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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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First published 1952 (SND Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

ESTAIBLISH, v. Also estayblish. Sc. forms and usage of Eng. establish (Arg. 1936 L. McInnes Dial. S. Kintyre 26; Bnff.2, Abd.2, Lnk.11 1944). Gen. found as ppl.adj. estaiblished in phr. Estaiblished Kirk, the Established Church of Scotland (Sh.10, Ags.10, Bwk.3, Lnk.11, Arg.3, Rxb.4, Uls.3 1950).

Hence ‡1. Establisher, a member of the Established Church (Rxb.4 1944); 2. estaiblishment, (1) as in Eng.; (2) gen. in Eng. form as a proper n. = the Established Church, i.e. the Church of Scotland, established by law as Presbyterian, after many vicissitudes between Presbyterianism and Episcopacy, by the Revolution Settlement of 1690, confirmed by the Treaty of Union, 1707, and the Church of Scotland Act, 1921.1. Kcb. 1894 S. R. Crockett Lilac Sunbonnet iv.:
Saw a minister an' ne'er thocht . . .o' sayin' cheep ony mair nor if he had been a wutterick. . . . Did he look like an Establisher?
2. (1) Abd. 1871 W. Alexander Johnny Gibb vii.:
There maun be a clearin' oot, an' an estaiblishment o' the true prenciples that oor forefathers focht an' suffer't for.
(2) Sc. 1730 T. Boston Memoirs (1776) 8:
I kept the kirk punctually, where I heard those of the Episcopal way; that being then [a.1688] the national establishment.
Ayr. 1821 Galt Ann. Parish 1.:
My people, those that still adhered to the establishment, bore their share of the dispensation with meekness.
Sc. 1839 J. McKerrow Hist. Secession Ch. I. 183:
The pronouncing of the sentence of deposition against the eight brethren [in 1742], made the separation betwixt the Secession and the Establishment final.
Arg. 1845 Stat. Acc.2 VII. 624:
The attendance upon Divine service at the different places of worship connected with the Establishment throughout the parish may be called good.
Abd. 1865 R. Dinnie Birse 82:
In the course of time he [Rev. J. Skinner] left the Presbyterian Establishment, and adopted the principles of the Scottish Episcopal Church.
Sc. 1898 Stevenson St Ives xxvii.:
She has the root of the maitter! There's a remnant practically in most of the denoaminations. There's some in the McGlashanites, and some in the Glassites, and mony in the McMillanites, and there's a leeven even in the Estayblishment.

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"Estaiblish v.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 27 Jul 2024 <>



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