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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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First published 1965 (SND Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

OUT-TOUN, n., adj. Also out-town. See also Outintoun. [′ut′tun]

I. n. 1. An outlying field on a farm, an Outfield (Abd. 1825 Jam.). Cf. Intoun, I. Used as a place-name in Sh.

2. For out-toun burgess, person, body, man, etc.: one who comes from outside the bounds of a town. Cf. Outland, II. Hist.Lnk. 1716 Burgh Rec. Lnk. (1893) 294:
Full libertie and priviledge of levying and collecting a calsey pennie from out-touns or unfreemen.

II. adj., from attrib. use of the n.: pertaining to those who are outside the Toun or Sucken of a mill. Cf. Outsucken, Out-thirle, and Intoun, II. Phr. out-toun multure, duties for grinding payable to a mill by those who are not astricted to it.Sc. 1708 Morison Decisions 15999:
The defender's use of paying out-town multure only, without being liable to mill-services.
Lnl. 1775 Caled. Mercury (11 Oct.):
The Kinneil mills have, besides a large out-town grist, the whole wheat and other grains, the yearly produce of about 27 plough-gates of land bound to them, and the multure is about a peck per boll.
Sc. 1821 Scott Pirate xi.:
How mony a time have I heard you bell-the-cat with auld Edie Netherstane, the miller at Grindleburn . . . about in-town and out-town multures — lock, gowpen, and knaveship, and a' the lave o't.

[O.Sc. ouittounsman, = I. 2., 1571.]

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"Out-toun n., adj.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 26 Jul 2024 <>



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