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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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First published 1956 (SND Vol. IV).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

FARAN, n. Also farran, forin. The starboard side of a boat; gen. used attrib. (Rs., Kcd., Ags. 1916 T.S.D.C. II., forin, Mry., Bnff., Abd. Ib., Bnff. 1950, faran). Cf. Aivrin. [′fɑrən, ′fǫr-]Bnff. 1866 Gregor D. Bnff. 44:
In the deep-sea fishing boats the seat, occupied by the first man on the starboard, is called the farran boo; the second, the mid farran boo; the third, the farran mid-ship; and the fourth, the farran hag. Each man receives the name of his seat; thus, the first is called the farran boo, or the farran boo man.
Bnff. 1886 Folk-Lore Journal IV. 11:
The third pair [from the stern of the boat] has the names of “the aivran slip” and “the farran slip.”
Kcd. a.1914 Mearns Leader (23 June 1950):
Grey mist ayont Garvock, sma' smurr on the farran.
Mry.1 1928:
The faran hanksman was the aftmost oar and had a turn on the main halyards. The faran midshipman rowed the mid oar and turned the ballast. The faran byocksman rowed the foremost oar and worked the sprit.

[A reduced form of Forehand. For the meaning of the right-hand in a ship, cf. Norw. bakbord, Dan. bagbord, Ger. backbord, the “back-board”, port or left-hand side, to which the steersman orig. turned his back.]

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"Faran n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 22 Oct 2024 <>



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