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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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About this entry:
First published 1941 (SND Vol. II). Includes material from the 1976 supplement.
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

CHANNEL, Chennel, n.1, v.1 [′tʃɑn(ə)l, ′tʃɛn(ə)l]

1. n.

(1) Gravel (Abd.19, Ags.17, Fif.10, Slg.3, Lnk.3 1939; Rxb. 1923 Watson W.-B., chennel). Also channelly, gravelly. Prob. so called from its being gen. taken from the channel of a water course. Found also in n.Eng. dial. in forms channel, chennel, chinnel, etc. (see E.D.D.).Sc. 1725 W. Macfarlane Geog. Coll. (S.H.S.) I. 220: 
The earth and soil is gravelish and on a hard channel.
Sc. 1743 R. Maxwell Select Trans. Agric. 109:
The moorish Staple . . . being no thicker than six inches, and having only Sand and Channel below it.
Sc. 1835 T. T. Stoddart Art Angling in Scot. v.:
When your victim is exhausted, draw him gently ashore, upon the nearest channel, or most level part of the margin.
Ork. 1795 Stat. Acc.1 XIV. 329:
The nature of it [the soil] is generally very spongy, or else very hard and channelly, with but a very small stratum of earth.
Fif. 1893 “G. Setoun” Barncraig vii.:
That would be i' March . . . for Tammy was drivin' channel to the gardens o' the big house.
Rxb. 1795 Stat. Acc.1 III. 311:
It is a very fertile, deep, strong clay, some parts of it mixed with small channel, and other parts with sand.

Comb.: chennel-bed, “a river-bed” (Rxb. 1923 Watson W.-B.).

(2) “The pavement or paved side-walk of a street” (Ib., chennel).

Hence channel-stane, “a paving-stone” (Ib.).

(3) “The gutter at the side of a street” (Ib.). Known to Ags.17 1939. Found also in Eng. dial. (E.D.D.).

2. v. Found only as pa.p. or ppl.adj. channel(l)ed, covered with gravel.Sc. 1835 T. T. Stoddart Art Angling in Scot. xiv.:
Its lochs . . . mostly possess rich weeded or channeled bottoms.
Hdg. 1892 J. Lumsden Sheep-head and Trotters 295:
The coach road had to be cleaned, . . . an' the haill o't, frae the tae end tae the tither, new channelled owre.

[O.Sc. channel(l), a watercourse; the gutter in a street, from 1478; shingle, 1592; also chinnell, 1614 (D.O.S.T.).]

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"Channel n.1, v.1". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 22 Oct 2024 <>



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