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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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First published 1952 (SND Vol. III). Includes material from the 2005 supplement.
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

CRAPPIT HEIDS, —HEADS, n. comb. “The heads of haddocks stuffed with a pudding made of the roe, oatmeal and spiceries; formerly a common accompaniment of fish and sauce in Scot.” (Sc. 1808 Jam., crappit-heads; Bnff.2, Ags.17, Fif.10, Slg.3 1940). E.D.D. Suppl. (1905) gives cropped-head for Cai.Sc. 1815 Scott Guy M. xxxii.:
I gae a look to making the friar's chicken mysell, and to the crappit-heads too.
Sc. 1904 A. Geikie Sc. Reminisc. 191:
White and black puddings, now almost entirely banished, still maintained their place, together with “crappit heads,” “singed sheep's head,” and sundry other national dishes.
Sc. 1995 Scotland on Sunday 11 Jun 7:
But no; and no sign here of other traditional Scots delicacies like crappit heid, skirlie, rizzered haddies or pan haggerty.
Sc. 1996 Herald 23 Oct 17:
Crappit-heid is a haddock's head stuffed with a compound of oatmeal, suet, onions, and pepper.
Sc. 2000 Scotland on Sunday 27 Aug 46:
There are many delicious things therein and she has also been brave enough to tackle and revisit such dishes as 'crappit heid'. The book is worth buying for the tablet recipe alone.
Sc. 2004 Daily Mail 18 Mar 15:
... followed by stoved howtowdie and rumbledethumps or skirlie; platters of inky-pinky and sippets, perhaps, or delicious crappit heids wi' a daud o' clapshot.
Hebr 1995 Angus Duncan Hebridean Island: Memories of Scarp 94:
Although ceann cropaig, or 'crappit heids', were known in Scarp, I do not remember it as a meal, but I have enjoyed it several times in a crofter's home in Coll, near Stornoway, where my mother-in-law was brought up. It was made from the stuffed heads of fresh haddock from Broad Bay.
Abd. 1868 G. Macdonald R. Falconer I. ii.:
Rin up to Miss Naper's upo' the Squaur, and say . . . I wad be sair obleeged till her gin she wad len' me that fine receipt o' hers for crappit heids.

[From Crap, v.]

Crappit Heids n. comb.

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"Crappit Heids n. comb.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 22 Oct 2024 <>



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