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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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About this entry:
First published 1960 (SND Vol. V).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

KENMARK, n. Also kennmark (Sh. 1908 Jak. (1928)) and erron. kent or kenned mark. A distinguishing mark, a mark of ownership on an animal, a brand (Cai., Abd. 1959). Also fig. Cf. Eng. dial. kensmark.Bnff. 1852 A. Harper Solitary Hours 48:
When they of deeds heroic tell, Each leader's ken-mark to note well.
Fif. 1864 W. D. Latto T. Bodkin iv.:
An' hoo did ye come by that kenned mark? [xxx.: kent mark.]
Abd. 1885 J. Bulloch George Jamesone 112:
It needs no such kenmark.
Abd.9 1942:
The sheep were a' stampit on the horns wi' their owner's kenmark.

[Ken, v., + mark. Cf. O.N. kennimark, Du. kenmark, a mark.]

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"Kenmark n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 27 Jul 2024 <>



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