who ties up his leather-bag'” (Sh. 1908 Jak. (1928); 1914 Angus Gl. s.v. buggibinder); (2) bogi-, buggie-flay, bogi-flachter, “to flay an animal without cutting the skin at the belly” (Sh. 1866 Edm. Gl. s.v. buggie-flay; 1908 Jak. (1928); Sh.7 1935); †(3) bogi-, buggi-flooer, “catch-fly (pink), Silene. The Shetl[and] name certainly orig. from the bladder-shaped, inflated calyx” (Sh. 1908 Jak. (1928); 1914 Angus Gl. s.v. buggiflooer).

2. “A nickname for a person with a large paunch” (Sh. 1866 Edm. Gl. s.v. buggie). Sh.7 1936 says: “not in gen. use.”

[O.Sc. has bogie, a skin or leather sack, Sh. quot. 1615 (D.O.S.T.). From a *bolg- *(balg-) form = O.N. belgr, the skin of an animal taken off whole, and used as a bag or sack (Marw.). Cf. Sw. dial. bög, leather sack (M.E.), and Gael. balg, bolg, a sack (MacLennan).]

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"Bogi n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 26 Jul 2024 <>



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