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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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First published 1965 (SND Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

OUTSUCKEN, adj. Sc. Law: outside the Sucken or thirl of a particular mill and therefore not liable to certain dues payable to the miller of that mill (Sc. 1838 W. Bell Dict. Law Scot. 692), gen. in comb. outsucken multure. Now only hist. See Insucken and Multure. [′utsʌkən]Sc. 1709 Morison Decisions 16007:
If the grana crescentia are not sufficient for their own consumption, what is imported for that end pays out-sucken multure.
Sc. 1722 W. Forbes Institute I. ii. 140:
Some come voluntarily to a Mill, where they think they can be best serv'd, and pay the ordinary Duty, called Outsucken, or Outtown Multure.
Mry. 1736 E. D. Dunbar Social Life (1856) 95:
I quarrelled him for taking so much . . . money from me that was out sucken.
Sc. 1754 Erskine Principles ii. ix. § 12:
The quantities payd to the mill by the lands not astricted, are generally proportioned to the value of the labour, and are called out-town or out-sucken multures.
Ags. 1795 Stat. Acc.1 IX. 147:
Nor are the multures heavy, amounting on insucken or grain thirled to a 15th part of the meal produced, on outsucken, to a 20th.
Sc. 1896 J. Skelton Table-Talk I. 172:
The sma' sequels o' the out-sucken multures.

Hence outsuckner, a person outside a Sucken.Abd. 1741 Session Papers, Earl of Aboyne v. Garden (29 June) 6:
Betwixt these neighbouring Mills, in this Stripe of Country, not very full of Cornfields, there are no Outsuckners, or Possessions free from being astricted to the one or the other of these Mills.
Sc. 1760 Caled. Mercury (13 Dec.):
By reason of the commodiousness of the said mill, many outsuckners resort thither, besides the ordinary thirlage.

[O.Sc. outsuckin, 1540.]

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"Outsucken adj.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 22 Oct 2024 <>



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