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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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About this entry:
First published 1941 (SND Vol. II). Includes material from the 2005 supplement.
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

CHEEN, CHINE, Chyne, n. and v.  (chine Ayr.; cheen Abd. 2000s). Also cheyne. Gen.Sc. (except I.Sc.) forms of St.Eng. chain. [tʃin Sc.; tʃəin ne.Sc.]Sc. 1912 A.O.W.B. Fables frae the French 43:
Jalousin' a' was wrang, he brak His cheen, an' syne he speedit back To his auld hame.
Mry.(D) 1927 E. B. Levack Stories Old Lossiemouth 22:
Awyte he's no chined, the blaggaird that 'e is!
Abd. a.1879 W. Forsyth Sel. from Writings (1882) 8:
An' beylies, wi' their gowden chyne, An' flowin' wig, an' cockit hat. Traditional Old Rhyme (per Abd.16 1939): Fan I gaed up the Gallowgate an doon the Windy Wynd, There wis five and twenty wyvers hingin' on a chyne.
Abd. 1987 Sheena Blackhall in Joy Hendry Chapman 49 57:
Invidious, the chynes we forge wirsel!
I wis a prisoner o my ain devising.
Abd. 1991 George Bruce in Tom Hubbard The New Makars 21:
I thocht o the bearers o the chyne o life
that would gang on and on ...
Abd. 1998 Sheena Blackhall The Bonsai Grower 18:
She wis mair nur a bittickie feart o thon bull, fa bedd cheyned bi a ring throwe his snoot tae his staa, ...
Edb. 1996:
That's a nice gold chine roon yer neck.
s.Sc. 1857 H. S. Riddell Psalms lxviii. 6:
God setts the rewfu' an' lane in families: he brings owt thae whilk ar bund in cheens.

[O.Sc. has cheyne, 1375, chen(e), a.1400, chyne, 1664, chine, etc. (D.O.S.T.).]

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"Cheen n., v.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 27 Jul 2024 <>



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