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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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About this entry:
First published 1956 (SND Vol. IV).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

FORESAID, ppl.adj. Also †forsaid. Aforesaid, above-mentioned. Now rare or obs. in Eng. but still common in Sc., esp. in legal or official usage. The pl. form foresaidis survived throughout the 18th cent. (cf. presentis, said(i)s) and is sometimes used as a n.Abd. 1701 in J. Bulloch Pynours (1887) 74:
Item from the forsaids places at the Shoar to the head of the Gallowgat.
Abd. 1723 Powis Papers (S.C.) 222:
To require all and sundry his Majesties Liedges within the forsaids Bounds for putting his Decreets and sentences to due and lawful Execution. And generaly with Power to the said Mr William Fraser to use & Exerce bruike and enjoy during our pleasure allenarly the foresaid office within the saids bounds.
Sh. 1804 Diary Rev. J. Mill (S.H.S.) 143:
Such as could afford a little money might have a Lispund of the meal fors[ai]d at 2 Shillings Sterling.
Sc. 1821 Scott Kenilworth xii.:
An archway surmounted by the foresaid tower.
Sc. 1842 Justiciary Reports (1846) 72:
It being declared before signing, and agreed to by my said disponee and his foresaids.
Sc. 1936 Green's Legal Styles IV. 219:
I as factor and commissioner foresaid bind the said C. D. to free and relieve the said disponee and his foresaids of all feu-duties and public burdens.

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"Foresaid ppl. adj.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 26 Jul 2024 <>



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