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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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About this entry:
First published 1968 (SND Vol. VII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

QUAIRD, n., v. Also querd, quird. A division of the Infield land on a farm, by which a kind of crop rotation was achieved (see quots.). As a v. with vbl.n. quairding, the treatment of the Infield land in this manner. [kwerd]Ags. c.1706 Farmer's Mag. VII. (1806) 159:
The outfield . . . received no manure from the dunghill, and only a small portion of what was to be broke up, had the young stock folded on it during the summer, and from that circumstance said to be taithed; and this mode of management was called taid and quird.
Clc. 1785 Session Papers, Rolland v. Rolland (11 Nov.) 7:
The usual quantity which was sown on the above farm was between eight and nine bolls of barley in three different quairds; and which were followed by the like number of quairds of pease and oats yearly upon the infield grounds, and by quairding, he means that they sowed between eight and nine bolls of barley upon the infield grounds in one year, and which grounds were followed by the like quantities of corn and pease in the succeeding years, and the remainder of sowing was corn in the outfield lands.

[Etym. doubtful. Phs. a variant of quart = quarter, the Infield being formerly divided sometimes into four parts for the purpose of manuring.]

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"Quaird n., v.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 22 Oct 2024 <>



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