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Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)

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First published 1968 (SND Vol. VII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

RIG, n.2, v.2 Also rigg, reeg. Sc. usages of slang or colloq. Eng. rig, sport, a trick, prank, in phrs.: 1. in a rig, in an uproar (Ags. 1954); 2. on the rig, out for fun or mischief, on the randan; 3. to gang one's rigs, to indulge in wild riotous behaviour. Also in n.Eng. dial; 4. to gie (one) a rig, to scold, berate; 5. to kick up a rig, = 8.; 6. to lead one a rig, to lead one on a piece of mischief, to set one on a frolic; 7. to play a rig on, -the rig wi', -one a rig, to hoax, have fun with, make sport of; 8. to raise a rig, to create an uproar; 9. to run a rig on, = 7. Also in Eng. slang; 10. to run one's or the rig(s), -riggie, to run riot, to misconduct oneself, to go on a frolic. Also in Eng. slang. Hence to run one a rig, to beguile, play a trick on; rinrig, a wile, stratagem, deep-laid scheme (Ayr. 1825 Jam.), with a pun on run-rig s.v. Rin, v., 1. (2); 11. to tak the rig, id.1. Ags. 1853 W. Blair Aberbrothock 19:
D'ye mind o' the rook the bodies kickit up at Maister Gleig's nordination? A gie rig the Schule Wynd was in that day.
2. Edb. 1821 W. Liddle Poems 31:
In that champaign ye fought wi' her When on the rig.
Abd. 1903 W. Watson Auld Lang Syne 18:
Ae Setterday nicht that I wis awa' on the rig.
Bnff.7 1925:
“I'm gyain' on the rig the nicht”, used by farm-servants when going sweethearting.
3. Kcb. 1897 A. J. Armstrong R. Rankine 34:
Geordie's gaun his rigs but he'll no need to try ower mony o' thae pranks.
Rxb. 1927 E. C. Smith Braid Haaick 11:
Hei is gaun eis reegs.
4. Dmf. c.1885 A. Marchbank Covenanters of Annandale 82:
A bonnie rig she gaed him.
5. Per. 1897 R. M. Fergusson Village Poet 154:
Kickin' up a cursed rig.
6. Dmf. 1822 Scots Mag. (Nov.) 575:
Deil a doit care ye for a splore. Come alang, Sam, and I'll lead ye a rigg.
7. Bwk. 1869 P. Landreth Fastern's E'en 33:
Fearing that the Creelers meant, as he said, to “play the rig wi' him”.
Ags. 1895 J. Smith Hame-Spun Rhymes 93:
To nae let them play you a rig.
Abd. 1958 Huntly Express (7 Feb.):
Someane's played a rig on ye.
8. Nai. 1828 W. Gordon Poems 269:
They jumpit, they thumpit, and rais'd sic a rig.
9. Gall. 1796 J. Lauderdale Poems 99:
I'll gi'e the saucy loon a whiskin Wha ran the rigs sae sair on Erskine.
Rxb. a.1860 J. Younger Autobiog. (1881) 93:
Ye cripplet deevil, have ye been rinnin' the rig ona me again?
Ags. 1893 Brechin Advertiser (10 Oct) 3:
It seems Sir John Rigby is comin' to rin the rigg on the buddies o' Thrums.
10. Slg. 1792 G. Galloway Poems 74:
To cure my acking head I took a pot, Wednesday morn by day (wild riggs I ran,) Off came my coat and shirt, and away to pawn.
Sc. 1818 Lockhart Scott xlii.:
One's fancy may be running its ain riggs in some other world.
Lnk. 1873 A. G. Murdoch Doric Lyre 57:
If we dinna rin the riggie ‘Twill e'en be odd.
Per. 1890 Scots Mag. (Jan. 1956) 281:
Sandy Tamson's Sunday wig Left the hoose tae rin the rig.
Dmb. 1899 J. Strang Lass of Lennox ix.:
He'll rin her a fine rig yet, I'm thinkin', an' serve her richt.
Kcb. 1903 Crockett Banner of Blue ii.:
If your brother runs the rig like this, you'll find yourself heir to Castle Gower some fine morning before long!
Per. 1904 R. Ford Hum. Sc. Stories (Ser. 2) 26:
He has run the rigs wi' Maggie Anderson.
11. wm.Sc. 1835 Laird of Logan 153:
She [cow] took the rig, an' got it [a broken leg] jumping the style to the stooks.

II. v. To play a trick on, to befool, tease, torment (Cld. 1880 Jam.; Per. 1915 Wilson L. Strathearn 263; Wgt. 1968). Also in slang or colloq. Eng.

[Orig. obscure.]

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"Rig n.2, v.2". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 22 Oct 2024 <>



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